Arroyo Tribe

Arroyo Tribe part of the collection of hill tribes known as the Chalkos.

Speak a common tongue - Chlakosian.

Was "absorbed" into the Croutonian Empire about a generation ago. Croutonian way of life inc religion being put upon the tribe. Some holding out, keeping to the old ways. Those that spend a lot of time out of the village (eg hunters, prospectors/miners etc) found it easiest to practice the old ways.

Why slave....
While the Croutonian Empire was more tolerant, the current governor of the area saw those not embracing Croutonian life, religion etc as a slight against himself. He made a deal with some unsavoury types and had those more outspoken tribesmen swept up and put into slavery. Strictly speaking illegal, as they'd not committed any crime and were considered citizens of the empire, especially those such as Vrykul who had been born after his village was considered part the Croutonian Empire.


Orecura [Rune: Earth, Fertility Symbol: Rock]
Goddess of the earth. a chthonic goddess of riches, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth

Lugos [Rune: Infinity, Mastery Symbol: Sun]
God of creation, learning, travel.

Vauledwell [Rune: Man Symbol: Tribal Markings]
Tribal god, Arroyo tribal protector.

God of healing

God of smiths

Goddess of the groves, woodslands and forests

Goddess of storms and thunder