Old Chicago Naval Station
Located north of the ruins of Old Chicago on the coast of Lake Michigan, is the Central Lake Outpost of the CS Navy.  Regardless of the fact that this installation is not large and has little in the way of resident forces, it is of great importance for the flow of CS trade and also domination of the Western Great Lakes (Huron, Superior, Michigan).  Old Chicago is a vital link in the CS infrastructure; all goods that pass to and from the southern Coalition to CS Iron Heart go through this port.  To handle this immense traffic flow, a large dock facility was built that can accommodate 50 transports and 10 capital warships in addition to its flotilla of gunboats.

Normally, the defenses of Old Chicago do not include capital ships but the base is equipped to support such vessels.  Frigates and destroyers on patrol or convoy escort duty are often in port at Old Chicago, but none are permanently based there.  Since the demise of the first fleet at the hands of Free Quebec and troubles at Fort Pinnacle the CS Navy is scrambling to consolidate its forces and Old Chicago is becoming increasingly important in the remaining naval infrastructure.  It is a forward station where ships from other ports stop to rearm and refuel before conducting combat operations.  The Regular Army infantry and SAMAS companies originally assigned to defend the base were replaced by Naval Infantry in 107 P.A. and the army companies were sent to the Minnesota front.

Ships from the base are primarily concerned with keeping the waterways and canals of Old Chicago open and conduct combat patrols through these waterways on a regular basis.  Each of the two Naval Infantry Companies has a RLT Commando Platoon (40 each, 80 total) attached for force reconnaissance around the rivers and tributaries.  Anything the Naval Station can’t handle with its own forces is tasked to Fort Resilience.

Although lacking in capital ships for its defense the Old Chicago Naval Station is supported by the army forces at nearby Fort Resilience and forces from Chi-Town can be on hand in a matter of minutes.  The base is well off of the trouble spots in the ruins of Old Chicago but maintains a defensive wall ringed by a minefield and mutually supporting bunkers equipped with C-40R rail guns.