Rifts Control Study Group
The Old Chicago RCSG Company (200 personnel, 160 at The Containment Area, 40 at Old Chicago Naval Station) monitors Rifts activity in the Old Chicago region and coordinates with the regular Army and Navy in containment operations.  The company is commanded by Lt. Colonel Toshiro Suzuki (12th Level RCSG Scientist) a brilliant researcher with a good understanding of “the big picture”.  Sometimes there is some tension between the regular army and RCSG as the RSCG commanding officer will often determine what is to be done with creatures that emerge from the Rifts and what targets within the ruins are priority targets.

In the trenches CS enlisted men and low ranking officers are leery of the RCSG scientists and their fascination with the “conduits of evil” (rifts and ley lines).  Most regular army troops begrudgingly work alongside the scientists for the good of the Coalition, most telling themselves that if the RCSG was doing anything wrong the Emperor would do something about it.  The one thing about the RCSG personnel that upsets the regular army the most is their ley line drifting and rejuvenation. This is too close to magic for most soldiers. More then one trigger happy Corporal has sniped a ley line drifting RCSG scientist after mistaking him for a ley line walker.

The RCSG Company at Old Chicago is now the second largest contingent in the Coalition States after Tolkeen.  Until Tolkeen was captured and taken Old Chicago was second behind St. Louis.  However, the abandonment of the St. Louis program has increased Old Chicago’s prominence.  With its new responsibilities and the high level of activity at all their facilities the RCSG relies heavily on the regular army for its firepower.  Despite this reliance Lt. Colonel Suzuki maintains a stand-offish relationship with Colonel Buldoc.  Complaints to high command or RCSG Command are usually met lightly as Suzuki has many high powered friends and the RCSG is currently spread so thin it doesn’t have time to monitor the commander of the Old Chicago Company.