Jilva will only allow explores in teams of three or more down the tower. These teams can be formed with members of the following starter jobs. It is well advised not to work in a team of all like minded jobs but as long as you don’t die in a hard to reach place nobody will bother you on your team structure.


All explores are required to fill out a form on their personal information. All explores are divided into one of the many main classes below. Skilled explores can be divided into subclasses after earning merits. Given the newness of the Faith tester’s explorations in the last ten years explores of new varieties are often applying. The list below updates periodically when new subclasses are discovered.

The main class of faith testers, they must jump down into the tower alone or with only the guiding eyes of a Watcher’s Seer to lead them. They often act as scouts leading and warning their teammates of danger ahead. They send to act on their own and dislike reckless actions as they are often the closest to the enemy.


Madfly- A jumper who welds larger jump weapons. They increase the sensitivity of their Jumper device in order to fly around the battlefields. they need much more space to move.

Creepers- fast and deadly. Creepers give up the jumper devices limits in order to move beyond speeds physically safe. They are skilled in hand to hand combat as most weapons will break under the strain of their movements. They wear light armor on their arms and legs to prevent the body from breaking down from the force of their strikes.

A faith tester who does not jump. they use pieces of lost technology named Seers to guide Jumpers. Seers are small floating robots, often a bit glitchy and need constant repairs. Those with good mad making skills and tinkering skills are best suited to watcher position. Watchers are non-combative under normal circumstances.


Combat Keeper- a watcher who learns close range combat and has upgraded their Seers to support them. they use heavy weapons with the aid of a seer lifting the weapon up.

Tinker Keeper- A watcher whose outfitted their seer to fight long distance. They have harnessed the power of “guns”. the seers are upgraded with gun turrets. They are not strong, but can easily fly in and out of formation. Requires great concentration. Tinker Keepers are stationary during combat meaning they need to be protected.

A bomb or explosive user, these people have to have a strong arm and capabilities to create their own explosives. They love to rush into hoards of tower dwellers and create chaos. They tend to not work well with Jumpers who often end up at the receiving end of the explosion. They have complete mastery over the Flare Drive and can set anything on fire. They also are immune to extreme heat.


Driveblaster- Uses weak homing robot based explosives. They can split their flare drive into more then one burning lighter. They don’t pack a strong punch but are guaranteed to never hit a Jumper again… if said drive are under warranty.

Trapblaster- A Blitzer who uses wires and trigger traps to set off bombs. They are slower to set up but always leave a big blast for those who love burning things.

Considered to be the product of the Ancestors knowledge refound. Judgers are children brought into a town’s Lusis. They hold powers unlike average faith testers. Supposedly gaining power through medical enhancements like the old ways they use what most consider Magic. This Magic veries into three sub classes. these are specialized Judgers who excel in one of the three talent areas.  The Lusis of Jilva and Meru have allowed their apprentice Judgers access into the tower. Judgers hate Alchemist who defile the lost knowledge and distribute it to the masses. They use the Player Drive.


Cryptist- Juders who stray from the given path of worship.  They fiddle with corpses and grow increasingly disturbed. They command the dead husk of their enemies with limited success. The husk tend to fall apart quickly but with the magic to set the bodies on fire or use them as distractions can be rather useful when you’re having a bad day… and it beats torturing cats.

Fisionest- The power to rip and destroy objects with the slightest touch. In accordance to their rules this power is only to be used on non-living matter. They tend to cover up their hands in order to control themselves. it is said that their power comes from stopping time itself. Fisionest supposedly stop aging once their power awakens. They hate Cryptist due to the group’s wayward and disturbed nature.

Illusionist- Can trick the senses of most beast including Sentinel species. they can create illusions that can even kill enemies by tricking them into believing death. Not to be underestimated. Illusionist are said to lose the sensation of touch once their powers awaken and crave delicate and detailed images into their bodies using colored thread and a needle.

A scientist or researcher of the ancestor’s technology. They are always at odds with the Judgers. They wish to spread the lost knowledge to everyone. Always friendly and willing to help. Alchemist can make rocks into food and broken blades new. They uses Bind Devices in order to break objects into a mist and reconfigure them into something new. They must keep into account matter and mass. They also have a limit to how often they can transmute creations.


Humoculist- An Alchemist who learns the secrets of creating life. Humoculist create fleshy puppets to serve them. They are required to keep a model creation or a main puppet nearby them at all times in order control the servant puppets properly. These models are often shaped into simple animal forms.

Developer- An alchemist who stripes the Bind Device of all domestic functions in exchange for greater transmutational abilities. Those that can shape and shape often but lack some of the finesses and control. Their creations are powerful but are hard to repair due to the unstable nature of the transmutation.

Well they are not the brightest, nor the strongest, and did not receive any form of official drive power. Orphans tend to make up the bulk of the operation force and often are the group that pulls up the dead bodies. Every now and again though one might find a group in need of a guide who has been down there or had access to the maps if they cannot get their hands on a Watcher. They hate Watchers who have access to technology that they can’t. They can reach hidden areas in the tower with their mastery over the illegal Orb items. Most orphans have only one orbs but can collect more with the right sources.


Doppelganger- Orphans with quick wits can learn to use their enemies and environment as weapons. They use orbs items to record an action. They can then re-perform the action any time. The orbs can only record one action per orb.

Transferist- Orphans using orbs to jump between locations or as a large bag. The transferist needs two orbs that they can pull themself through or gather objects inside of. Weapons and tools can be safely stored with their orbs and food never looses it’s freshness. This is a power built to allow long explorations of the tower.

Nurse- An orphan who uses their orbs to heal even fatal wounds. They can repair wounds and save lives. They tend to charge a hefty price back at the base but the exploring nurses are free to use. Nurses also have the ability to scan the enemy and can identify weak points.

Usually well guarded, they are well prepared for anything that comes their way. they often use the lost technology with little care for it’s actual function as long as they can sell it later. They tend to weld Guard Drive. A drive that forms a powerful shield. They are slow but well armed to protect their lives and merchandise. Watchers like to be partnered with a Merchant due to the added protection.


Guardsmen- Giving up the life of money, Guardsmen build up their defenses to protect others. Most of Jilva’s city guard are former guardsmen. They wield larger Guard Drives and are even slower in combat but can withstand even the attacks of Yugit monsters.

Armsguard- Instead of using the guard drive as a shield, the device is outfitted to become attached maces or blades that both guard and attack. they are faster than guardsmen but do not have the benefits of full armor.