Your character has an excessive fear of personal injury, death, failure and abandonment. He is not inclined to take risks, hates to enter a dangerous situation before others, and will often engage in pitiful displays of cowardice that would shame a character made of sterner stuff.
[3 Pts.]
Your character will frequently attempt to maneuver himself physically to place others between himself and danger (“Quick, get in front of me, where you’ll be safe!”). He has very little shame about cringing displays of cowardice.
While he won’t completely abandon close friends in need, he certainly won’t step boldly forward to risk his neck on their behalf. He’ll do the minimum necessary (fleeing with an unconscious friend over his shoulder, for example, as opposed to fighting the monster that knocked the friend unconscious).
Whenever possible, he will fight in the least honorable and risky way imaginable, taking cover or using powerful magic weapons even if such actions aren’t strictly necessary.
Special Handicap:
[Yellow, +1 Pt.]
Your character suffers a -2 morale penalty to all saves against fear, horror, and demoralization effects.
Special: This flaw exerts a powerful pull on your character’s actions. It may be combined with other personality conflict flaws, provided that when one cancels out the other the character will still suffer some penalty. For example, a cowardly character would never imagine leaping into a freezing river to save a drowning pack animal. However, a cowardly miser would do so in an instant if that pack animal carried his bags of treasure, exposing himself to extreme risk without thought of his usual cowardice. While the character’s cowardice is temporarily subsumed, his behavior could by no means be termed healthy.
Limitation: This flaw may not be combined with the Aggressive flaw , nor may a cowardly character be Overconfident  or Risk-Addicted .