
Part-time necromancer, full-time douchebag.

"He keeps much from me, but he is guarded by a large stinking undead creature. He surrounds himself with the creatures. Ever since the goblins brought the child here, he's kept me out of there. I don't know what he's planning, but he keeps ranting about, 'In Death, Rebirth!'" She takes in a breath for a minute, calming down slightly from her earlier sobbing. "I don't have any magical weapons, but just this healing potion." She holds it out as a gesture of appeared honesty.
-Jixin, Opening the Halls Post 252

Where there was once a young, vibrant face, sallow skin clings to sunken bones and swollen eyes.
Dark magic has cursed Malareth, aging the sorceror abnormally.

- Opening the Halls Post 260