Explaining Stat Blocks:

Speed:M/2Carry Cap:2Max Tools:2
Max Weapons:2Cost:10GPUpkeep5GP
Special/Skills:Diplomacy + 5%.
Items Carried:
Items Equipped:
Weapons Equipped:
Armor Equipped:

NAME: In the above example you see: Humans.  Feel free to name your Unit whatever you prefer.  Example: Humans - Honor Guard.  This is how you will distinguish between individual Units.

Speed: There are several varieties of Combat Speed: Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast, Very Fast, Celeritous. Whichever unit has the higher speed, automatically gets to swing first.

   The number after the slash is only used for determining the number of spaces that your Unit can travel (Grids), this does not pertain to combat.

Offense: Determines the overall Attack value of a unit.

Defense: Determines the overall Dexterity/Endurance value of a unit.

Strength:  Determines the overall Damage value of a unit.

Carry Cap: Short for Carrying Capacity.  This is the number of items that a Unit can carry.  This does not include items that are Equipped (these are governed by other stats.)  Multiples of 20 count as 1 when discussing resources (Lumber, Stone and Iron.)  Multiples of 2 count as 1 when discussing Food.

  [ Example: A unit of Humans has a carrying capacity of 2.  It can haul 40 Units of Lumber itself without needing to resort to a cart.  If you manage to gather more than this number, the excess is lost unless you manage to divide up the excess to other Units. ]

Please Note: Carrying Capacity works differently than Storage Room Slots.

Max Tools: This is the maximum number of Tools that this Unit can keep equipped.  This does not include other items, nor weapons (these are governed by other stats.)  You *can* carry Tools without them being equipped (You would do this if you were hauling back tools from purchasing at a CP.  They do not provide bonuses.  Duplicate Tools on a single Unit do not provide additional bonuses.)

Max Weapons: This is the maximum number of Weapons that this Unit can keep equipped.  This does not include other items, nor tools (these are governed by other stats.)  You *can* carry Weapons without them being equipped (You would do this if you were hauling back tools from purchasing at a CP.  They do not provide bonuses.  Duplicate Weapons on a single Unit do not provide additional bonuses.)

 * Note on Weapons.  Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, and Shields all count as Weapons.

Cost: This is the amount this Unit costs to Recruit.  This is factored into a Unit's value at the end of the game for victory purposes.  (Note only standard cost if calculated - if you managed to hire a Unit at a discount or had to pay extra - only the standard cost is calculated.)

Upkeep: This is the amount that must be paid each month to keep this Unit loyal to you and in your charge.

    * Upkeep is important.  If you miss an Upkeep payment, you do not automatically lose the Unit.  Multiply the amount of Gold by which you missed the necessary payment by 5.  This is the percentage of Morale immediately lost by this Unit.  A check is made against this amount.  Your Throne Room can offset this penalty to some degree.  For each Month that passes - the amounts become cumulative until you successfully pay the entire debt.

  [ Example: A Human Unit's Leader misses an Upkeep payment, only managing to pay 1 GP.  (5 GP - 1 paid = 4 GP Unpaid) 4 x 5 = 20%.  The Leader has a Throne Room bonus of 5%.  1d100 is rolled.  On a roll of 15 (20% - 5%) or less, and the Unit Deserts - and goes about telling-off everyone just how poor of a leader you are. ]

Special/Skills: These are the Bonuses Unique to this Unit and/or its Race.  As your Units gain Experience (XP), this category will improve and they will become more valuable than when you first hired them.

Unique: Some Units possess abilities that no other unit has innately.  These abilities are known as Unique Abilities.  They can range from one-shot effects in combat, to special bonuses above-and-beyond those normal for their race.

Items Carried: Carefully list any items that are being carried to perform a task.  You do not need to annotate resources and items that are only carried for a single turn that are immediately returned to your Storage Rooms (simply annotate their use in the actual In-Game Post.)

Items Equipped: Any Items and Weapons Equipped, please annotate them here.

Armor: Every Unit can have one type of Armor equipped, no more.