

Up until now Humanity has never encountered another alien race. The first official evidence of any alien race in the universe came with the discovery of the Martian ruins at Cydonia. These have yet to be explored extensively and little is known about the now supposed long dead race that built them.

Unofficially there are many races that have had an influence on the earth and its fragile population. Hidden races that have given rise to strange and horrific cults. Races that are at best indifferent and at worse hostile to humanity. They remain mercifully unknown to most of the human population. To the few that have seen them, they spread death and madness.

Player character races tend to be subspecies of human. They look human and act human but have traits that make them different to the rest of the human race.

Races come in two categories, The Spliced and The Hidden. The Spliced are races that humanity know of. They are the result of experiments into genetic engineering and usually exist to fulfill a need that unmodified human beings do not. Many of the spliced are at best seen as property of a company that owns them or at worse are treated with suspicion or hostility.

The hidden are races that are largely unknown to humanity and are the result of alien races experimenting on and / or interbreeding with human beings. Some of the hidden know what they are and of their true natures, others may know they are different but be unaware of why they are different. All pass for human and seek to hide their true natures from the rest of humanity.

The Spliced


The Hidden

