Side Slips
Slipping has been reworked to work in the framework of RPOL.

When ever a Hover Tank or VTOL moves at Flank speed turns and attempts to continue forward movement, there is a chance for the unit to start Side Slipping.

Make a Driver/Pilot skill check with the additional modifier of the total number of hexes being attempted to move from the chart below.

-1 Modifier ~  0 to  2 Hexes
+0 Modifier ~  3 to  4 Hexes
+1 Modifier ~  5 to  7 Hexes
+2 Modifier ~  8 to 10 Hexes
+4 Modifier ~ 11 to 17 Hexes
+5 Modifier ~ 18 to 24 Hexes
+6 Modifier ~    25+   Hexes

The unit must pass a Driver/Pilot check before it may continue forward movement.
If the check is failed, the unit does not move, and expends a movement point.  If the unit desires to continue movement, another roll may be made attempted.

After the unit has finished movement, the Opponent may move a unit one hex in any direction for each Sideslip check that was failed.

(Elevation does not change from a sideslip.)