Please, do.  I don't make scenes invisible to characters that aren't in them because part of the fun in RPG's is being the audience for a cool story.  Many folks worry about meta-gaming but I don't.  I assume that the people I'm playing with are mature individuals looking to have fun and help everyone else playing to have fun as well.  So I don't guard against meta-gaming.  I just expect all meta-gaming to be in the service of everyone's fun and to make the story better.

Let me give an example...

If you read in one of my Cut Scenes that something you think is awesome is going on over in Oleg's Trading Post.  I think it's perfectly fine if you find some reason for your character to go to Oleg's.  I obviously have something going on up there.  You want to be involved.  It makes no sense to me for us to miss out on what you think would be fun just because your character "doesn't know" about anything going on up there.

So, read the other player's scenes to your heart's content.  Don't worry about the player / character information divide.  Just make things awesome and we're good.