Heydar is located on the main north-south and east-west routes crossing the Lands of Sand. The great city rests on the shores of Darya Bashamgurda and was once one of the largest cities in the known world. The city had been left ruins for centuries, until the rule of the Dahyu-ka dynasty. The city was rebuilt from 5 smaller towns that grew into each other, each of those rebuilding Haarn-quessir family lines inter married to from the Dahyu-ka family line. Currently the ruler has revived the city to its former glory and to its trade power potential. Under the Shah are the Esphrans, the members of five noble Haarn-quessir families who have important royal positions, and serve as titles for these noble families as well.

Today, the city retains much of its past glory. It is famous for its inspired architecture, with many beautifully smooth boulevards, covered bridges, palaces, and temples. This led to the Haarn-quessir proverb "Heydar is half of the world"