Hjaalmarch is a hold in northern Skyrim, with its capital in Morthal. It is initially affiliated with the Imperial Legion, but can be captured by the Stormcloaks should certain conditions be met.

Despite its position just east of the capital of Skyrim, Solitude, Hjaalmarch is remote and isolated. The enormous, festering swamp dominating the northern part of the hold could be a factor, as could be the tall, snowy mountains in the south, and the ancient, cursed city of Labyrinthian blocking a possible trade route to Whiterun Hold.

It is the poorest hold in Skyrim, sustained by the Morthal lumber mill and the mining town of Stonehills. Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone is comparatively lax with taxation, but her people are unhappy with her governance and several will complain openly.

Hjaalmarch is divided into halves by the east-west road. The northern half is mostly swamp, formed by the River Hjaal breaking into many tiny streams east of Fort Snowhawk. However, on the eastern edge the terrain shifts to become more like the Pale along the border with that hold - snowy plains broken up by crags around the Stormcloak camp and Ustengrav. The southern half is mountainous terrain above the snow line, with the exception of the River Hjaal valley.

A single paved road runs from the west near Dragon Bridge, past Fort Snowhawk (where the residents may attack you even if you stay on the path) and Morthal, curving north around the Stonehills area before entering the Pale.

The most notable pathway starts southwest of Stonehills and ends in Whiterun Hold between Hamvir's Rest and Silent Moons Camp, passing through the ruins of Labyrinthian along the way. Other paths run from the road east of Fort Snowhawk south to Dead Men's Respite, and north from Morthal to Movarth's Lair. Beyond that the swamp is pathless, however, so beware of getting lost.