Harapan the Bright
Human Bard (Skald)

Physical Description:
5' 8", shock of red hair with green eyes, perpetually-smiling expression.

Character Personality:
Harapan is one of those lads that all the girls swooned over but none of the boys could be angry at about it. Bookish in disposition, Harapan is nevertheless good with people, genuinely liking most folks, and is fairly clever with the bastard sword, his late father's favorite weapon. He has a strong desire to form communities and do great deeds.

Character Background:
Harapan was born the grandson of the town's mayor, a charismatic man in his own right with a history as a war hero. Harapan's grandfather trained the lad in word and weapon until his untimely death when Harapan was 15. Now 18, Harapan seeks to fulfill the greater destiny that Harapan felt his grandfather should have had, and looks for those seeking greatness to aid him.