Linked Attribute:
Intellect + Logic
Specializations: Bureaucratic Manipulation, Logistics, [Specific Planetary Government], Space Station Administration

Administration represents a character's ability to work in and with bureaucratic systems, knowledge of bureaucratic procedures and how to manipulate them, skill at managing datawork, organizational abilities, and ability to work in and with hierarchies and organizations. From a military standpoint, it also includes logistics (organizing the supply and deployment of personnel and materiel to accomplish some objective) and premission planning (obtaining the correct equipment, putting the most qualified people on a particular mission, making sure that characters who work well together receive the same assignments, and the like).

In game terms, a successful use of Administration can improve the efficiency of groups of characters working on the same task. When a character with Administration "takes the lead" during certain Combined or Extended Tests, the Narrator may have him make an Administration Test. If he succeeds, the Narrator lowers the target cumulative Test Result by an amount equal to the character's Administration skill level or Specialization (or twice that for a Dramatic Success); alternatively, he may decrease the Difficulty of the Test(s) needed to perform the task by 1 (or 2 for a Dramatic Success). Failure means no bonus; a Dramatic Failure usually results in an increased Difficulty Number or cumulative Test Result.