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Richard Hawthorne

Name: Richard Alexander Hawthorne
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: English
Ethnic Origin: English

Richard Hawthorne is one of the most experienced members of the Shadow Walker's field team. He is also one of the most charming but paradoxically also one of the most sinister. Those who know him loosely call him the Satyr but those who know of his abilities prefer the term Incubus.

His skill in the field tends to lie in his ability to seduce. He seems to have an unnatural ability to invoke feelings of desire and arousal in members of the opposite sex. This alone does not make him sinister. What makes him sinister is the fact that he seems able to drain the life force of a woman during intercourse and add it to his own. A very select few have also reported that he can do the reverse - transfer some excess life energy into someone else.