Josep is a kinsman of the Gavinhos, but he will rarely be seen with the family at official functions. He was born twenty-six years ago, of the young Lueza Shal Gavinho and a human deemed unworthy of the name.

 His reputation is that of an easy-going fellow, always ready to make the night memorable. He is also known to have an unpredictable temper and sometimes violent mood swings, although his few genuine friends will claim that this slice of his personality is under control now. The half-shal is known to have acquaintances amongst the staff in many taverns, households and offices.

 Trained in the arcane arts by his aunt Florence Shal Gavinho, his style focuses on powerful invocation spells. It is no secret that he has dealt with more than one physical confrontation with a mass retaliation of lightnings and thunders, and his own hands and forearms are copiously scarred by the same energies.

 His familiar is a grey raven, and many of his acquaintances will recognize it as Josep will frequently have it carry messages.

 Introduced to the arts of mystic tattooing, he has established himself as a tattoo artist. Mostly for cosmetic effect, though for a selected clientèle he accepts to infuse magic in the patterns. His business is struggling but slowly taking off.

 Within the different circles in Sutton, he is known under a number of aliases, variations on his first name. Dwergs know him as Sep, gamblers as Pino, older folks as Pépé, etc.