
Ranged Combat is less linear than melee.  In Ranged combat, a single Unit can potentially make multiple attacks that are handled in a given speed tick.

How many attacks in Ranged Combat do my Units receive?

Unit Speed - Average of Opponent's Forces Speed + 1.  Minimum 1 Round.

(This example is assuming all are equipped with ranged weapons.)
  1. Your Elves will attack simultaneously with their Elves.
  2. Their Humans will strike next.
  3. Your Dwarves will strike last.

Both Forces' Elves would have 2 Rounds of Ranged Combat (Fast - Medium = 1 +1 = 2.)
Then, their Humans would have 1 Round of Ranged Combat. (Medium-Medium = 0+1 = 1.)
Then, your Dwarves would have 1 Round of Ranged Combat. (Slow-Medium = -1+1.  Minimum 1 Round.)

If either side won the 'Outmaneuver' Roll - then that side would receive 1 additional round of ranged combat.

Rounding: ".51 or greater rounds up - .50 or less rounds down."

Whenever a Unit has one or more rounds of Ranged Combat - all of those are rolled on their speed tick, simultaneously.  The effects of all of those rolls, are not calculated until the end of the speed tick.