Titles: The Flying Woman, the Liberator, the Muse
Portfolio: Change, liberty, opportunity, revolution
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Liberation (all subdomains), Luck
Favored Weapon: A concealed dagger

The adherents of She Who Dares maintain no permanent structures, temples, hierarchy, or even contiguous interpretation of their faith; her itinerant priests will set up wherever and whenever they are needed, often repurposing an existing building to serve as a temple for a time. In places where She Who Dares is welcome, the roaming clergy will tend to cycle between two or three locales every couple of months, usually holding a celebration when they move to a new place.

In more oppressive or less welcoming places, they will set up small shrines in out-of-the-way areas, acting more like a revolutionary guerrilla cell than a traditional church. Her priests are most active wherever things have become too static or where people are oppressed or denied liberty, working to spread change, subvert the practices of the establishment, and—if change cannot be enacted from within—to empower the people to revolt against their oppressors.

Dogma: The greatest gifts one can give are liberty and opportunity. When things become stale or oppressive, change them. Do not hide who you are; do not hate those who stand in the open. Help those crushed under the weight of oppression, or too cowed to stand.