Shingi to Giri - Mirumoto Hanzo's Twin Sister Blades

Ganbaru - Persistence, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Crab (currently in the custody of Yasuki Rin)

Handan - Judgement, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Crane (currently in the custody of Doji Tanaka (2:msg 8))

Funbetsushin - Prudence, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Dragon (currently in the custody of Yukito Riozu)

Shojiki - Honesty, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Kirin (currently in the custody of Otaku Reiko)

Yashin - Ambition, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Lion (currently in the custody of Yukito Riozu)

Jonetsu - Passion, blade created by Hantei Jama, intended for the Phoenix (currently in the custody of Gusai Yuuno)

Dainichiken - blade created by Hantei Michi