Champions will mostly be freeform, with maybe a few basic dice rolls every now and again, to spice things up with a random element. Though there are attributes and skills, listed below, these are there not so much to dictate the game, but to give a general idea of how good your character is at something. All Attributes and Skills will range from 0-5 and adhere to the following scale;

0 = Average (Basic Education/Training), 1 = Skilled, 2 = Good, 3 = Very Good, 4 = Exceptional , 5 = Masterful.

Basic Attributes:
Strength = Measure of your physical prowess and brute strength.
Sight = Measure of your general awareness and ability to notice/see things.
Agility = Measure of your physical coordination and ability to move around.
Mind = Measure of your willpower and general intelligence.
Social = Measure of your charisma and ability to interact with people.

You have ten (10) points to spend on your attributes.

The way skills will be handled in Champions, is a little different from usual RPGs. Instead of spending X amount of points on X amount of skills, you spend your points to buy skills - Thus allowing you, the player, to decide exactly which skills your character begins with.

There are a total of 18 skills, split into three categories;
- Illusion (Magic that alters light and a target's mind, distracting, controlling or even driving them mad.)
- Conjuration (Magic that is used to summon otherworldly entities, creating magical guardians, weapons, armor and to repel (or raise) the undead.)
- Destruction (Magic that is harmful to all living and unliving things, often imbued with elemental powers.)
- Restoration (Magic that is capable of restoring life and energy, as well as curing ailments and healing wounds. It can also be used to drain one of life or energy.)
- Alteration (Magic that alters the physical and/or magican properties of the environment, an object or a creature.)
- Enchantments (Knowledge of magical enchantments and the ability to make them, by endowing objects with magic)
More detailed information on magic, can be found Here.

- Tinkering (Ability to repair and maintian equipment, as well as craft basic items.)
- Security (Ability to bypass conventional locks and traps.)
- Stealth (Ability to move around swiftly, quietly and unnoticed.)
- Pickpocket (Ability to pilfer through peoples' pockets and bags, unnoticed.)
- Alchemy (Knowledge of potions, both harmful and helpful, as well as the materials needed to brew them.)
- Speechcraft (Ability to influence others, with words alone.)

- One-Handed (Skill with one-handed short- and longswords, axes, maces, daggers and clubs.)
- Two-Handed (Skill with heavy, two-handed blades, battle-axes, spears and poles.)
- Marksmanship (Skill and accuracy with bows and crossbows.)
- Blocking (Skill of wielding a shield, in conjunction with a weapon.)
- Heavy Armor (Skill and understanding of wearing and penetrating heavy armor.)
- Light Armor (Skill and undrstanding of wearing and penetrating light armor.)

You have five (5) points to buy (or upgrade) skills with, each skill costs 1 point and starts at 0.

It will be possible to advance your skills and even learn new ones. At the end of each chapter, a few skill points will be given to you, to spend on your skills. Alternatively, you can hold onto those points until the party reaches a major city or town, where learning a new skill is possible.

Your character may also have one, unique 'Power'; A special ability, that can be magical or mundane in nature. For an example, a special attunement with nature, a deep knowledge of the world's history and cultures, understanding of different languages, etc. It should be something that sets your character apart, from all others, a trait. Your power should NOT be a special ability, like a spell, the ability to use thu'ums, the possession of a dragon companion or whatever. I hold full veto power over your character's Power and we'll hammer out the details, if necessary.

Spells will either have to be purchased, or found in the world. When you first create a character, unlocking one of the Arcane Skills, will also grant you the most basic spell of that skill (listed below) - skills unlocked later on, will not (under normal circumstances) grant you any free spells.

Basic spells:
- Illusion: Clairvoyance (Shows the path to a desired target, within a short distance.)
- Conjuration: Bound Dagger (Creates a magical dagger for the caster, for an indefinite amount of time. It dissipates when let go.)
- Destruction: Flames (Fires a gout of fire from the caster's hands.)
- Restoration: Healing (Heals simple injuries and ailments.)
- Alteration: Candlelight (Creates a hovering orb of light around the caster, for a short time.)

As there will be no magicka or other derivation of "mana points", casting spells will be restricted to a simple, 'every few turns'. In a pinch, the waiting time can be ignored, however with great penalties to spell effectiveness and to your character's exhaustion, from casting too much, too often.

When combat begins, I will announce it clearly, at which point time will slow down and the story takes on a strict turn-based format, where each turn spans a few seconds of in-game time. Each character may only perform one action during their post and may post only once, during each round of turns - The order in which players post, must also adhere to the initiative sequence, determined at the start of combat. During each combat round, players post their actions after which I will make a post, containing the moves of any NPCs involved and summarizing the consequences of PC and NPC actions. This process repeats, until combat has finished.

Moving over short distances (a few meters) does NOT constitute an Action, neither do other menial tasks, such as unsheathing your weapon, picking up something from the floor, drawing an arrow etc.. However attacking, accessing an inventory (chest, backpack, etc) or performing a skill-based action (casting magic, lockpicking, pickpocketing, etc) DO take up an Action, during combat play.