Rolling Dice

RPOL has a somewhat clunky builtin dice roller, but it's not built in to the posting interface.  That's a philosophical decision I guess. Whatever.

In general, the GM will ask you to roll, and provide a link you can click on that will run the dice roller, and log the result. You then can just copy/paste that into your response post.  Sometimes you'll need to roll more (like for damage), or you'll predict that a roll is coming and just pre-roll it. Use the Dice Roller for this as well. It's linked in the RPOL menu. Choose the dice, and add some memo text so that when I look at the log, I know what the roll was for.  If you try and do a pre-roll, and I see a bunch of rolls in a row for the same thing, I'm going to call you a cheater and your character will get AIDS.