
The presumed extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) designated BRONZE FREESTYLE is humanoid in general morphology but incapable of passing for human.  To date, two sightings have been documented, with one resulting in the recovery of a severely-damaged specimen.  All following observations derive from these contacts.

The BRONZE FREESTYLE entity is approximately 1.1 meters tall and proportionally slimmer (typically described as "emaciated") than a human of equivalent height.  Physically, BRONZE FREESTYLE is swift and dexterous but fragile and lacking in physical strength.  However, subjective experiences of Task Force 47 personnel exposed to it, as well as Australian nationals operating under its influence, strongly suggest that BRONZE FREESTYLE has significant telepathic capabilities.

Contact with BRONZE FREESTYLE occurred in the context of TUNGSTEN MEMENTO cooperation with Australian Aboriginal radical environmentalists and suborned Australian federal security personnel.  This aligns with previously-observed TUNGSTEN MEMENTO activities and strongly suggests that BRONZE FREESTYLE and TUNGSTEN MEMENTO are cooperatively engaged in destabilization of terrestrial sociopolitical structures.

BRONZE FREESTYLE has not been directly observed to use terrestrial technology, though evidence suggests employment of a distraction device to break contact when threatened with capture.  Recorded use of non-terrestrial technology includes the BELCOURT MALLARD devices and the CHRISTINE HAWK weapon.


As noted above, BRONZE FREESTYLE's basic morphology resembles a short, emaciated human in general plan.  Its long, flexible neck bears a disproportionately large teardrop-shaped head with two large, black eyes. a lipless and leathery beak of a mouth, no external ears, and slitted nostrils with no nose.  It is hairless and does not wear clothing.  In short, it bears a resemblance to the "Gray" aliens of UFO folklore that is too strong to be coincidental.  Its body temperature is significantly higher than human norm, with the head being a particular hot-spot.

Severe damage to the recovered BRONZE FREESTYLE specimen complicates analysis of its internal structure.  However, its nervous system is significantly more complex than the human norm, and incorporates traces of ferrous alloys which appear to be naturally-occurring.  Its brain, in particular, is a mesh of dense neural tissue and microscopic metallic structures.

Preliminary biochemical analysis suggests that BRONZE FREESTYLE has particularly high energy demands when compared to terrestrial mammals of similar mass.

BRONZE FREESTYLE is vulnerable to small arms fire but its size and agility may render it a difficult target.  It is not believed to pose a significant hand-to-hand combat threat.  However, the use of the CHRISTINE HAWK artifact should be cause for concern.

Telepathic Abilities

While such traits defy current objective science, there is strong subjective evidence that BRONZE FREESTYLE possesses telepathic capacity for communication, sensing/detection, and offensive suggestive implantation.  The BELCOURT MALLARD family of artifacts appears to enhance these capabilities to levels that can only be described as weaponized.

Recorded Contact 1 - Australia, 2015

During Operation ESSENTIAL NOMAD, Grey Cell of Task Force 47 encountered BRONZE FREESTYLE during two combat contacts.  Both incidents also involved BELCOURT MALLARD artifacts and multiple TUNGSTEN MEMENTO entities.  The second engagement yielded a single set of BRONZE FREESTYLE remains.

Full records of these contacts, including raw tactical footage and taped debriefs of all TF47 personnel, are available under TUNGSTEN MEMENTO AMBER, cross-referenced to BRONZE FREESTYLE AMBER.