Dungeon World

How do you play this game?! (in one paragraph).

Dungeon world is an action-heavy RPG that's light on rules. This lets it play out like a movie or a book without having to adjudicate the specifics of every little detail. MOVES are the essential base unit for all rulings.  Moves have triggers.  Your character does things in this fictional world, and if you trigger a move, you must roll and follow the instructions in the move. This is not optional. The GM then tells you what happens. Characters have Basic Moves (the stuff you'll do a lot that everybody can do), Advanced Moves (the stuff you'll do once in a while), and Class Moves (the stuff you can do that nobody else can). All the rest of the details, like what level you are.. getting new moves.. dying.. buying a pony.. we'll work that out when we need to.