A wealthy city state that has grown fat and prosperous in these trying times. Originally a trade port, the current city of Rhime lies split in half on both banks of the wide river the city takes its name from. In the years since, the city has expanded its territory to include once outlying villages, and now a winding maze of streets has all but swallowed the natural terrain around the river down to the bay where it meets the sea.

As a city-state in its own right, Rhime is administered by a federation of guilds, primarily led by the powerful merchant service guild. The guild also serves as the standing naval force protecting the southern harbor on the seafront, and used its military might to enforce customs and protect trading depots along the upper river basin north of the city.

Long Reach
A series of fissures and chasms cutting across the land to the East. Once served as a soft border where a swift river cut through the vales, but tremors deep within the earth created an impasse stronger than any garrisoned force could have hoped for. Now, the cracks are home to all sorts who might take advantage of the tenuous string of rope bridges that join the two sides. Makeshift communities have since solidified into proper habitation on the cliffs and caves that dot the great cracks in the earth. However, many who flock here are hardly upstanding citizens of the Bastion and its domain.

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