Combat Posting Guidelines

Post your roleplaying, then post your game mechanic actions as OOC. For example:

Durdyn sneers at the kobolds as he shifts to get a better spot.  His stance changes, he lowers himself to the ground.  Then, in a flash, he pulls his crossbow and fires at the lizards.
Move: Shift to L12
Minor: Stance change to Dancing Serpent
Standard: Rapid Shot Dex vs AC K1 & K2

He smiles as the first bolt sinks into the lizard, but is disappointed when his 2nd veers right.

From here we can see that the actions (move, minor, std) are specifically laid out, the attack type and what it hits is listed, the enemies to attack are specified, and all rolls are included here. If you follow these guidelines, I will love you forever. At least for a while.

Most of all, respect each other and enjoy the game.  It's just a freaking game, after all.