Your character is cut off from both his family and the society that reared him, not by formal outcasting or rule of law, but by emotional conflicts that are too painful for either side to even confront, much less set aside.
[2 Pts.]
Your character carries a great weight of mixed frustration and regret about this situation, and will Spend much of his time contemplating it, often at the expense of good humor or good fellowship. He will get no aid from his family or his society; indeed, he will be reluctant to go near them, even when circumstances seem to require it. A good DM will weave this estrangement throughout an ongoing campaign, ensuring that it rears its head from time to time to turn some satisfaction or new happiness into ashes in your character’s mouth.
Special: While reconciliation is not impossible, it will only come at the end of a long effort by both sides— an effort that the other side may not be willing to make even if your character is.
Limitation: A character cannot be Estranged if he has a Divisive Destiny .