Rholgham Fireyes

Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut
Neutral Good

Rholgham Versus Doors (and other smashable objects)

Physical Description:
6'7", 290lbs, 17 years old
Rholgham is large and brawny, but not to the extreme of his muscle being his most defining feature. His scales are crimson red, as well as his eyes. His face perpetually bears a wry smile.

Character Personality:
Quirky, encentric, and upbeat, Rholgham has a total disregard for other's opinions upon his actions. Despite his total disregard for most societal norms, he has a deep-rooted sense of honor, and has his own personal value system he refuses to compromise. He has utmost faith in the philosophy of "What does not kill me will only make me stronger", and will often seek out ways to test himself. Rholgham has a tendency to me subtly mocking and sarcastic, but never in a malevolent fashion.

While he serves Bahamut, Rholgham is fairly irreverent, and often claims to serve Bahamut's ideals rather than the god himself. He also claims to have spoken with the deity, and says that his attitude has been "Okayed by the divine".

Character Background:
Rholgham was found amidst a site of an orckish ambush not far outside Bellbridge when he was too young to form even coherent thought. He was brought back to the town, and was taken in by the church. Being a dragonborn, he grew to adolescence much more quickly than the rest of the town's children, and as a result often sees them as children to be protected, even though they are about his age. His upbringing in the church is what led him to become a paladin, even though he can be a bit irreverent at times.