
Posting Rates and Rules

My timezone is GMT+0

I will try to respond on Mondays and Thursdays. If I can post on other days I will but it isn't guaranteed.

I expect AT LEAST one or two posts a week.


If you are going to be absent for an extended period please use the absences thread here:-


Please state when you expect to be returning as well and the absence rules here will then start to apply again from the date we expect you to return.

Any player not posting IC within a week will undergo the purge process starting each Monday.

The purge process is as follows:-

1. Every Monday I will check who hasn't posted IC within a week without stating their absence in the absences thread and send them a friendly rmail letting them know that they will be removed on Friday if they do not respond.

2. I will post their character names in the AWOL Thread given here:-

Absent without Leave

3. They will continue to be NPced until The Following Monday after which the player will be removed. Removal of the character from this point will depend on our personal choice and / or their importance to the game or other PCs. We may put them up for adoption and if we do so their details will be posted in the orphanage thread, but may still kill them off if not adopted within a reasonable time:-


If you're not happy with the posting rate then you need not apply.

Posting Etiquette

As players we all have different schedules and commitments outside of this game. This makes some of us more frequent posters than others. Whilst this isn't a bad thing some etiquette needs to be adhered to so that slower posters don't feel they are getting left behind. So I am imposing the following rules.

If you are in a thread with other characters (including major NPCs) please wait your turn to post. After you have posted please wait until Every PC and major NPC has posted before you post again.

I understand that this will slow a large thread full of characters down but I would rather a slow moving thread than one that moves so fast players start to leave because they can't keep up. I've seen this happen and I've done this myself in the past.

The maximum acceptable waiting time is one week. If some PCs or NPCs have not posted within a week of you posting yourself then you may post again.

Anyone consistently breaking this rule will have their posts edited or deleted and may be removed from the game.

General Gaming rules

If you recognize this set of rules, it's probably because I've copied it off your game. This is because.

1. I'm too lazy to use my own wording.

2. I think this set of rules is pretty comprehensive

3. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

If you really object let me know and I'll use my own wording instead.

1.No Godmodding.

Which means no playing of other peoples characters or NPCs. Do not describe actions that they take or move them from place to place.

2. Keep IC and OOC Separate.

No OOC comments in an IC post. Take it to PM's or include it as a 'private line'.

3. Posting Frequency.
You should try to post at least once a week. Please post in the absent thread if you will be away for a while. A week and a half away without notice will mean compulsary NPCing of your character and eventual deletion, OOC posts do not count. Try to be an active poster, try not to simply wait to react to events or NPC's.

4. Background NPC's

You may use 'bit part' NPCs in your posts within limits. If you need a more detailed NPC then PM me. If in doubt then PM me.

5. Pictures

I like to see an avatar for your character so if you are unable to pick one when you start, or you forget, then I will assign you one. You can always change it yourself later. No Anime pictures or drawings.

6. Posting Messages

Please post in third person, past tense and include FROM: and TO: when moving from thread to thread, so people can track your movement. Feel free to highlight speech with a Colour!, put thoughts in Italics and use bold for shouting.

7. Sexual Situations

Sex is encouraged, but you should always check what you propose with your writing partner. No sexual harassment of other players will be tolerated. Sex scenes with NPC's need to be discussed via PM with the GM.

8. Out of character posts

The OOC is there to chat with fellow players, but do not let things get out of hand. Trolling, bullying and real insults are not tolerated and will lose you access (at the very least) to the OOC.

9. Conflict / Combat

The Outcome of any conflicts will be determined by the GM. If you do not like this or feel that NPC's should never beat PC's or are looking for a combat heavy game where having 'Was a marine for ten years before becoming an Doctor' will give you an advantage, then this is not the game for you.

In any conflict you should indicate what actions you are taking IC, the GM will then determine the result. Any NPC/Plot Hook character actions will be carried out as described and the effect will be visible in the post or explained in a private line. Remember, you have 'behind the scenes' stats and your primary talent lies in your job related skills. Pilots fly ships, Engineers fix things and Security guards fight for a living.