1.  DM/Non-Player Characters: Once the fighting is inevitable I'll post stats for the NPCs in combat:

Black Bear - INIT: 13, AC: 11, HP: 19

That way each round you can act and respond to the other actions without having to wait on me to tell you if you hit and if the NPC is dead.

2.  NPC Initiative:  All enemy NPCs will get the same INIT roll.  The party members (PCs & NPCs) will act either before or after the foe NPCs based on their own rolls.

3.  No God-moding!:  You can be as elaborate or understated as you want with your combat posts.  What you can't do is move the NPCs or speak/act for other PCs.

"I slap the orc and he runs off crying for his mommy." is just as bad as "I slap the other PC and he runs off crying for his mommy."

4.  PC COMBAT HEADER: Once we enter combat and everyone is swinging please place the round number above your post.  This is helpful to keep things straight.

Replicate the below heading during combat:


AC: 19
Damage: 12/45
Modifiers: None
Initiative: 14

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