How this game is 'set up'.

One individual plays as the Narrator.  For very large games, there may be more than one narrator in order to accommodate numerous players.  The Narrator’s job is to adjudicate everyone’s actions, provide a narrative to the world events, and run the hidden mechanics behind the game.
The other players are the Usurpers.  They represent the driven leaders who are seeking to establish a kingdom of their own under their own rule.

Each player is assigned Three Threads.  These are private to each player (assigned via Alpha-Numeric Group.)

1) In-Game Thread.  This is where the story will take place, you will post actions, and receive turn results.
2) Out of Character Thread.  This is where you can ask questions that you don't want others to see, clarify actions, or get answers to rules issues.
3) Stat-Tracker Thread.  This is where your Lair, Forces, and Journal posts will be held.  This is where you will monitor your Usurpation's growth, record Leader and Unit character sheets, and so forth.
- The Stat-Tracker Thread is divided into:
-- Lair Post: This is where you keep track of the Rooms present in your Lair (one Lair post per Lair), along with your stored resources and items.
-- Forces Post: This is where you will track the character sheets for your Leaders, your Units, and your Extras.
-- Journal Post: this is free-writing space for you to keep track of important notes that will keep you focused on your objectives.