Whenever a disoriented creature attempts to take any action, you roll a flat check after making all other rolls and decisions for the action. If you get a success, you take the action normally. If you fail, the direction, distance, and target is randomized.

Direction (1d8, 1d8):
1 = North, 2 = North East, 3 = East, 4 = South East, 5 = South, 6 = South West, 7 = West, 8 North West.
1 = Straight up, 2 = Up Forward, 3 = Forward, 4 = Down Forward, 5 = Straight Down, 6 = Down Backwards, 7 = Backwards, 8 = Up Backwards

Distance (1d100): Roll = % of maximum possible distance/range of effect

Target: Count all the possible targets within range (max 20). Roll a die most appropriate to this number.