The Xren Codex includes ancient writings that are difficult to decipher and enigmatic. They may help tell the future and advise on grand issues that affect the world and the worlds beyond. Parts of the Codex are scattered throughout the world and few can understand the writings.

The Allevian Annals are histories written in Ancient Allevian that are often looked at as prophecy or other writings of the gods to assist mortals.

Tenvillah's Spirit Said: Effre ando feit kun Xren Codex non parpitur fren. Saiso Ashe saiso Tarimar saiso Fleivornor saiso con pariture feirde. Gaspar Tarimar renvalte sosho, mon sosho. Magica verdun.
"He say those who master Xren Codex know its secrets. These are Ashe, Tarimar, Fleivornor and some others, not many. He say Tarimar prophecied return here soon, very soon. By you say?...container? Vial?"

Adventurer Wrote: "My companions think Zuggtmoy, the Goddess of fungus, is the key to obtaining the goblet. But my research of the Xren Codex revealed that this goblet was placed by a trickster godling or demigod who simply went by the name Shadowlock who was known to bind the other gods to appear against their will. I believe the key will be something much simpler--a word or phrase of something in the room itself.

"If we find it in time. The Black Curse is upon me and without the healing essence, my time is nearly done. Also, my companion Rickrack is not himself. I thought he may suffer from the Black Curse, but he appears almost as if another has taken him over. I fear dark spirits are at work here."