The Queens Court; has become the political center of the City and Isle of Enthwort since Emperor Larch occupied the Throne of Elemental Titans.  her court has become a High seat of the Elemental Morasse.  As Larch had left to Find and take the greatest seat his wife of senior class and Queen over saw the clean up after the Ethrealmeta storm.  The entrance to an "underhill" was discovered and as chief mage she lead the team to verify the safety of its presence.  Discovering the minor high seat she occupied it becoming a Morasse Titan Earl of the city and Island, her submission to her husband on his return from the greatest high seat.  cemented his power of that seat over the ethereal and elemental spirits and creatures of the newly formed world and those tainted with elemental; dragon, fae, and ethereal blood of the planet.

When in her Underhill physical appearance becomes that of a full elvish looking Titan.