Although every healthy individual has some narcissistic tendencies, trouble ensues when narcissism overpowers an individual’s other character traits and becomes the major driving force of his existence.
While a vain/dandy character is obsessive about his personal appearance, a narcissistic character is obsessed with his own importance on a much deeper level– while a vain individual simply relishes looking good, a narcissist cannot stand to turn over the spotlight to anyone else. A narcissist is a glory-hound of the worst sort, fixated upon credit and recognition for achievement regardless of actual achievement. It is of paramount importance (often quite transparently obvious to others) for a narcissist to attempt to “hog the credit” for any positive action and likewise shrug off the blame for any defeat, even if it falls squarely on him.
[3 Pts.]
Your character’s unbridled conceit, unrealistic self-estimation, and glaring thirst for recognition all combine to make him very difficult to get along with. His behavior may be somewhat amusing in small doses, but over a long enough period of time it will probably become tremendously aggravating to his friends and allies.
At the DM’s discretion, your character suffers a variable circumstance penalty (-1 to -4) to Charisma-based skill and ability checks in situations where his narcissism may be expected to grate on the nerves of NPCs.