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Renovation, Or: How Do You Improve Rooms in Your Lair?

Every Room (save for the Living Quarters and Storage Room) has benefits beyond their basic bonuses.  These are granted as you improve or - Renovate - the rooms in your Lair(s).

Associated Skill: Mason

Primary Tool: Construction Tools
Secondary Tools: Crafter's Tools and Earth Tools

The following rooms can be renovated to greater levels of status and power, allowing for greater use and ability:
Link NameRoom NameBenefit of Renovation
Throne RoomThrone RoomImproves Morale/Loyalty Bonus.
Mysterious RoomMysterious RoomEach provides two additional Slots to House Artifacts.
PrisonPrisonEach allows one additional Unit and/or Leader to be Held.
WorkshopWorkshopImproves Construction/Crafting Bonus. Allows discovery of High Quality Resources.  Allows more items to be crafted.
Defensive StructuresDefensesProvides alternating Obscurity, Defense, and other Defensive Bonuses. ]
Storage RoomStorage RoomProvides more space in which to store your resources and food.
SpymasterSuiteSpymaster's SuiteImproves Scouting and Monthly Intelligence Network Updates.  Provides customizable bonuses.

Click on the links to the individual rooms (above) in order to see the specific benefits.

Requirements to Renovate:
You must have already Constructed the Room in question (on a previous turn),
1 x Unit,
1 x Construction Tools (must be equipped onto at least one of the participating Units),

The amount of Stone needed is:
Stone = 5 x New Renovation Level.

Example: You have a Throne Room at Renovation level 1.  If you want to improve it to level 2, you must have 10 Stone available.


The following table shows how many resources you can save if you score higher successes.

SuccessOriginal Cost to New Cost
10 or 1115202225303540

Multiple Renovations.

It is possible to assign multiple Units to attempt to Renovate the same room more than once in a single week.

If two or more Units attempt to renovate multiple renovation levels at once, they do not provide their bonuses to each other (leader bonuses still apply to all as normal.)  If any renovation attempt fails - you do not gain the "highest" that you would have attempted.  You must have sufficient materials for the all Renovation costs attempted (as if you had conducted them on separate turns.)  Any failures cost against the HIGHEST renovation cost.

This is still considered two separate actions - and as such: both Units must still have Construction Tools.


You have a Spymaster's Suite Renovation level 1.

You decide to Assign two Units to renovate it separately. (you want to reach Renovation level 3.)
Unit one rolls a partial failure, whilst the other rolls a partial success.

You only reach Renovation Level 2, and you waste Stone equal to failing Renovation Level 3 (20 Stone.)

Example 2:

You have a Spymaster's Suite Renovation level 1.

You decide to Assign two Units to renovate it separately. (you want to reach Renovation level 3.)
Both Units fail.

You do not improve the Spymaster's Suite at all and you waste Stone equal to failing Renovation Level 3 AND Renovation Level 2 (35 Stone.)