Out of the Wreckage by 325684 DM (GM)
There are times when a bright line can be drawn between that time of “before” and the time of “after”.  “Before”--a time of freedom to visit with friends and family, to follow the pursuits of one's own will—that time was over.  It had been in the middle of Avivah, as the last slushy bits of winter snows were fading away when the end of that time came.  The last memory of “before” was a brutal blow to the back of the head.

An uncertain amount of time had passed before awakening in a dismal, stinking room smelling of unwashed bodies, vomit and excrement.  Chained to the beam of a bunk, stripped to undergarments, barely able to half-sit in the small range of motion allowed by the bonds.  Gradually, the motion and noise became recognizable—the room was the hold of a ship, five tiers of wooden bunks stacking those within like so much cordwood.

Seasickness was common, both from the tossing of the ship and the lingering effects of the blow to the head.  Gradually, though, it became clear that there were quite a few prisoners, perhaps as many as forty folk from the Thousand Islands were bound here.  From above, there were the shouts suggesting that this ship was being rowed.  Thin gruel was served up, enough to keep soul tethered to body, but not to keep much strength up.  A very homely—perhaps even ugly—man came to deliver the gruel on a regular basis.  Sometimes he would seem almost friendly, perhaps bordering on too much so, and other times he would beat one of the captives with a leather strap, seemingly for no reason other than his own  enjoyment of the resulting cries.  Perhaps worst of all was the knowledge that all of one's family, friends and dreams were being left further behind with every moment, snippets of what the man bringing gruel being enough to tell that they were bound for the slave markets of Karakul, where the best hope for “after” was a kind master who might be willing to allow a slave to keep a few coins to someday buy freedom.

Mockingly, the keys to the shackles that bound each hung from a hook by the ladder to the hatch for the deck, perhaps only a matter of five feet from the nearest of captives.  For all the use it was, it might as well have been as many miles away.

It had been a few days since awakening in the hold when the ship was hit by a squall.  After a half a day of tossing and rolling, the squall turned into a full-fledged storm, and the motion of the ship became even worse, making a fear that there would not be an “after” other than drowning somewhere in the waters of the Thousand Islands, or perhaps even the open stretch of sea between the westernmost Island and Karakul.  The ugly sailor, Matuk, opened the hatch and a cold spray struck those closest to the open hatch as the wind howled.  One by one, he forced some of the folk above-decks, cursing all the while as he lashed those who moved too slowly for him.

Another day of the storm had passed, and Matuk took more of the folk and forced them above-decks, while his heavily accented Karakulian curses seemed tinged with a hint of worry.  Above, through the open hatch, there were the sounds of shouts and whips keeping rowers in line, along with the howling of the wind and the spray of water washing into the hold.

At least another day of storm had passed since then.  Matuk had not returned, nor had anyone seen the other pirates who had been occasionally glimpsed.  None of those forced above-decks had returned, and there had been no gruel at all for at least a day.  The shouting and sound of cracking whips now faded away to an eerie quiet.

The ship continued rolling, and there was an enormous crash, a grating, grinding noise, and the horrible shuddering of the ship as it ran aground.  From above, there was the sound of snapping spars, and a great crash which could only have been the mast coming down.  Nine captives remaining chained to the bunks were thrown toward the bow, bruising against the shackles which did not allow for so much movement as, for a moment, they tried to move forward even as the ship was coming to an all-too-sudden stop.

The bow of the galley shattered at the impact, and then was torn away entirely.  An unfortunate woman too near the splintering wood screamed as she was impaled, a scream that died away as the port side of the galley laid open against a boulder, and a ferocious blast of numbingly-cold air and rain came into the hold.

Now, but for the howling of the wind and the pounding of surf, it was quiet.  Through the open bow could be seen a small section of rain-pounded rocky beach, littered with shattered wood.  Once there had been four bunks end to end in this hold, but now the most forward of those had been torn away in the crash.

Out of the Wreckage by 325714 Dak
Dak pulled against the shackles to right himself in his bunk.  The ship had crashed and they could be sinking.

"Help!" he shouted.  "We're still down here!  Get us out!"

They wouldn't just leave them to die, would they?  They were valuable, they could still be sold.  He realized his sudden change in priorities.  He'd rather be sold than drown.

Out of the Wreckage by 325827 Storm
Storm sits up looking around at the carnage. He attempts to break his shackles with brute strength to save himself and his fellow captives. Having been weakened by his captivity and the occasional beatings, Storm does not know if he has the strength to break free. However; his determination to escape death and take vengeance on the evil slavers gives him the strength he needs as he calls on his inner reserves to break the bonds.

Out of the Wreckage by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Of the multitude that had once inhabited the lower decks of the ship, it seemed that at least some were of Elven heritage given their smaller, leaner frames and more delicate features. One such elf, clad in only a linen loin cloth, suffered along with the others as the days and nights passed in misery and torment.

He had taken fever early and had shivered and slept a great deal, vomiting up what little they were fed until the sickness seemed to pass from him in a sheen of sweat and and a sudden return of appetite. After that he had remained weak but observant at the least as he watched the hold slowly empty of its pitiable chattel.

Ironically he seemed to somehow come more alive during the storm, as if animated by the charge in the air, the frigid gusts and roaring waves all about them. He screwed his eyes tight and winced at the sound the woman man as the ship ran aground and then lay there, breathing heavily as he stared out at the hole that had been made. In time he began to look to see if the keys were still where they had been left, and if the damage the ship had suffered might have some how made it easier to finally escape the miserable vessel that had been their home for far too long.

Out of the Wreckage by 325699 Telemachus
Some not so small amount of blood came down Telemachus' head, it having slammed against hull on the impact.  It could be major or merely a irritating scrape but he wouldn't know till he or someone else could stop it.  He had been one of the ones who took longest to recover from the head wound when they had been taken, and the gruel that they fed always seemed to be not enough to make him fully well.  Now he had taken another one but to the front rather than the rear.

It made him want to laugh.  So he did...

The quiet laugh of someone on the edge of sanity because of adversity.

He didn't want to die though so he tried his shackles again.  Hoping that the water and the lack of enough food might have made his limbs thin enough to slip their bonds.  Baring that his eyes sought out the same things that Koga looked for...the key.

Out of the Wreckage by 325684 DM (GM)
The position that the prisoners were locked into seemed designed to prevent anyone from using strength to bear.  The one thing that the designers failed to account for, however, was damage incurred in the event of shipwreck.  But as Dak pulled to try to improve his position, at first it seemed just a matter of imagination, but then it was more certain--his bunk was damaged, and he just might be able to break free.

The keys were still hanging from the hook near the hatch.

Out of the Wreckage by 325694 Angus
Angus strained and stretched toward the keys on the beam, the chains holding tightly against the strain. He winced at the pain and wondered if they would live or die, ever pulling toward the beam, straining against the broken bunk and the chains, but they were solid against his strength.

Out of the Wreckage by 325714 Dak
The only response to Dak's cry was the strained grunts around him as others tried their best to escape and a resigned laugh from the depths.  He wasn't going to give up though and pulled hard against the chains that bound his wrists above his head, bracing himself between the hard surfaces of the plank beds.

The crash must have shifted or broken something just right because with a sudden snap, he struck himself on the head as the resistance disappeared.  His hands were still shackled a few hand spans apart, but he was free of constraint.

Seeing a few of the others straining to reach the keys, he clambered through the debris to reach them.  He could free himself and then help the rest escape.

Out of the Wreckage by 325727 Wick
Wick shook his head, tried to clear away the cobwebs.  The last few, what, days...  weeks... months even?  Unlike some of the others, Wick had not found the rolling a problem, but the effects of the seasickness from others made it near as bad.

The gruel hadn't been any worse than what he often enjoyed before too, though he was used to a good deal more in the way of portions.  The cook had known that an empty belly wasn't no good for getting a days work out of a fellow.

Stars still dancing in his eyes, Wick noted that nothing rattled too much when he shook his head.  All in all, things could have been worse, but then they could have been a damn sight better too.  Cold as a witches heart, at least he could get a breath of fresher air.

Wick half-heartedly tugged at the bonds, as he had many times before, but with the ship busted up it was worth trying it again.  Even if the bonds were tied to the keel, there were enough bodies here to shift it about if the ship was broken up enough.  Of course, if the keel was that beat up, they'd be drowning like rats already.

"Shut up and calm down!  Your still breathing and if you want to keep it that way, we need to work together." Wick shouted as loud as he could, trying get the screaming down to a dull roar.  "First, can anyone reach the damn hatch?"

Out of the Wreckage by 325694 Angus
"The keys, not the hatch, can anyone reach the keys!"

Out of the Wreckage by 325684 DM (GM)
Dak was able to get out of his bunk and climb enough rungs to reach the keys.

Out of the Wreckage by 325714 Dak
Climbing back down with the keys, Dak used them on his shackles and began releasing the others.  At least they weren't going to drown in this broken husk of a ship.

Out of the Wreckage by 325727 Wick
As soon as a few of the captives were freed, Wick called out again.  "Get topside, find out what sort of shape were in and report back."  Of course, if they were slipping off whatever god forsaken piece of rock and into the ocean, he'd fully expect the scouts to save their own butts, just as he'd do in their place.

Out of the Wreckage by 325700 Odelia
   For the pale-skinned and black haired girl dressed in a torn chemise who sat at the end of the bed nearest the bulkhead, before had been a life hidden in the shadows and making a living from what others might not miss. A half-loaf here, a few coins there ... her fingers were small and nimble and rarely was she caught by the Guard. But even with her skills, she'd never accounted for what had hit her in the back of the head.

   She'd been cautious from the moment that she'd awoken and kept to herself, especially when the cook arrived with their thin gruel. The movement of the ship made her stomach queasy and it afforded her little sleep, and what passed for food barely stayed down at the best of times. She'd also kept her distance from the cook, regardless of his mood - she seemed wary when he was in good spirits, and frightened enough that when he wasn't and took out his frustrations on one of the others, she dashed under the bed to keep out of sight. But it had proved little good, as he would simply pull on the chain that secured her to the bed and punish the half-elf all the more. The only thing that she was interested in was the keys that hung a short distance away. She was no mage, but on occasion, she wished that she could have been - if only to score the screw that would open her bonds and allow her to escape. And if the cook were to suffer an accident along the way ...

   The arrival of the squall made life harsher for the young girl - being on the water in a boat was bad enough, but the weather only made things go from bad to worse, which left her weaker and more vulnerable than usual. She didn't understand what the man with the whip said, but the goad spoke loudly enough. But when the shouting had died away until only the sounds of the wind and waves were heard, she began first to wonder, then worry herself. Where is everyone? she wondered, Have we been abandoned?

   The crash of the ship hitting something, followed by the sounds of wood cracking and breaking had made the girl yelp in surprise, then cry out as one of the others was impaled. The feel of the cold air on her faded skin raised small bumps and made her start to shiver ... She looked in the direction of the shaven-headed boy as she heard his laughter and shook his head. Madness ...

   The sound of one of the others managing to free himself, caught her attention. He'd managed to break through and secure the keys, first unlocking himself, then removing the others. Her hands shook as the bonds were unlocked, and she took a moment to rub the limb where she'd been secured. "Praise the Gods for small mercies," she said in a low tone, speaking more to herself than anyone else. She wasted little time in trying to make it to the hatch where she could escape ...

Out of the Wreckage by 325684 DM (GM)
Stubbornly, the hatch refused to open when tried.  Looking out the gaping hole where the bow had once been, it was apparent that the ship had run well and truly aground, and the planking which comprised the floor of the hold was perhaps only a foot and a half above the level of the rocky beach.

Looking out at the beach, it was currently being pounded by rain, bitingly cold and driven by wind until the raindrops felt more like hard pellets of ice, though it was not, in actuality quite cold enough for freezing.  Out on the beach, currently marching away from the starboard side of the ship was Matuk, a sword in one hand and a bottle in the other.

The rocks on the beach ranged in size from about the size of a fist to slightly larger than a man's head.

Out of the Wreckage by 325827 Storm
Storm thanks Dax for saving the group. His brush with near death taught him that he had to value his life as it is just too short. On the way out from the ship, he tries to see if there is anything useful hat he can salvage to help the group improve its chances of survival.

When he sees Mutuk walking away, he asks his companions if they should stop the slaver. Perhaps he is drunk and walking away may cause him to be in danger.

Out of the Wreckage by 325727 Wick
Wick waits impatiently for his turn to be freed.  Once done, he pushes his way forward to look through the hole.  "If any go after him, it's to get that sword.  There's enough rocks to  put him down, but the way we're dressed, i don't know that we'd survive the night."

Wick looks the place over, wondering about getting out on the beach and climbing up to the deck.  "The only good we got here is protection from the storm, no food, no water...  No point in everyone getting soaked, I'll go take a look."  Wick jumps nimbly down to the beach.

Out of the Wreckage by 325714 Dak
Dak made sure he hadn't missed unlocking everyone and made sure anyone that looked dead was actually dead.  It would be awful to have missed someone that may have survived if he'd just been paying attention.

Out of the Wreckage by 325698 Koga na'Kana
The Elf took a few minutes to get to his feet, and breathed heavily through an open mouth as he made his way unsteadily closer to the hole that had been torn asunder during the beaching of the vessel. He stood there a few paces back from the opening, and leaned against the bulkhead as some of the others spoke and organized. He mouthed a word of soft thanks to Dak and coughed dryly, before he focused on the man with the sword down the way.

"Drunk perhaps?" he commented to nobody in particular. "Lost and drunk..."

Out of the Wreckage by 325700 Odelia
   Going to the hatch, she tried to open it with her fingers, then pounded on it with her hand when it refused to budge. She tried once, then again by putting her shoulder into it, but that only left her with a sore joint and a wave of fatigue and nausea ... she slammed her hand against the wood and then made her way down.

   She caught sight of the ugly one with a sword in one hand and a bottle in the other.  A quick glance showed that he was dressed better than they all were and he possessed a sword that one of the others would be better at using than she was. He was not that far past the open hole where the ship had run around; the only problem with going after him was the fatigue she felt, as well as the slippery conditions that would affect both her and the slaver.

   She watched as the Elf followed the Slaver, and her eyes narrowed before she herself followed. She reached down, fighting a bout of nausea as she picked up a rock a little larger than the palm of her hand and advanced as quietly as she could on the drunken sailor ...

Out of the Wreckage by 325897 Panatix
When the ship had run aground and tossed everyone around to the extent the chains allowed, Panatix had taken another hard rap to the skull when he was flung back into the dark corner of his low level bunk in the rear starboard of the hold.  He might have been unconscious for only a few moments, but quite a bit had happened in that time.  Slowly, Panatix rolled to try to sit again, groaning with one hand on his head, the other not quite reaching due to the chains.  The rattle of the chains enough to remind him that he was still a prisoner, while also identifying his location for his fellow survivor who had obtained the keys.

Out of the Wreckage by 325694 Angus
After he was freed, Angus thanked Dak for unchaining him. Then Angus looked around for a piece of bunk that could be used as a club. Finding something suitable, he made his way to the hole to escape the hold of the ship, ready to defend himself from Matuk or anyone else they encountered.

View of the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
From the gaping hole in the hold, those who emerged that step further onto the beach were able to see that the port side of the ship rested against a cliff that seemed to grow shorter along its run to the left of their position, perhaps fifty feet away from the ship, the cliff had resolved into more of a low wall that might, perhaps be climbed over.  The cliff itself was a sheer face of rock along the beach side for its run.  The sky was quite black, but there still seemed to be enough diffuse light through the storm clouds that it seemed to be daytime still.

Along the starboard side of the ship, those venturing far enough to see would notice that there were several lines that seemed to have made a ladder of sorts for Matuk.

The beach itself would leave anyone there exposed for Matuk to see, should he turn around.  As it was, it appeared that now about sixty feet from the ship, he was preparing to turn around and stagger his way back toward the wreckage.

View of the Beach by 325714 Dak
Having found and released everyone surviving the wreck, Dak braced himself to crawl out onto the wind blown beach.  If the slaver turned on them, they would need as many rocks as they could throw.

View of the Beach by 325694 Angus
After getting on the shore, seeing Matuk with a sword and knowing a cub straight up was no match in his weakened condition, he gathered together a pile of rocks and then picked one to throw when the time came. "He appears to be drunk and coming back to lay ruin on us all. Prepare to defend yourself."

View of the Beach by 325897 Panatix
Panatix nods a silent thanks to the new key-master and rubs his wrists after the confines of the heavy shackles. Standing up for the first time in a while, he staggers a little but regains his balance quickly and follows the Keymaster to the hole in the hull of the ship. He's trying to see around the human but above all else wants out of the dark, foul smelling hold and into the open air. The Keymaster appears to hesitate at the hole but Panatix can't take it any longer and slips by him to get out of the ship.

If he's going to die, he's going to do it in fresh air.

On the Beach by 325849 Matuk (NPC)
As the survivors gathered at the opening of the hold and most started collecting rocks, finding that these were both plentiful and more likely to bring down the pirate now staggering toward them, Matuk took notice of the fact that they were on the beach, which in his opinion was clearly not where they belonged.

"Meat, get back inna hold!" he shouted, taking another drink from the bottle in hand, before dashing it against the rocks of the beach.  He started staggering more quickly toward them all.

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
Current distance about 50 feet and closing.

Post combat actions, and roll a d10 and a d20 if making an attack.

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
Not liking the way the man still thought of them as cargo, Dak wound up with a stone the size of his fist and let fly.  He wasn't going to be shackled again.

OOC: Dak rolled 2+1 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled 14-4 using 1d20.  Thaco 20.

edit: nonproficiency

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Hearing the slaver speak, Storm knows that he has to fight to defend himself and his friends. Roaring, he charges forward and strikes the tormentor with his fists. Although he has learnt to see that the man could be kind, he realizes that in his drunken state, he is unable to see reason.

OOC: rolled for initiative and attack. Post when I get to a desktop08:54, Today: Storm rolled 10 using 1d20+1.  Attack Thaco 20.
08:53, Today: Storm rolled 8 using 1d10+1.  Initiative .

On the Beach by 325727 Wick
Seeing there companion returning, Wick stops trying to climb to the main deck and gathers up some stones.  He'd been pretty good at throwing darts, he'd see if the same was true with rocks.

22:54, Today: Wick rolled 9 using 1d10+2.  Initiative
22:54, Today: Wick rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  THAC0. (should be 16, forgot to pull off the +2 on initiative)

On the Beach by 325897 Panatix
Panatix looks around and spots the rigged rope ladder just as the Keymaster casts the first stone. As quickly as he can, Panatix begins to climb up the side of the ship.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
Angus picks one of his stones as Matuk approaches he throws it with all his might, sending it sailing over the pirates head!

07:54, Today: Angus rolled 2 using 1d10. initiative.
07:53, Today: Angus rolled 2 using 1d20. to hit.

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
Having had to take his time to climb out of the wreckage Telemachus blinked a few times at the drunken Matuk when he began stumbling towards them.  Like the others he let his eyes find himself a rock that could be useful as something hurled.  The rock he picked up though was ill shaped.  As his arm cocked back to throw it he saw the large one rush towards Matuk and he hesitated causing the rock to sail far off its mark in hopes of avoiding hitting his ally.  His eyes scrambled around looking for another while wiping blood from his eyes while praying his fellow potential slaves were better at rock throwing than he was.

12:52, Today: Telemachus rolled 4 using 1d20.  Hurled rock at slaver scum.
12:52, Today: Telemachus rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative .

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
The surviving would-have-been slaves might have been of uniform mind that they did not want to return to captivity, but their efforts were not particularly co-ordinated.  As Matuk ordered them back into the hold, the survivors showed that they were of other mind.  The first rock hurled through the air fell short of its target, while the second rock came a bit closer, yet just far enough to the right of the slaver to have missed entirely.  The third sailed harmlessly past the slaver to bounce off the side of the ship before re-joining the rocks on the beach.

Not all were of a mind to take to immediate combat, as Odelia crept closer toward Matuk in the driving rain to try to improve her chance of striking the slaver and Koga na'Kana likewise worked to improve his position upon the beach.  Panatix reached the lower edge of the lines that would lead to the deck of the ruined ship.

Storm rushed forward, his intent to pummel their captor into submission more a matter of zeal than success.  While he landed a blow against Matuk's arm, it did little to dissuade Matuk, who swung his sword at Storm unsteadily, forcing Storm to step back out of reach of the blade of the broadsword.  Wick's rock struck against Matuk's thigh, but did not bring down the brute.

((Round 2 actions:  d10 and d20 for those making attacks))

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
Scooping up another rock, Dak tried to steady himself.  He'd never thrown a rock to hurt someone before, but the slaver hadn't hesitated to hurt any of them.  He leaned back and let this new rock fly... away.

OOC: Dak rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative 2.
Dak rolled 2 using 1d20.  Thaco 20.

On the Beach by 325700 Odelia
   She advanced on the drunken guard and threw the rock, hoping against hope that it might hit him and at least inconvenience him. The ground was wet and slippery and the only advantage that they had was numbers - if they could manage to knock him over. She reached down once the first rock was in the air and headed towards the Slaver, and grabbed for another stone ... one that she would use in a more personal fashion.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)

21:02, Today: Odelia rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative.
21:01, Today: Odelia rolled 11 using 1d20+2. Attack with a thrown rock.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
07:53, Today: Angus rolled 6 using 1d10. initiative.
07:52, Today: Angus rolled 17 using 1d20. to hit.

Angus picks another of his stones and aims for Matuk's body, striking him solidly! "Stone him to death!"

On the Beach by 325897 Panatix
Though struggling with fatigue brought on by hunger and lack of sleep, desperation spurs Panatix on as he continues to climb the improvised rope ladder to the main deck of the ship.

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Feeling disheartened, Storm nevertheless picks up a nearby stone and smashes at the slaver again. However, perhaps it was his weakened state or his fear, the attack made no impact.

OOC:21:34, Today: Storm rolled 3 using 1d20+1.  hit.
21:33, Today: Storm rolled 4 using 1d10.  initiative.

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
Looking over to Dak he asked quickly, "Where did you leave the key to the shackles?  Give it to me if you still have it..."

Upon gaining the answer, or the key, Telemachus scrambled from where he had been urging the others, "Use broken planks as clubs if he gets close!" before he was back onto the wreck to get down to the hold and get to the chains so as to make himself a poor version of a flail to protect himself from Matuk's sword and beat him senseless.  The slight man reached his hand down with fingers open to help Panatix both get out of the hold and free his path into it, "Hurry, come on!"

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
"They're in the ship!" Dak shouted back at the young bald man.  He'd had no need of them after freeing the last of the captives and left the keys on a wooden bunk.

On the Beach by 325727 Wick
Wick lets another rock fly.  But at this rate, the bastard would fall asleep before the rocks would bring him down.  They needed some other plan to put the fellow down.

19:08, Today: Wick rolled 16 using 1d20.  THAC0.

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
Gaining a little more co-ordination as the purpose was clear to the survivors--they had to overcome an armed slaver to maintain their freedom, the survivors continued their efforts with the rocks which were plentiful upon this beach.  The first stone sailed past the staggering Matuk, the second went wide, but another stone struck Matuk in the face.  The brute shook his head, dark blood coming from his nose, but he did not fall.  A moment later, another stone struck him in the chest, but while he took a step back, that also did not bring him down.

Another stone sailed past Matuk, which seemed to be enough to keep the drunken sailor too off-balance to do more than swing and ruffle the air near Storm.

Meanwhile, Telemachus had returned to the hold in search of a better possible weapon.

Although it was a struggle, for the lines had been a better ladder for one far taller than he, Panatix made his way to the deck of the ruined ship.

((Round 3 actions--d10 and d20 for those making an attack))

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
Spotting the key where Dak said he left it Telemachus snagged it quickly up as he pushed his way up to the fragmented bow of the ship.  There he came up short where the woman had been impaled on the side of the galley that laid open against a boulder.  He took a quick moment to pray and close her eyes, "I'm sorry..."

Moving to her wrists he quickly unshackled her from the beam she had been chained to...a beam now broken from the impact on one side and splintered on the other end but still attached.  Grabbing the beam with his hands he put his weight against it and the wood creaked and then snapped the rest of the way leaving him with a length of wood and the chains with shackles dangling off close to both ends.  Clasping both shackles down from one end on his left wrist due to his slight frame he ensured he wouldn't loose the weapon while protecting himself slightly as if with half a vambrace...or he was simply chained to a weapon that could be used against him to great effect.  A far more likely case against any true veteran.  Improvised flail in hand he made his way back to the rope and began his climb out so he could aid them in subduing Matuk.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
Angus picked up another stone and fired it off, striking Matuk again! Angus was beginning to feel vindicated against the treatment he had received from the brute, "meat" indeed! "I am a man scum, not 'MEAT' prepare to die!"

11:48, Today: Angus rolled 9 using 1d10. initiative.
11:48, Today: Angus rolled 16 using 1d20. to hit.

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
As much as he tried to hit the slaver, it seemed an accurate rock thrower was not to be his calling.

OOC: Dak rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative 3.
Dak rolled 3 using 1d20.  Thaco 20.

On the Beach by 325727 Wick
Wick looks about, seeking inspiration on how better to take down the slaver.  He looks at the sand, maybe a face full of that would be helpful.  Or maybe there's a rock that could be used as a dagger for hand to hand, or a convenient piece of keel as a club...

All of the thoughts though did nothing to help his aim and his cast goes well off the mark....

16:14, Today: Wick rolled 7 using 1d20.  THAC0.

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Storm wonders why his attacks are so ineffectual. However, he continues to attack the slaver.

09:04, Today: Storm rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  attack.
09:04, Today: Storm rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
As Panatix looked for something useful on the deck of the ship and Telemachus emerged from the hold with a slightly better weapon than the rocks, Matuk swung at Storm, his drunken wobble enough to make it so that he nearly lost his footing, but he did not fall, despite the hail of stones flying near him.  However, Angus threw his stone, striking Matuk in the chest, Matuk fell to the stony ground of the beach.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
"Get him while he's down! Get him! Kill him!"

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus watched Matuk fall and gritted his teeth as he scrambled from the hold to charge forward and help lay into the slaver before he regained his footing.  The slab of wood with chains was a poor weapon compared to a sword but it had a decent reach so swinging it hard and downwards would reach Matuk without badly exposing himself.

09:12, Today: Telemachus rolled 10 using 1d10.  Initiative.
09:11, Today: Telemachus rolled 13 using 1d20.  Attack Matuk w/Improvised Flail.

On the Beach by 325849 Matuk (NPC)
Telemachus' strike was true, as Matuk was unmoving upon the beach, blood flowing now from nose and ears.  No grunt of pain came from the downed slaver.

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Storm moves over to disarm the slaver. He then uses the slaver's belt to tie him up before checking that he is alive. "Sorry but we have to tie you up in case you harm us," he says apologetically to the slaver. He asks if he could borrow the slaver's sword for self defense.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
Angus rushed to the downed slaver and pried the sword from his hand. He planned to end the slaver but Storm reached him first. "Kill him now, justice demands it. We don't even know where we are, we can have no prisoners!"

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
"I think we can tie him up securely. It is not right to kill a man who is unconscious. He can't harm us now. His knowledge may help us," storm reasons.

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
Removing Matuk's belt also revealed a sheathed dagger.  He had been bound by Storm, but made no movements of his own.  It also appeared that he was not breathing.

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to see if the slaver is dead. If the man is truly dead, he will inform the rest and ask if they should bury him and take some of his belongings for survival. He reasons that a dead man will not need his items which can help the party survive though he was loathe to do so.

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
"I...mmm...I'm no healer but he looks dead or about to be after I...I hit him on the head..." remarked Telamachus as his face went pale.  He'd never killed anyone before and he looked at the dangling shackles that had slammed into Matuk's face.  He looked like he was going to crouch down and check him but instead he turned away and walked a few paces before collapsing down into the sand.

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
Angus leans down to see if he is breathing or if he has a heartbeat.

On the Beach by 325684 DM (GM)
There is no heartbeat nor breathing when Angus checked.

Matuk had been wearing the belt with a sheathed dagger, studded leather armor, trousers and a shirt, and a pair of boots, and also had had the broadsword.  He was 5'11".

On the Beach by 325694 Angus
"He's dead, let's strip him and bury him, his clothes and armor can go to one or several of us. Now that we have time, I suggest going through the ship and look for the clothing of any crew members so we can cover ourselves properly. Any other ideas? Oh, and salvage whatever of use we can find.."

Angus begins stripping the dead brute.

"Hold onto the sword, someone else the dagger, keep the flail, you used it well." he says to Telamachus

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
Their tormentor downed, Dak turned his attention to survival.  Perhaps there was something above decks that could help them survive.  He climbed one of the lines to the top and began to look around in the driving wind and rain.  It was not pleasant weather.

On the Beach by 325827 Storm
Storm agrees with the suggestion Angus propose. He asks if he could keep the sword.

On the Ship by 325684 DM (GM)
Anyone climbing to the deck, where Panatix now was, would find that the mast had come down upon the hatch door to the forward hold; the sails had been furled.  Lines were askew all over the deck, and there is another, unblocked, hatch door toward the aft of the ship.

((Please specify in posts if you are taking any items from Matuk or the ship.  Then add those items to your equipment on the character sheet.))

On the Ship by 325827 Storm
If no one objects, Storm takes the sword and moves along with Dax to search the ship to protect his comrade from unseen danger.

On the Ship by 325694 Angus
"Let's all get some rope from the ship too, it might be useful later on. Get sails too and we'll find the sailmakers thread and needles to make clothes for us if we have to. Keep the sword. Who fits in the armor?"

On the Ship by 325699 Telemachus
Hearing that he was indeed dead made Telemachus nod his head slowly.  The adrenaline from escaping and fighting Matuk was draining from him rapidly but he slowly climbed to his feet and walked the short distance back over to where Angus was removing anything of worth from Matuk's body as well as commending his use of the flail-like thing he'd used.

Looking to Storm he nodded affirmatively, "I don't mind you keeping the sword..." and it looked like he was ready to say Storm's name but realized that he knew no ones name.  Instead he looked down and commented just as quietly as he'd responded to Storm, "He's about my height.  Armour might fit me a bit loose but if someone wants that I'll just stick with the boots if no one minds.  I'm Telemachus..."

On the Ship by 325694 Angus
"I am Angus, Telemachus, I found a key in his pocket, when we check the cabins, look for a door or box that is locked. We appear to have a way into it now."

Angus hands the boots to Telemachus.

On the Ship by 325699 Telemachus
He nodded in acknowledgement to Angus as he took the boots and pulled them on hoping to lace them up and give him some decent foot-ware, "Just in case so we don't get hopeful we've got access to something good...lets check if it is a spare key to unlock our shackles..."  He lifted up his arm where the two were locked and provided a security that even if the weapon fell from his hand it would dangle connected to his forearm, "See if it unlocks these.  I've got the other key here."

On the Ship by 325694 Angus
Angus tries the key in the lock on the shackles.

On the Ship by 325684 DM (GM)
The key is too small for the lock on the shackles.

On the Ship by 325827 Storm
Strm attempts to find something to break the shackles of everyone.

On the Ship by 325694 Angus
OOC - We have the key, we don't need to break them.

On the Ship by 325699 Telemachus
"Alright at least we know that for sure," he glanced around at the people milling around as well as ones looking to scavenge stuff to survive.  After a few moments he remarked to Angus, "Looks like the big guy with the sword, you or I are closest in size to the slaver and thus best chance of that armour fitting well enough to use. You want to try?"

He then looked over to Odelia and remembered her trying to skirt around behind Matuk before adding, "She might be a good one to hold onto the dagger."

On the Ship by 325694 Angus
"I don't want the armor, too chafing."

On the Ship by 325827 Storm
Storm suggests Telemachus try on the armor.

"By the way I am Storm, the man with the sword. How many I address you?" He asks the man who was speaking earlier:

On the Beach by 325699 Telemachus
Girding his will he looked at Matuk's body and how the armour was situated on him before unlocking the flail-like weapon from his forearm and setting it down.  Rolling Matuk over to see it from both sides as clinically as his mind could get he then slowly began unbuckling the armour in a way so he could remember how to reverse it so he could wear it himself, "Good to meet you Storm," he thumbed over to Angus since he just had declined the armour, "you've met Angus here and I'm Telemachus."

Looking to the others he added, "Don't know anyone else here.  What I do know is storms this time of year roll in from the northwest.  That makes the bow of the ship there pointing north.  Still don't know where we are but if any of the maps survived in the ship I might be able to figure out with some work and landmarks.  I'm no proper navigator but I've served as aid to them on enough voyages I know the trade if not have a lifelong experience with it."  Having finally peeled Matuk out of the armour Telemachus began to try and affix it to himself.

On the Beach by 325727 Wick
"I'm Wick.  If the lass doesn't claim it, I'd be interested in the knife.  For now, I'm going to help salvage this wreck.  And yeah, I think you're right, north should be more or less that way."  Wick waved in the direction that the ships bow was facing.

Wick climbed up to the deck.  "The mast broke free and fell on the hatch, that's why we couldn't get it open from below."  Wick looked around.  There was enough sail and rope to handle some of their clothing needs if there wasn't anything else about.

But Wick was most interested in finding the captain's cabin, then the galley, then the crews quarters.  Most anything they could find would be helpful in the current situation.  Ballaying pins might make decent clubs, the hawsers could be cut down to serviceable ropes.  But none of them had a proper meal in however long, they needed some food.

On the Beach by 325714 Dak
Dak waved for the other man on the ship's canted deck to join him in opening the rear hatch in the aft section.  They would need more than shackles and sailcloth to survive wherever they'd been wrecked.

Where had the others Matuk had taken away gone?  Had they been swept overboard during the storm with the rest of the crew?

Aft Hatch by 325684 DM (GM)
Opening the aft hatch was a fairly simple task.

The aft hold itself was a complete mess.  From the looks of it, there had been a hull breach, and standing water was in the bottom of this hold.  Tangles of material that had probably been hammocks had been hurled into one corner.  Four broken barrels were down in the hold, also, having spilled wine and ale into the seawater.  Several stacked burlap sacks filled with grain had absorbed these liquids and burst.  Amid the useless ruin, there did appear to be a few items in the corner on the starboard side--a heavy crossbow pinned to the wall by hooks, and five relatively small, long boxes.  There was also a closed chest.

Aft Hatch by 325694 Angus
Angus, after helping strip Matuk, went to help on the ship. He made his way onto the deck and began looking around for salvageable items, rope, belaying pins, sails, anything that might be of use.

Aft Hatch by 325684 DM (GM)
Rope is plentiful on the deck, but it was a pretty tangled mess.  Picking through the mess might turn up a few of the belaying pins.  There was one sail for the ship, which had been furled and now lay partially under the downed mast.

Aft Hatch by 325694 Angus
Angus gathers and untangles rope and picks out the belaying pins. He went for the sail as well, "help with the sail sheets with the knife if you can whoever has it, Wick, young lady? We need as much as we can get to cover ourselves and possibly as a tent for shelter too."

Aft Hatch by 325827 Storm
Storm greets Telemachus and Angus. He joins the rest in salvaging the ship. In the aft hold, he attempts to open one of the boxes carefully, using the tip of his sword to open it.

Aft Hatch by 325684 DM (GM)
The box opened easily enough, revealing it was a case of ten crossbow bolts.

Aft Hatch by 325827 Storm
Storm proceeds to open the other boxes using the same method in case of traps.

Aft Hatch by 325727 Wick
While Storm went about checking the boxes, Wick Turned his attentions to the closed chest.  He looks to see if there was anything keeping him from opening, moving to open it if nothing caught his eye.  "Damn shame the barrels burst, I'd enjoy something to drink."

Aft Hatch by 325684 DM (GM)
The chest was locked.

The ship itself had once been 60' but close to a quarter of that had been taken off and shattered.  Possibly some of what the group sought had been there, with the valuable items now in the stormy seas.  The ship had had ten pairs of rowing benches, each for two rowers, in addition to the single mast--a fairly typical ship for the mostly shallower waters of the Islands.  However, oars and rowers were not present, and it seemed not impossible that the storm waters had pulled these things overboard as well.  Aside from the belaying pins, rope and sailcloth from the deck, it looked like the only things to be salvaged were in the aft hold.

Aft Hatch by 325694 Angus
Angus made his way to the aft hold, and upon seeing the searchers with the chests, he pulls out the key he found earlier. "Anyone looking for a key? We may have a way of opening the chest after all. It must have been in Matuk's charge. Speaking of Matuk, I guess we should build a stone cairn over him too."

Aft Hatch by 325700 Odelia
Accepting the dagger, Odelia climbed onto the deck and began sawing at the ropes to try to get usable lengths.  She looked at the thickness of the sail, and thought that the sword might be better for getting the sailcloth from either side of the mast.

Shoreline by 325699 Telemachus
Having been left behind to his fitting of the armour he glanced around for a good spot to either bury him in a shallow grave, since they lacked real shovels, or somewhere where there was a lot of rocks to more easily bury him beneath.  He then shouldered the responsibility of dragging the man to that best determined spot and began either gathering rocks or using another broken plank to dig in the hopefully soft soil or sand above normal high tide.

Shoreline by 325827 Storm
Storm opens the remaining boxes.
Ooc: do I find anything GM?

Shoreline by 325727 Wick
Wick looked up as Angus brandished the key.  He stepped back, "See if it'll work.  Otherwise, we'll have to try to bash it open."  Wick was quite interested to see what was in the chest but it was doubtful there would be food available and that was one of their most immediate needs.

"Can any of you use a crossbow?  If we can't find anything to eat around here, we're not going to last much longer."  But for the moment, the promise of the chest held his attention.

Shoreline by 325694 Angus
Angus tries the key in the chest.

Findings by 325684 DM (GM)
The other four boxes that were like the first also contained crossbow bolts.

The key opened the lock of the chest, to reveal a canvas bag, a folded cloak, several loose parchments rolled up, and two books.

Findings by 325827 Storm
Storm takes a look at the books to see if he understands them.

Findings by 325694 Angus
Angus checks out the parchment and the two books that were in the chest.

Findings by 325727 Wick
Wick turned his focus to the cloak and the canvas bag.  "Those are maps and charts, we'll find a place to lay them out and figure out a plan."  He said of the rolled up parchments.

Findings by 325694 Angus
Angus nods to Wick, "it appears so, the question is what are the books, I am Angus by the way."

Angus leafs through the two books to identify their contents.

Findings by 325714 Dak
"Give me the sword," Dak said to the big man with the sword.  "I'll cut the sail into squares we can use for ponchos and blankets.  We just need to stay warm in the hold until this storm blows past."

Another ferocious blast of numbingly-cold air and rain came into the hold as if to remind the, perhaps short lived, survivors of it's deadly presence.

Findings by 325694 Angus
"I'll check the books out later, I can't see straight right now."

Findings by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga na'Kana returned to the hold, bringing out the form of the woman who had died because of the unlucky position of her bunk when the ship wrecked.  He carried the body to near where Telemachus was working to make a cairn for the dead slaver, and then laid the body down, arranging her into a position of repose before working to help inter the dead.

Findings by 325699 Telemachus
He nodded thanks to Koga his voice winded and soft in the storm, "I'm going to do bare minimum for Matuk there.  He was a right bastard but at least deserves to be put to rest, but she deserves better."

Findings by 325827 Storm
"I can't seem to understand the books," storm says. 'However I suggest we find a bag to keep them. '
Storm tries to see if there are spare sails and needs and threads to fashion into crude bags to store supplies. He also suggests someone takes the crossbow.

Findings by 325714 Dak
Accepting the sword, Dak began cutting the sail into poncho squares and rough blankets.

Findings by 325897 Panatix
Once on the deck, Panatix began digging through the ropes and sail to find belaying pins to toss to his companions struggling with the slaver. Unfortunately, by the time he found one, the slaver was on his back and the fight was over. The gnome shrugged to himself and held onto the pin for future use. He then began coiling about 20' of rope that was frayed on one end had been tied by the other end to the belaying pin he now possessed.

As the others came up on the deck, he followed the group through the aft hatch to see if he could find any of the clothes he was wearing when he was taken.

Instead, he reaches up and taps Storm on the back. "May I have a look at the books?"

Findings by 325827 Storm
Storm passes the books over and looks on, hoping that the man can decipher the book.

Findings by 325694 Angus
"When you're dodne with that book, I want it back, I'll hold onto it, you may keep the one in Gnomish" Angus points to the book with magical writing in it. "Perhaps we can share them and teach each other, or when we find the means, copy the works for each of us."

Findings by 325897 Panatix
Looking through first one book and then the other, Panatix looks up at Angus. "Thank you for the gift. I will be happy to share the knowledge once I have had a chance to study it."

Handing the other book over to him, "This one appears to be the Captain's logbook. He must have been barely literate because some of his notes are difficult to decipher. The language is Karakulian. When we have time later, I would like to see if the logbook tells where they were taking us. That information might help us determine where we are."

Holding out his right hand, "I am Panatix, son of Lotix the Nimble, son of Britix the Pyromancer, son of Dortix the Grim, son of...But, I judge by your facial expression that I have gone back far enough. Unless you wish to know my lineage, in which case I can go on." This last is said with a friendly grin.

"May I know your name?"

Findings by Angus
In reply to Panatix (msg # 110):

The name is Angus, perhaps you can teach me to read and speak the Karakulian language. I speak Old Karakulian, but they are far from being the same. I look forward to learning from you and perhaps I can teach you something as well to make it mutually beneficial."

Findings by 325727 Wick
Wick wrapped the woolen cloak about his shoulders.  Sure, it smelled foul and hadn't known a cleaning in too long, but it was warm.

Opening the canvas bag, he nodded.  "It looks a little light duty for mending sails, but here's your sewing kit.  There's also a sharpening stone and a half dozen griel.  Oh, and this."  Wick held up a bone snuff box.  He fiddled with it briefly, looking to open it up.

Findings by 325684 DM (GM)
The snuff box opened easily enough to reveal that it was truly partially filled with kapnos, a plant which grew in some regions in the southern reaches of Calandia and the dried leaves were prepared to be chewed or smoked.

((In other words, kapnos is this world's tobacco))

Findings by 325827 Storm
"I'm Storm," he says, grinning at Panatax. Storm wonders if he could use some sail to make a shirt for himself and announces his intentions to do so, he tells Angus and Pamatax that he hopes the books will be useful to them.

Findings by 325827 Storm
Seeding that there is nothing much left to do on the ship to help the living, storm leaves the ship and returns to the ship to aid in burying the dead.

Findings by 325897 Panatix
Panatix begins to fashion a book-strap out of the piece of rope coiled diagonally across his shoulders and neck. Looking up at Angus, "I am happy to share knowledge."

Realizing that Angus isn't taking the logbook, Panatix begins to wrap the strap around it and the other book for easy carrying. "I will keep the logbook, if you are not interested in it. But this other book will require some study. There's something strange about it. It's in a language I understand but its meaning keeps eluding me."

Turning to Storm at his introduction, "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance Storm. I am Panatix, son of Lotix the Nimble, son of..." but Storm had already moved away talking about making shirts from sails.

Sights by 325684 DM (GM)
While those working to inter the dead looked about, they could see that past the beach, looking left from the bow of the ship--presumptively westward based on Wick's guess as to north, the terrain rose in sharp, high hills like a compressed mountain range peeking above the sea line.  To the presumptive north, the terrain was broken hills, covered in patches of light scrub growth, but not likely to be easily passable, particularly in view of most of the survivors lack of proper footwear.  To what was presumably the northeast, the terrain was still somewhat hilly, but a little less extreme, still covered in scrub growth.

While the sky was dim due to being so overcast, it still seemed that it was daytime.  However, the rain was driving, the wind was bitter cold, and everyone was starting to feel as though the cold had seeped into their bones.

Sights by 325827 Storm
After burying the slaver and unfortunate prisoner, Storm proceeds to retrieve the sword and makes a poncho and bag for himself using some spare sails. He also takes some ropes for future use. If there are lose plankinhs, he will take a few to use as torches.

Sights by 325727 Wick
There was still a lot to be handled.  First, Wick lugged the chest over to where the bits of sail cloth had been cut up.  He grabs a couple of the sail pieces and pushes them into the corners, trying to make something that could hold water.  Then he pulled it to an open area where it could collect rain water.  They'd want to drink something eventually.

He then collected the crossbow and took it to where the rest are.  "Anyone know how to use this thing?"  If no one spoke up, Wick opted to keep it.  Of course, he also gathered the bolts for it.

If there's enough sail cloth left, he collected one to make his own poncho and a bit of rope cinched it around his waist.  Another sail cloth with the corners knotted together would suffice to carry what he opted to carry.  And lastly, he collected the maps and charts.

Finally, with the others, Wick outlined his plans.  "Let's look over the charts, figure out what's around.  If we find something useful, we can head for it.  If we can't we try to get some food.  Those with the weapons can see about hunting.  Others can forage for berries or roots, and the rest can try to make a fire.  Use the timbers from inside for wood, the keel probably will be too hard to get burning.  Oh, and if there's enough cloth, maybe we cover up the hole in the hold to keep the cold out.  So, who wants to do what?  And who got that bastards shoes?"

Since no one said anything, Wick kept the coins and the sniff box with his growing pile of salvage.

If none of that worked, maybe someone could turn the rope into a net and catch some fish, but Wick wouldn't look forward to slogging through the surf.

Sights by 325714 Dak
Dak made himself a poncho with a rope to tie it around his waist.  Then tied some around his feet and a square for a hood.  He then set about cutting ponchos for anyone else that wanted one.

"We should scout around," he said to anyone nearby.  "There may be a village around.  Maybe to the northeast?"

He pointed in that direction, the low hills looked passable.

Sights by 325827 Storm
Storm suggests walking along the coast instead of heading into forests or hilly terrain. He reasons that villages are usually found near water or coastal areas.

Sights by 325699 Telemachus
Having finished the laborious duty of burying the two dead Telemachus made his way back to the boat where the others were salvaging things from it.  He came upon Wick as he outlined what he thought was the best course of action.  Shaking his head when Wick asked around if anyone knew how to use the crossbow he then spoke up, "The maps and charts I can read but it will mean nothing without the Captains log book or the Navigators log book.  With those, if they took decent notations, I should be able find out where were are...at least vaguely.  Otherwise we'll need some real high ground to look around and maybe if we're lucky spot some other islands that I can cross reference to the maps.  I don't mind keeping the chest with the maps and charts safe if no one else does."

Looking down he added, "I've got the bastards boots.  If we pull those barrel halves out of the hold we can use them to catch that rain water to drink later...much as I want to get away from here the inside of what remains in the ship is likely the driest place for us till the storm subsides.  If we are lucky it was tossed far enough up on that rock that when the tide goes out it'll stay more or less where it is.  Fish may not be easy to catch but crabs aren't and other small creatures...it may not be a fine meal but it'll work till someone gets enough practice with the crossbow that they can take down some game."

As he spoke he looked for a length of cloth that he could fold over a few times to make laying on the ground more comfortable as well as a smaller spot to make a simple sack to put it and other things into to carry.  Then he looked for one that he could toss around his shoulders for use as a cloak while using the straps and leather of the armour to anchor it so he didn't have to put a tear in the middle to make a poncho...later it could be folded and rolled into a pillow.

Chest with the rolled up maps and charts (Telemachus if no one disagrees)
Sailcloth, Belaying pin
Rope (length pending)

Findings by 325694 Angus
In reply to Panatix (msg # 117):

"Same here, I understand, . . but don't understand the language. The logbook will be my school book to learn the modern language."

Angus took a poncho and hood to protect himself and rope as well. He put the truncheon in his belt. He then took some cloth and rope and wrapped his feet to protect them until he could get shoes.

"Panatix has the Captains log book. Hello all, my name is Angus."

Findings by 325827 Storm
Seeing what Angus does, Storm also takes some cloth and rope to make a pair of makeshift footwear. He asks what's in the log book and wonders if there is information about the island.

XP Line by 325684 DM (GM)
Now that the burials had been completed, the thoughts of the survivors were turning to more practical matters.  Spreading the goods of the dead slaver amongst their number, they used the sailcloth and rope to fashion makeshift garments and try to think of how best to endure the storm, which seemed to be showing no sign of letting up as well as dealing with the very practical matters of hunger and thirst.  Even in the hold, it was not much shelter, and they were beginning to get quite cold.

((-1 hp for cold, everyone; XP in following private lines.  Please update sheets))

XP Line by Angus
"If we mean to survive, we need to move out of here. This storm could be here over this headland for days. We need to find food, fresh water, and shelter. Most villages would be in the south I think, along the coast, I suggest we move south along the coast until we find one to beg for charity for bare necessities and find work to provide for ourselves. It will not be an easy trek, but with the cold and wet, staying here is not an option either."

XP Line by 325827 Storm
"I agree with Angus. What we need now is food and fresh water and proper clothes. While the direction may not yield a village, I guess any direction is a gamble. I vote we move off from here soonest," Storm opines.

XP Line by 325727 Wick
Wick looked unconvinced, but only says, "Where too weak to split up and the longer we plan, the weaker we get from lack of food.  If we're moving on, then let us be about it."  Wick starts gathering up rope, enough to make a proper 50 foot of it if there is enough.

XP Line by 325694 Angus
"I thought that was what I said, time to move. I say north because most settlements tend to be on the south side of the islands. There should be something within walking distance. East?"

Moving by 325700 Odelia (NPC)
"Yes, let's go," said Odelia, who had augmented the shirt with a sailcloth poncho and foot coverings.  "I'm sure if there's anyone, they wouldn't choose the most difficult terrain for their village."

Moving by 325714 Dak
"Then grab what you can and let's go," Dak shouted into the wind, setting off into the low hills to the northeast.  Once they got some height, they might be able to divine a better path.

Holding onto his makeshift hood so the wind didn't whisk it away, he trudged carefully along, avoiding anything sharp with his sailcloth footwear.

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
"If we're leaving we need to know where we are rather than wandering around aimlessly during a storm." remarked Telemachus as he shivered.  Looking up he asked, "Who is Panatix?  Give me a moment to look at the logbook and the maps and maybe know a better way to go on this island."

Where's Waldo? by 325714 Dak
Dak ignored the entreaty to delay and began his trek.  He knew where they were.  They were on an island with a single direction to choose from.

Where's Waldo? by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Kitted out in sailcloth, with a belaying pin in hand, Koga na'Kana shook his head.  "There's not much to choose from, and Dak is already going.  Let's not leave him alone on this island."

With that, Koga na'Kana started after Dak.

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
"If he wants to wander aimlessly in the thick of a storm hoping to by pure chance run across something to help I can't change his mind, a mind that doesn't mind leaving anyone here alone who doesn't follow his way.  If he can't wait a moment..." he shrugged his shoulders.  Telemachus wasn't about to just wander into the interior yet without even trying to find out where they were and which direction to go in after beginning to head inland, not with how he was feeling physically.  If it meant being left behind by those that were impatient...so be it.  Thus the apprentice navigator began looking at the maps and charts from the chest he'd taken care of and hoped that Panatix hadn't already wandered off with Dak as that would make things a whole lot harder.

Where's Waldo? by 325684 DM (GM)
Telemachus began looking at the maps and charts.  The charts showed various celestial happenings with dates jotted in an unsteady hand along the top margin,and associated tidal influences.  The maps seemed to be more a matter of regional maps, showing the shallow waters and deeper waters, but nothing that seemed to be particular about this island or interiors of any of the islands, except for one island marked with "Haven", which was located in the southwest of the maps, but that island did not seem to match with the current location, or else they should surely have been able to see this "Haven" if it were a town.

Where's Waldo? by 325897 Panatix
Panatix picks through the remnants of sailcloth looking for something to wear, like his companions. Finally, he finds one that can be fashioned into a cloak/poncho of sorts for someone his size and then continues to dig for something to put on his feet.

While he's digging, Panatix hears someone call his name and raises his hand, without looking, "Here I am. And the logbook is right here, too. It's in Karakulian and I can read it but I need time and light. If you would like to look through it, be my guest."

He continues to look for materials to fashion some sort of clothing and eventually finds everything he needs. Finally, the gnome looks up and realizes that some few of the former slaves have departed. He looks around, "Are we leaving? I don't want to travel in that storm, if I don't have to."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
In reply to Koga na'Kana (msg # 135):

Storm shouts after Dax and Koga,"Wait up friends! There is a storm now and I think we should keep together to be safe. How about studying the maps and waiting for the storm to pass before moving on? We might catch a cold in such weather."

Storm is concerned about everyone in the team and he really hopes over time this band of survivors will get out of this alive. He understands that friction will abound and resolves to try his best to keep the peace.

Where's Waldo? by 325727 Wick
Wick was of similar mind, that the group should remain together.  If all wanted to brave the storm, he would join them.  In his mind, staying at the ship for the moment was the path of wisdom.  If the group was to split, Wick would stay with those near the ship.  "Anyone know how to start a fire?  That'd go a ways to surviving another day."

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
 Telemachus spoke the mans tongue but it was obvious to Panatix that his mastery of it was low, "Thank you." He nodded his head and said something short in the gnomish tongue as he took the logbook and found a spot to open it up.  Initially he went to the last entry and then began reading backwards to the best of his ability.  The going was slow but his head nodded more and more in an affirmative way rather than negative.

"Looks like the Captain was killed right before the storm hit and whoever that was didn't know where they were afterwards.  Originally we were going to be taken to the port town of Bukkar in Karakul and sold, all thirty nine of us.  I'm going to look a little further back and see if I can chart our path up to the last time the former Captain was in charge so we have the minimum number of islands to consider ourselves on."

He looked over to Wick, "I wish I could.  I'd fill the bottom of one of those barrels with rocks and sand and then use some of the drier wood in the hold to make it if I knew how.  We may have to simply huddle together and mass our bodies to last the night along with as much sailcloth as we can as insulation."  Telemachus then wasted no time in reading and plotting the path that the ship had taken seeing if it could clue him in to it's last known position to help guess where they were.

Where's Waldo? by 325897 Panatix
Panatix looks up from his search through the sail cloth when Telemachus speaks to him in Gnomish. He smiles and responds as he hands over the captain's logbook, "Tá fáilte romhat."

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"The storm could last for days so going inland might be a good idea. There is only minimal protection here from the storm. Shall we brave the weather?"

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
'We should all ensure that we have water proof ponchos and footwear befre we leave inland. I suggest we fashion some waterproof hats as well to protect ourselves,' Storm says.

Saying that, he makes some waterproof hat for himself and his friends if needed,

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus continued to flip through pages of the logbook while mentally marking off distance on the map and tracing his fingers from island to island.  To those watching he looked like he was tracking it with unwavering direction till it got down the the far western extremity of the Thousand Isles. His finger making an invisible circle that was on the surface small considering the map but in truth encompassed a few dozen islands.

He tilted his head, "Need a clear night next to narrow it down further, or a clear day to scan the horizon from a good height.  Should be able to get it down to under a dozen of these islands.  None have any notable ports, villages or trading towns...at least that these slavers have ever used." He carefully rolled the maps and charts back up and returned them to the chest before handing the logbook back to Panatix.

"With that in mind likely out best chance at finding proper cover from the storm, if we are truly lucky, is a cave in the rock cliff close to here."

Where's Waldo? by 325684 DM (GM)
While Telemachus had been examining the log book and the maps, the rest of the group had managed to make as much coverings for themselves from sailcloth as they would be able to do without a sturdier needle and thread.  As such, they now were ready to either look for a cave in the cliff or try to catch up to those who had already started out to the northeast.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"I say catch Dak and Koga, that is my vote."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
Storm also feels that they should catch up with them and bring them some sails as they probably did not have enough time to make the gear. He is also worried about their safety and urges the party to start.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
Angus heads for the northeastern, flatter, hills, "Let's go now."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
Storm picks up his meagre belongings and exhorts his friends to follow as there is safety in numbers.

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
"Okay then let's catch up to Dak and see if his instincts are right." shrugs Telemachus.  He looked to see if anyone wanted to put anything else into the chest before closing it and locking it and wrapping it in the impromptu sack that he tossed over his shoulder to stay as dry as possible.

"I'd say keep a wary eye out for and caves that if needed we can backtrack to if needed..."

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"A cave would get us out of the wind and rain." as he starts on the trail after Dak and Koga. Angus will carry whatever he can to help out.

Where's Waldo? by 325727 Wick
"Sounds like a plan."  Wick gathered up the gear he'd managed to scavenge together.  It was, unfortunately, not all that much.  He'll gather up a few lengths of sail cloth and rope if it's available, they couldn't expect to find a lot of resources later.

Where's Waldo? by 325684 DM (GM)
With the sailcloth and rope, the chest found in the aft hold, and belaying pins and the crossbow and bolts, the group started after the forward explorers, Dak and Koga na'Kana, although keeping to a slower pace to accommodate Panatix's shorter stride.

Where's Waldo? by 325897 Panatix
While the others were deciding to leave, Panatix took another small piece of sailcloth and wrapped it around the books before putting his rope book strap back in place.

The decision is made and the gnome shrugs his shoulders as he looks around the questionable security of the wrecked ship one last time before stepping out into the storm. Following the others out into the storm, he mumbles to himself, "Out of the pan and into the proverbial fire."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
Storm picks up his meagre belongings and exhorts his friends to follow as there is safety in numbers.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
Angus, overhearing Panatix, smiles and replies, "to drown like rats my friend in this fire of a driving rain."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
'Do you need us to help you Panatix?" Storm asks politely.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
Do you propose to carry him Storm? The man has legs, he is just shorter, adjust your pace to him. We will not likely catch them unless they stop as they have a lead of several hours."

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
"I am thinking we can carry him if we encounter flood waters. We dont want him o be swept away dont we?" Storm says in all seriousness.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"In the case of flood waters, ANY of us can be swept away and we'll all help each other if we can. We have rope a plenty."

Where's Waldo? by 325727 Wick
Wick heads back up on deck to find a suitably sized piece of spar to serve as a walking stick before rejoining the others.

Where's Waldo? by 325699 Telemachus
With the conclusion to set out decided Telemachus went about looking for lengths of wood to make a simple travois out of since he knew Panatix would keep their travel speed slower anyways.

With purpose and speed he hunted up usable crossbeams secured by rope, or if the wood happened to be broken just right or just thick enough secured by locking a shackle down on it.  He placed the three extra boxes of crossbow bolts that Angus neglected to take with him and then looked to the remaining sailcloth.  After Angus, Dak, Koga, Odelia, Panatix, Storm, Wick and he had cut up sections of the sail for ponchos, cloaks and foot protection there wasn't actually that much left so he folded it up along with a coil of rope.  For good measure he capped off the end with two halves of a barrel so they could store at least a tiny bit of water as that would be most imperative to their survival if they didn't find any sort of civilization.

Where's Waldo? by 325684 DM (GM)
With all of the goods that they had salvaged from the ship, including a walking stick for Wick, lumber that made a travois for Telemachus to cart additional goods that were either heavier or bulkier than was easy to carry in anyone's arms, the sailcloth-clad survivors set out in the direction where Dak and Koga na'Kana had gone.  The weather remained miserable.

Where's Waldo? by 325897 Panatix
The gnome glances up at Angus and grins at his comment before turning at Storm "Giant's" question. With a wink to Angus, as if to say, he's got this, "I realize I am half your size, Giant, but I am no dwarf to be tossed about; nor am I a halfling to be rescued. You should hope my memory is as short as I so that I forget this before I'm powerful enough to turn you into a cat and make you my pet." As he finishes speaking, he wiggles his fingers at Storm and smiles to let him know he's not offended.

Where's Waldo? by 325827 Storm
"I am sorry my friend. I was trying to see if you needed help. Of course I am not thinking of tossing you around. I am not evil. You are my friend so if you need help just ask. And don't bother turning me into a pet lol I will bite," Storm chuckles.

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
Angus trudges on through the rain, looking for muddy footprints when he can, though that is tough given the rain.

Where's Waldo? by 325698 Koga na'Kana
With a rather unweildy burden, Koga na'Kana came over the hills toward the remaining survivors of the shipwreck.

"We found some additional equipment," he said, dropping the cloak, spilling forth several pairs of boots, several cloaks, and a number of daggers.  "The boots might fit some who don't have boots.  Dak is on his way back, we found someone who knows where we can shelter."

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"Thanks be to the gods! Thank you Koga, we were trying to catch up after finishing preparations to leave."

Where's Waldo? by 325727 Wick
Wick's face breaks out into a grin.  "That's the best news I've heard in a while."

Wick starts holding boots up to one foot, trying to determine which pair would best fit him.  He also opts to trade the cloak out for one that Koga brought, if there's enough to go around.  Since he had the dagger already, he'd leave the daggers for others without one, but wouldn't let any remain unclaimed.

"Where'd you get all this stuff?"

Where's Waldo? by 325694 Angus
"At what cost this windfall? We can't pay for it!" He follows Wick's lead and looks for shoes that fit, a cloak and maybe a dagger if there were enough of them.

bounty by 325684 DM (GM)
The cloak unfolded to reveal a bounty that consisted of five larger pair of boots, five smaller pair of boots, and fifteen daggers, and fourteen cloaks.  The larger boots would fit those who are 5'9" or taller; the smaller boots would fit those who are 5'4" or shorter.

bounty by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"We saw a battle going on between some orcs and goblins," replied Koga na'Kana, who is still holding a battle axe.  "And the orcs had a prisoner, whom we freed and he knows where we can shelter.  We pushed some rocks down and caused a bit of a landslide.  Unfortunately, the spears and bows and arrows were all broken."

bounty by 325694 Angus
"Blessed be the gods! An orc, or a goblin?"

bounty by 325727 Wick
"Gods!" Wick says quietly, but with emphasis.  "Are any of the goblins or orcs still alive?  You guys hungry enough to go pick through the fallen and see if they've got something to eat?  I'd hate to stoop to eating orc-rations, but if it's that or die..."  Wick lets the rest play out and he doesn't harp on what might fall if there are more orcs or goblins about.

bounty by 325699 Telemachus
As Telemachus came up on the group he heard the end of the exchange and nodded, "If we have to pass the landslide anything we can salvage will help us survive longer..."  Tilting his head to behind him where the travois was he added, "we can put any leftovers from that on the sled and keep going...and it might not help us now but any iron or steel spear heads can be affixed to new staves and you can salvage arrowheads and fletching from the broken arrows to use on new unbroken shafts..."

bounty by 325694 Angus
"Yes, I agree. Anything salvageable should be salvaged, we are want for everything in order to survive."

bounty by 325827 Storm
"That's swell work Wick!"storm says, pleased with his friends' haul. He asks if he could take a cloak and a pair of boots. As he already has a sword, he will decline a dagger unless everyone already has one or two. He suggests his friends to take two daggers in case one breaks.

"So where shall we head to?" He asks, looking at the newly returned comrades.

bounty by 325694 Angus
"Time to get moving so we can meet up with Dak and find shelter from this storm sooner rather than later." Angus accepts a second dagger for a back-up.

bounty by 325827 Storm
"Yes I am worried for Dax being alone. If he meets a bunch of goblins, it will be tough for him. Let's press on once we outfit ourselves," Storm says.

bounty by 325694 Angus
"His name is Dak, not Dax. Yes, we need to hurry."

bounty by 325827 Storm
"Sorry I didn't catch the name well,"storm says.
He picks up the new supplies and prepares to forge ahead.

bounty by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus paused long enough to unwrap the cloth he'd wrapped around himself and set it over the existing things on the travois.  Finding a proper cloak he tossed that on and slid a sheathed dagger into each boot since Matuk's feet had been bigger than his own.  When they all were equipped any remaining boots, cloaks or daggers he wrapped back up in one cloak and tied off with one of the short sections of rope to be easier to haul off the sled.

"Let's get going as soon as possible..." he looked to Koga for direction as well as when to start back to Dak.

bounty by 325684 DM (GM)
There were sufficient daggers for everyone to have two, should they be so inclined.  Once the boots had been tried on and cloaks taken by those who wished to take a cloak and the remaining goods stored on Telemachus' travois, Koga na'Kana led the group back along the same path he had taken to return to them.

Not too much after starting out again away from the ship, the members of the group could see Dak approaching in the company of an elderly-looking man.

bounty by 325714 Dak
Dak carried another cloak full of something over his shoulder.  He was glad to see the others were already moving.

"I have a bunch of smaller boots," he said, dumping out his cloak load.  He was wearing a pair himself, a cloak, and carrying a battle ax in one hand, and a dagger in his rope belt.

"This is... our new friend," he said, motioning to the old half elf.  It just struck him that they hadn't introduced themselves to one another.  Everything had been happening so fast.

"He's been stranded on this island for years.  Koga and I killed a number of goblins and orcs that seemed to be fighting over him.  A few of the goblins got away and I expect they'll be back with reinforcements.

"All right," he said, turning back to the old man, "take us to your hideout."

bounty by 325727 Wick
Wick was happy to claim two of the daggers and a new, well not as used, cloak.  The cloak from the slaver was warm, but smelled.  He drops the other cloak on the travois.  They had little enough despite the boon, no point in leaving it behind.  He spies the approaching Dak and the elderly-looking man.  "Here comes one of our heroes now."  There was nothing but admiration in his voice.

bounty by 326505 Klei (NPC)
The man, whose features showed him to be a half-elf underneath the long, dirty hair that probably would be snow-white if it were washed, his complexion a little sallow, with wide blue eyes, said, "It be good to meet all of ye.  Been a long time since I seen another face what be friendly.  My name--hadn't needed it in such a long time--that is Klei.  Back in the day, I was a groom to Himself--that be Nikolao, the Sea King.  Yes, this be the Isle of Nikolao--"

His voice trailed off as he saw the lack of recognition on the faces of the members of the group.  "You didna know that?  But, no matter, I know the lay of the land well, and one place I know the orcs won't come back to, and too much chance for goblins to try it.  They been fightin' here, tryin' to decide who will take th' isle.  But ne'er mind that, the orcs dropped about the treasure, and now the goblins want it, and none of them know where to find it, but I do.  But for now, ye be wanting a safe place to rest yer heads, and that be the temple of Aolani.  It be on the far side of the hill o'erlookin' the manor."

He paused looking around, as though to re-orient himself, and then said, "We should go thisaway now."

He pointed a way that was a little closer to what those with navigational history had guessed as north, veering just a little away from the jagged hills that formed the spine of the island.

bounty by 325727 Wick
"No time like present, let's get going.  I'm Wick by the way."

bounty by 325897 Panatix
Panatix had been trudging along behind the travois when they met up with Koga na'Kana. With a quick word of thanks, he begins to look through the boots and cloaks first. The shortest cloak still drags the ground but no matter, it's warm. And that's the best part. Even the smaller boots are still big on him but he finds a pair that are fairly close and after tightly wrapping some of the sailcloth around his feet, the boots fit near perfectly.

The group is beginning to move out and the gnome hovers over the travois trying to choose a dagger. Finding the least rusted and nicked blade, Panatix takes it up with a smile and puts it in his rope belt for easy carry.

He falls into line behind the travois and again puts one foot in front of the other in an effort to stay up with the group and not hold them back. Unfortunately, the mere mention of food moments ago has set his belly to rumbling in a grouchy reminder that his last meal was too long ago and not nearly enough.

bounty by 325694 Angus
"Thank you Klei for the invitation to your safe place, we need to recover before  we try anything else."

bounty by 325827 Storm
"Yes, I thank you for your kind help. Is there aything we can do for you?" Storm asks the half elf.

XP Line by 325684 DM (GM)

Just a line.

To the Temple by Klei (NPC)
"Well, now, it be a long time, and so glad I am to have someone to speak to," said Klei.  "Himself died when the pirates crushed the isle, years and years ago, when my hair still was black.  I dinna fight on the day the pirates come, I hid myself, and there was murdering and burning day after day, and then they gone away, and I was alone.  Living in the house of the Sea King, protecting the treasure left behind.  Pirates never found the real goods of Nikolao, just some of the trinkets and baubles.  Years watching, becoming old and gray ... how long it been?  No matter.  Orcs come here a few days ago, and they captured me.  Said they heard stories that the treasure of the Sea King never been found, which be true enough, I guess.  An' they said I knew where it was, which was true, too, but I never told 'em so."

He led the way, as the wind seemed to abate and the rain became more of a normal rain.  There was nothing discernable as a path along this way.

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
"What can you tell us of the Sea King? Any history would be helpful"

To the Temple by 325727 Wick
"What I want to know is how did the orcs hear there was treasure to be found and that you're here waiting to guide them to it.  Seems like someone lived long enough to have some loose lips."

Wick was glad for the boots, but he'd been used to bare feet, or rope sanders, the boots pinched a bit.  Still, that was much better than risking his feet on whatever stone or rusted arrowhead they happened across.

"And are we going anywhere near where the orcs and goblins were fighting?"

To the Temple by 325714 Dak
"No, we're not headed back that way," Dak answered Wick's question about the battleground.

"It's probably best we stay out of sight of it.  Though it won't be too hard for them to follow us dragging that."  He waved at the travois and the obvious track it left in their wake.

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus picks up the back end of the travois to carry it for a bit to break up their trail that they were leaving behind them.

To the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
The rear of the travois was wide enough that a second person would be needed to lift it to stop leaving that trail.

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I dinna know how they found out about it," said Klei, "I have not been off the island for years and years.  Back in the day, our Sea King Nikolao, he stood up to the pirates and fought them back, built up this isle.  The goblins came a couple days back, thinking they was gonna put a stronghold here.  But the orc chief talk to them, let slip something about the treasure, and now the goblins want the goods, too.  There been war ever since, and I be the only one who know where to find it."

He continued leading the way, not along a path that seemed particularly straight, but there was no evidence that they had circled back on their prior path.

To the Temple by 325727 Wick
Wick moves over to help hold up the travois.  No reason to leave too much of a trail.  If he knew the lay of the land, he'd move off to leave a false trail, but right now he'd just get himself lost.

To the Temple by 325714 Dak
"All we need is food and shelter to surivive, and a way to get us back to our homes," Dak explained.

"I expect that if you can help us with that, we'll try our best to help you protect your King's treasure."

He looked to the others for solidarity.  He'd assumed everyone would be of the same goals.

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"That be right kind of ye," said Klei.  "We get to the temple, there's some rats livin' in there, we can catch and eat some.  That be good for now.  Get warm and rested, and fed.  An' safe from them inhuman monsters."

To the Temple by 325827 Storm
"Ate there edible fruits or nuts we can salvage here sir?" Storm asks.

To the Temple by 325727 Wick
Wick shrugged.  He didn't like the idea of eating rat, but eating rat was better than not eating, especially if they can get a fire going and cook em up good.  As to the sea kings treasure, one could eat Kippers or gems.  A grubstake would be great, but they needed this half-elf and Wick wasn't going to make an enemy of him.

To the Temple by 325700 Odelia
Back to our homes... Odelia wasn't sure that was a feeling they all shared. At least she didn't. But, considering the current situation, she could probably join with one of the others back to their home. This could be a fresh start.

"There are no other animals in the area? Were they driven away by the monsters?"

To the Temple by 325897 Panatix
Following quietly along behind the travois, Panatix begins to watch behind them every so often. The idea of eating a rat wasn't very appetizing but if it could be prepared right, it shouldn't be much different from squirrel. With that thought, his belly rumbled again. A good meal and a warm place to sleep would be a welcome change.

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
The thought of eating rat was unappetizing, but, clearly better than not eating.

To the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
"Ne'er been much on animals here," replied Klei.  "Some birds nest but they be harder to get, an' some goats on th' west side o' the isle in the rough hills, but they be even harder to get and harder to get back.  Too soon for fruits, but there be some onions grow in the gardens."

Now, as the sky was starting to take on a more natural dimming, the group reached the bottom of a hill which, looking up to the top, there was a building silhouetted against the sky.

"There be the temple o' Aolani," said Klei.  "I'm no priest, but it always was a good place for me to visit.  Plenty o' plump rats livin' in there, and the orcs, they be scared of the place now."

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Why are they afraid of the temple?"

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"They was in the temple, lookin' for treasures and tearing up the place and foulin' it up, and that be when the storm come up, like no storm they seen before," replied Klei.  "They said it was their bein' in th temple what cause the storm to brew up outta nowhere."

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Hmmm, quite logical for them to think that. What more can you tell us of the Isle of Nikolao? Uninhabited except you and the orcs and goblins, no real game animals."

To the Temple by 325827 Storm
"Besides rats are there other things like fruits, nuts or vegetables that can sustain life?" Storm asks again.

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Fruit not ripe this time of year," replied Klei.  "When Nikolao took this isle, it was not much to look at.  Not sure anything lived here at all, as far as animals.  Mebbe the goats.  He brought in his food from trade with others.  Think the rats came on one of the ships."

He paused, and started up the hill before continuing, "No, I be alone all these years, until the orcs and then the goblins come to make troubles."

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Do you know where their ship is?"

To the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
There were lots of questions that Telemachus had but hauling the travois was hard work and when the two others lifted the other end it meant even more weight getting pressed down on him and them.  So he said nothing and let his questions and the answers that Klei was providing on other things percolate in his mind while his body continued to tell his feet to lift the left, extend forward, bring it down, lift the right, step over the broken log, bring it down...again and again and again.  Repetition till they made safe haven in the temple.

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I kin draw you a map," said Klei, "a bit easier than trying to describe what ye've not seen.
 I know the orcs be afraid here, but noble youths such as yerselves, ye won't gain the wrath of Aolani."

Approaching, they could see that once, the building had been a beautiful temple, two stories in height, and crafted from well-fitted planks of dark hardwoods of the sort that grew well in-land on Calandia.  The windows were spacious and cheerful, closed against the wind with once brightly-painted shutters; a gate of well-crafted wrought iron stood before a large front door, and a trellis for well-tended ivy once leaned against the right half of the temple's front face.

Today, though , the temple was a wreck.  The expensive wood was now pitted, cracked and decaying.  Windows were still spacious, but many shutters had fallen away completely, and a few remaining banged fitfully open and closed in the remaining wind, some hanging crookedly from a single hinge.  The wrought-iron gate was covered in rust, and some of its more intricate workings had fallen away from rust.  Ivy once planted as a decoration now covered the entire right side of the temple.

All in all, it was a spectacle of gloom and disrepair.  There were, however, no lights within, no signs of habitation, and the walls looked to still be sound enough to keep out the worst of the weather.

To the Temple by 325714 Dak
"This is much nicer than the ship," Dak said to Klei.  "Is there a fireplace inside?  Should some of us collect some wood before going in?"

To the Temple by Klei (NPC)
"We kin stay in the main hall, no windows, but the room is big enough we can have a fire," said Klei.  "Tile on the floor, and plenty of wood broke up inside."

He opened the gate, which gave a resounding squeak, and then the doors, and walked through.

"This is the hall of Aolani," said Klei inside the next room, his voice echoing to suggest that the room was, indeed quite large.

From the sound of things, Klei was moving pieces of wood into a more organized pile to start a fire on the tiled floor.

To the Temple by 325827 Storm
"it certainly seems that time and monsters have caused this once great temple to fall into disrepair. I hope we can certainly do something to restore it. Shall we try to clean it up? FOr all we know, in the process of doing so we may find peace in our hearts," Storm suggests eagerly to his companions.

To the Temple by 325897 Panatix
Panatix looks around the room and is struck with a little sadness at seeing the remains of the beauty that once was. This temple would bear some exploring. The gnome looks up at the Storm "Giant" and smiles, "I will help you after we have eaten and rested. Right now the only peace I need is in my belly. It has been so long since a filling meal, I'm afraid it will soon start chasing my liver around."

Having said that, he takes up the piece of sailcloth that was once his cloak, quickly fashions it into a bag and turns to the rest of the group. "I will help someone hunt while our host builds a fire."

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
"What has become of us, hunting rats to eat."

To the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Given our current predicament, if rats are the worst things we find ourselves hunting, we should consider ourselves lucky."

To the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei continued his efforts, and a spark could be seen, and slowly the fire caught through the rubbish and started to burn the imported cedar that had been furniture before the destruction.

As the fire caught, the room could be seen in a little more detail.  There was a pungent odor, as though they had come near a latrine.  The chamber itself was spacious, and appeared to be the full two stories.  The floor, they could see now, had been tiled--a tile which was impervious to attempts to damage it, some sort of stone.  Littered about the room were remains of chairs, tables, and apparently low couches.  Klei had gathered his material into the middle of the room with a wide margin to the remaining litter.

The south wall had been the double doors through which they had entered.  On the eastern wall, in the middle, was another set of double doors, which were closed, but still on their hinges.  On the north wall, in the eastern corner, was a small, almost inconspicuous door, also closed and hanging on its hinges.

To the west, there were a set of three shallow stairs leading up to a line of pillars, between which some cloth or tapestry had been hung.  While the tapestries were now faded and sagging, they did effectively block the view of what was beyond.

The walls of this chamber had been once plastered smooth and painted--now paint curled away from the plaster, chunks of plaster had fallen to the floor, and there were some large cracks which were evidence of the foundation of the temple settling over the years.  More recent damage was also evident--a club had been taken to the walls with deep gouges and tears in the plaster, and filth smeared across he walls.

((Humans will need a light source if leaving to hunt; please indicate which direction you head if you do leave to go hunting.))

To the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"What can you tell about this place?" Koga asked the old man. "I mean, where do these doors lead? Anything structurally unsound, or other dangers we should be aware of? And where's the best hunting?"

To the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus looks for sticks to cook the meat on the fire once it is acquired by the hunters. "Daggers will work, but I'd prefer a stick for the ka-bobs we shall partake of.."

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
In response, Klei moved over to some of the wood scattered on the floor, and arranged two pieces parallel, and one across about a third of the way from the bottom.

"We be here," he said, pointing to the inner bottom of the shape.  "Here was offices, kitchen, and store rooms."  Successively, he pointed to the right side of the upright from bottom to top.  "Stairs could take you upstairs here, and here," he pointed to the very bottom of both uprights.  "But those be the rooms where the priests kept their quarters in the day, and not so much for hunting."

"Here, there be what was servant quarters," he said, pointing along the left side of the upright.  "Better hunting there, more trash for their nests.  And back here," he pointed to the area in the inner part of the shape, above the crossbar from the place he identified as current location, "that be the gardens.  Well is in there, and I been keeping the rope good."

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Good! we'll need fresh water. Make sure nothing gets thrown in to make the water foul."

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
"I'm going to walk around the outside and find that well," Dak declared, retracing their steps to look for the well.  It had been a good hike and he was thirsty.

While he was out, he looked for a stick for a sturdy club.  The battle ax was probably too much for hunting rats.

In the Temple by 325727 Wick
Wick looked over the place.  Sure, it had seen better days, but it was a damn sight better than slaving berths in the belly of a ship.

"Let's get in there and see what's what.  I'd love to think the Orcs will leave us be, but we should see about sealing up the windows and making the place defensible.  We also need people to collect water, firewood and rats.  Who wants what?"

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus nodded in thanks before he began to strip out of the cloak and armour so he could hang or drape it, and the rest of the sailcloth they had brought on broken chairs and pews and the like.  Out of the rain getting those things to dry was important as waterlogged fabric was always heavier.  He even upended the boots to dry by the fire and once he had done all of that he finally spoke up to Klei, "Do you remember enough about how you got here to know which island it is on a map?  We were able to salvage one off the boat that was taking us to the slave port..."

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus goes with Dak to look for the well "I'll help with the water and firewood, count me out of rat hunting, I'm not a hunter type." He will then follow the example of Telemachus to dry out.

In the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Sounds kinda weird when I put it like this, but... I'll take rat duty." The elf pantomimed tossing his belaying pin at a scurrying rodent.

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
Once outside, Dak circles to his left around the building to find the well.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus follows on Dak's heels.

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
"I'll join you, Koga"

Odelia will do as she said, trying to hunt some rats throwing her dagger at them, whenever she spot one.

In the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
In reply to Odelia (msg # 235):

"Sounds like the servants' quarters will be the place to go, but it's going to be dark. Not a problem for me, but you might want to grab a brand."

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
"I'm fine too"

Odelia lowers her hood to reveal her ears to Koga. While not as pointy as his own, it is clear that the young woman has elven blood in her.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
And so Dak and Angus left the temple via the front door, while Panatix, Odelia, and Koga left the room through the small door in the corner.  Thus, left in the room with the fire were Klei, Telemachus, Storm, and Wick.

Klei started moving the wood not large enough to be suitable for drying rack use into a slightly more organized stack near the fire he had built.

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to rally his companions to explore another section of the temple: he picks up a firebrand and uses it as a light picking up some extra wood as torches and putting them in his cloth bag: he then requests his peers to search in another direction

In the Temple by 325727 Wick
Wick enjoyed the warmth of the fire, but couldn't laze about too long.  He picked up a brand of his own with a couple of spares and looks around.  "Let's look along the exterior rooms.  If anything comes at us, it'll be good to know what we can expect."

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
”I’ll see if I can convince Klei here to look at the maps and maybe further narrow down the island we’re on...” replied Telemachus to Wick and Storm.

He pulled over the chest that held the maps and carefully removed the one after unlocking the chest and then relocking it afterwards, ”What do you say my friend?  Know anything of maps and if so where we are in the Thousand Isles on it?”

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
"Shall we walk around a bit while they look at the maps?" Storm asks Wick. He then takes some sail cloth and wraps it around a chair leg before lighting it. He makes a few as spares to explore the area. He will gold the bran in his left hand ad the sword in his right.

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I ne'er be much for travel," said Klei, looking over from his work and pausing to look at the map.  "Might be this 'un."  He pointed to one on the northwest extreme.  "But I doan know fer sure."

He turned back, starting to stack some more wood. "I suppose I'm not much help to ye, son."

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
"Oh no you've been a tremendous help in showing us this place and letting us know about the goblins and orcs and the reason why they are here." remarked Telemachus.

"It also tells us that since they arrived recently there is a chance that the ships they came here on are still moored off-shore and we could appropriate them when prepared."

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"There be a lot of them," said Klei, "and they have very large boats.  Mebbe better--ye know of grave goods?  Nikolao, where he come from, they like to bury they noble dead with presents.  When the dead wake up, they say, at the time the gods decree, they will have their play-pretties.  Himself, he had a son what died, and the Sea King buried him with weapons and armor and sacks o' gold an' a few servants and a little boat to sail 'em all over the seas.  There be a place down under the manor, ye can get to it from inside, and take the boat out."

To the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus nodded, "I know grave goods and I'm wary of disturbing the dead even if I know they're passed on and gone from this world for the next," he sighed, "needs may necessitate doing so and later repaying the price to the dead and returning at least what was taken and then some for helping us live."

To the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Klei cocked his head to one side, and said, "I think one o' yer friends is trying the hall an' can't see his way."

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
As if in affirmation of Klei's words, Angus' voice could be heard calling out from beyond the small door in the corner, though not directly at that door:  ""Hello! Can anyone hear me? We have come in the back door and it is dark as pitch! Can someone give us a light!"

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus chuckled and pulled on one of the drier pair of boots before he brought over a piece of wood to the fire to substitute for the lit piece he was going to take.  As he left to go open the door he grabbed one of the longer sheathed daggers and slid it into the boot for holding since he didn't have a belt or other means of carrying it easily at the moment.  Situated as best he could be he let the poor mans torch light the way to the back door and open it up carefully for Angus.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Thank you Telemachus, we appreciate the light, it is terribly dark back here. We have light Dak, it's okay to allow the door to close now!" he says. We have green onions to eat and water from the well."

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
Dak followed Angus in with his armload of onions.  "I think I'll walk around next time," he said, unloading his onions near the fire.

"Klei," he asked the old man, "we saw some shutters moving up on the house, but no wind.  Do you have ghosts?"

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Ghosts?  Nah, nonesuch in a place like this," replied Klei.  "Shutter might be fixing to fall off, after the way the storm prolly banged them about."

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Odd, why would it be moving though with no wind? How do we go up to find the window to secure the shutter against the wind so it doesn't fall off?"

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus nodded his head, "Let's go up and do so.  Eventually the orcs and goblins will realize we're here and it'll be better to have this place buttoned up."  Tilting his head he began to lead the way to the stairs going up where the old quarters were.

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"There be stairs up on both sides," offered Klei, who seemed to be far more intent on attending to the fire than trekking around inside or outside the building.

((Please specify if you are leaving through the double doors to the right, or through the single door that Angus and Dak had returned through.))

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Get a torch Telemachus, I can't see in the dark." he heads for the door to the rear that he and Dak had used earlier if that was the way indicated.

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
"You mean this one?" chuckled Telemachus as he held aloft the light he had brought to get Angus in the first place.  He pointed to where Klei mentioned the set of stairs that went up towards the Brothers quarters where hunting wasn't 'good', "Let's get going..."

ooc: up the stairs to the Brothers quarters.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus smiled and replied, "that's the one, lead the way good sir!"

This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 10:02, Mon 15 Apr.

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
Speaking of buttoning up, Dak returned to the front entrance they'd originally come in and checked to see if it was in good enough condition to be secured for the night.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
Dak returned to the entry, finding that the doors themselves were quite sturdy wood, opening inward from the outside as well as inward into the great chamber where Klei had built his fire.  Neither door had been built with a bar, but it certainly would seem possible to block the door closed from within by using wood in the great chamber.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
Odelia returned to the main chamber, where Klei was still attending to the fire, and no one else seemed to be in the room.  She did, of course, see the pile of green onions that had been brought in from the garden, along with a bucket full of water.

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Hunting good?" asked Klei, looking up from his fire.

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
"We got 5 fat ones so far. The others kept hunting, and I see you got some garnish and water."

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Five be a good start, so many of us," said Klei.

He walked over to the travois, and the empty half-barrel.

"This meant for water?" he asked, as he picked up the bucket to pour it into the larger object.

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
"I suppose. I can go outside and bring some more. Make myself useful while the others explore and hunt"

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
Finding the doors suitable, Dak set about finding some wood to either brace the doors shut or wedge them somehow for the night.

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"That be right helpful," said Klei, dumping the first bucket into the barrel half.  He handed the bucket to Odelia.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
Dak returned to the large chamber, and could easily find pieces of wood to suit his purposes at the front door.

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
"I'm trying to block the front door for the night," Dak told Klei as he selected some wood for his task.  "I'll be back in a few minutes and can see about any of the other entrances on this floor."

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
Odelia took the job at heart, and started making trips back and forward from the well to the barrel, until the later could hold no more water.

In the Temple by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Only other door t'outside be to the garden," Klei told Dak as Dak gathered his wood to brace the front door closed.

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
Dak braced the front door as well as he could.  At the very least, anyone trying to open it would make some noise breaking in.  Satisfied, he returned once more to the fire to find some wood to block the inner door to that back hallway to the garden.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
After Odelia had finished her task of water-gathering, filling the half barrel with water and bringing in another bucket for good measure, the rest of the rat-hunters, together with Angus and Telemachus, returned to the main chamber just before Dak blocked the door to the large chamber.  Through the double doors to the side, Storm and Wick returned to the chamber, also.

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
"I'm no cook," Dak confessed, "but gutting a rat can't be that much different than gutting a fish."  He set about making a skewer to toast a rat on.

"Anyone think of anything else we can do before daybreak?" he asked.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"I suggest we eat, clean up, and then get some well needed rest. In the morning we'll talk about what we do next? Panatix, should we peruse that book again that you are carrying?"

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus nodded his head in agreement, "A good plan Angus though we may want a very loose watch just in case."

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Yes, one person should be up all the time, if for nothing else, to take care of the fire."

In the Temple by 325700 Odelia
"I volunteer for the first watch, in that case"

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
With Wick, Storm returns to the main area to meet up with his friends. He takes out his findings including some played and a small copper pot.

He volunteers to take the middle watch so that others can have a more uninteripted sleep.

In the Temple by 325897 Panatix
While he's sorting the rats from his makeshift bag, Panatix answers Angus, "By all means, I have been sore tempted to stop and look through the book all day but the need for a warm place to lay my head and a meal to quiet my rumbling belly has managed to keep my focus. Let us look over the book while the rats cook and if you want to read it while on watch, be my guest." Looking between Angus and Telemachus, "I believe we have enough people that we should only need be on watch for no more than two hours each. I'll take third watch if no one else has volunteered for it."

So saying, the gnome takes out his dagger, takes up a handful of the onion tubers and begins to expertly dice them. Looking up from his work, Panatix sees Storm and Wick come back into the room with a copper pot and wonders if it is large enough to make a soup for his companions.

In the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"I'm not picky," Koga says as he consumes his rat kabob. "I'll take whatever watch is left over."

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"Same here Koga, any watch is good for me for now.

"Thank you Panatix, we'll go over it together for a bit then study it while on watch too. Maybe we'll further understand the writings. We have to keep alert on watch though too and keep the fire going."

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
The copper pot that Storm had found might be large enough to make a small soup, perhaps enough for half a usual serving per person.  The tin plates did hold a depression in the middle, as though stews had been the most frequent food once served in them.

The food was good, seasoned with hunger as it was.  As they ate, they could compare their discoveries of the different rooms within the temple, leaving only the curtained-off area in the current chamber unexplored.


1st Odelia
2nd Storm
3rd Panatix (and Angus?)
4th Koga))

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"And Dak 5th." ;-) "A little 8 hour rest for all of us! Which watch do you wish to join Wick, everyone gets a turn."

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
Storm decides to explore the curtained off area before he rsts. He asks if anyone is willing to explore. If not he goes alone.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
"I'll go with you Storm, we need to know everything in here if we can."

In the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga rises, wiping the last bit of rat fat from his lips. "I'm in."

In the Temple by 325714 Dak
"I'm going to get some rest," Dak said finding a place to settle down.  "Koga, wake me when your watch is over."

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
Storm goes with his friends to explore the u explored place

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus carefully pulled the tapestry aside so they could see inside.

In the Temple by 325684 DM (GM)
As Angus pulled the tapestry aside, he could tell that it had once been a fine velvet, embroidered in ornate decoration, although the original colors had all faded to a rather uniform, unpleasant shade of brown.

This chamber stood about a foot and a half above the main chamber, and there were two things present here:  a low table, looking as though it had been an altar.  It had been sculpted out of a fine marble and bore no traces of bloodstains, suggesting that this was an altar of offering, rather than sacrifice.  There was also a rather large pile of fecal matter upon this table.

The walls of this area had once been white and unadorned, but now bore scars from orcish axes.

The other object in this chamber was a fine marble statue of a beautiful elven woman, sitting upon a throne and looking down into the hall with a thoughtful expression on her face and the hint of a smile on her lips.  The sculptor must have been a great talent, for the statue was posed in such a realistic manner as one might expect the statue to have just taken the seat.  The right hand gripped the arm of a throne, and the left arm had been raised as though the hand were in mid-gesture of benediction.  However, the orcs here had smashed the nose from the face of the statue, and the left hand had been broken off.  A great crack ran across the torso, and more of the filth had been smeared across the face and torso of the statue.

In the Temple by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Animals," Koga muttered, covering his mouth and nose against the smell. Then, more loudly, he declared, "I'm too tired to do it now, but in the morning we need to clean this. I will, anyway." He reached for the cracked statue, then thought better of it. "I guess there's nothing we can do about that."

In the Temple by 325699 Telemachus
"I'll sit on last watch with Dak.  Should be able to help get what will work for what little breakfast we have going for us..." remarked Telemachus as he moved the dried cloth that he was going to use as bedroll and headrest as it was no pillow.

In the Temple by 325827 Storm
Storm is certain this must have been the goddess of the temple. He will offer to clean it off the filth by using some spare sail cloth to clean the filth off the altar table and the goddess.

In the Temple by 325897 Panatix
Like some of the others, the weary Gnome finds a place to bed down. A place close to, but not too close, the fire. Once settled, he takes the rope from around the book and begins to leaf through it, trying to make sense of it. Maybe when Angus gets back, the two of them together can work it out.

In the Temple by 325727 Wick
It wasn't much of a meal, but far better than anything that Wick had enjoyed recently.  "My compliments" he said to the cook.

After the meal, he made a rough pallet out of whatever sail cloth he still had and wrapped his cloak about himself.  When it came time for his watch, he came awake quickly.  He had been used to night watches.

In the Temple by 325694 Angus
Angus stayed up and perused the magical book for an hour or so with Panatix and then again on watch, trying to understand the magical writings on the pages. He was glad to have the help of Panatix, who appeared to have a gift for the magical tongue, possibly even beyond his own.

Happenings in the night by 325684 DM (GM)
Odelia's watch had passed quietly, as Angus and Panatix had stayed awake a little longer than most of the others to try to make sense of the book.  Storm also had stayed awake a little longer than others, struggling to clean the statue with tools not quite adequate to the task.

The next watch started, and during the watch of Storm and Wick, as all the others slept, a blue glow started to emanate from the statue.

A soft voice quietly called, "Storm!  Storm!"

When Storm responded to hearing his name called, he saw that the statue was radiating a soft blue glow.  Also, the hand that had been knocked off was levitating from the floor and attaching itself where it belonged.  The broken nose and crack in the torso were also repairing themselves, and the filth that he was unable to remove (lack of soap) was vanishing.

The statue then spoke to him and asked, "Mortal man, why are you and your companions come to my temple?"

Happenings in the night by 325827 Storm
Storm stands in awe. He tries his best to respond, telling the lady how they were shipwrecked and found this temple thanks to an old half-elf. He had een the damage done to the statue and was saddened and had taken the liberty to clean it. On hindsight, perhaps there was no need to.

He asked the lady what had happened on his island.

Happenings in the night by 325684 DM (GM)
The other companions could awaken to observe and listen to Storm's conversation with the beautiful, now moving, statue.

"You see about you the results of the raid of the pirate orcs," she replied.  "They have defiled my sanctuary."  For a moment, there was a hint of red to the glow about the statue, and then it turned back to the lovely shade of blue.

"Six score years ago, men came hither and slew the men of this isle, but let my temple be--as is proper.  Since then, my sanctuary has been subject to wind and storm, age and rot, but these did not offend me, for it is nature's right to beat down what men have raised.  But the acts of debasement you have seen about you have offended me.  I choose to destroy this island, and all living upon it:  a proper cleansing of the stain made by the Heladez."

The statue stood from the throne and took two steps to one side.  "I see no reason for you to die for another's offense, however.  So I have chosen to stay my hand and not cleanse the island this night.  I will stay my hand but one more day, and lay waste to this place at nightfall tomorrow.  If you are fled by then, I will adjudge you fit to survive, and the storm which destroys this place will do no harm to your craft."  She paced over to stand near her altar.

"It is a difficult test.  I see you have not chosen your adventuresome paths willingly.  So this aid I will give you:  There are items of power to be found on this island.  For the time you remain here, I will allow you to use any as if you were trained in their use.  Should you find an object of power, use it wisely.  Perhaps it will help you toward your goal.  Is there anything more you wish to say, or that you might wish to ask of me?"

Happenings in the night by 325727 Wick
As the statue glows a beckoning blue and becomes animate, Wick mutters under his breath.  "Saint Veren preserve us."  Not that he feels evil or threat, it's just what he says when something beyond his understanding intrudes.  And with the talk of destruction and cleansing, now that does sound threatening, it's not like they could just hope on board the ship and sail away.  "How are we supposed to leave...?"  Wick says quietly, not realizing that he'd spoken the thought aloud.

Happenings in the night by 325684 DM (GM)
"You must find the way to be found worthy," she replied to Wick's half-spoken question.  "The knowledge is already amongst you."

Happenings in the night by 325827 Storm
"Thank you for your kindness. If I leave this place, I will assuredly repay you someday milady," Storm says.

He then asks humbly,"Could you direct us to some of these items that we can use to aid us merciful lady?"

Happenings in the night by 325897 Panatix
Slow to awaken, Panatix wrestles with his sleep befuddled mind as dreams of the book still hold sway over him. His mind snaps to, though, when the Lady mentions cleansing the island and its inhabitants and he listens closely to the rest of her speech.

The Lady answers Wick's question and the gnome's eyes go from one of his companions to another trying to determine who it is that has the knowledge and skill to help us off this island.

Happenings in the night by 325684 DM (GM)
"The unworthy servant knows," she replied to Storm's question.

Happenings in the night by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Tomorrow," Koga repeats incredulously. "Lady, we have shown you nothing but respect. Indeed, we have already brought death upon some of those who defiled you, and if you spare us, I for one am willing to seek further justice in your name. Surely there is something on this island you still enjoy? Tell us what it is, and we shall bring it here in tribute. But we have only just arrived here. We are weak from hunger and wracked by storm. We are eager to find a way to leave, but... tomorrow?" Koga falls hesitantly to his knees. "Lady, I beg of you. We need more time."

Happenings in the night by 325694 Angus
Angus lay there listening to the Lady speak, after a moment he sits up to listen from his place beside the fire. He rose when the time limit was given and he made sure Klei was awake to hear himself called unworthy.

Happenings in the night by 325714 Dak
Dak slept soundly through the night.

Happenings in the night by 325699 Telemachus
"Klei mentioned that he knew where the dead of the so called Sea King had been buried.  Their weapons, armour, treasure and even a ship that may be small enough for us to sail away from the island if I remember his words right..." murmured Telemachus quietly as he woke from the noise and listened.

He mused from his bedding where he had sat up and accepted the fact that they had but the day to do everything and escape or die with the rest, "If one day is all we have, then one day is what we shall use and be gone by whatever means we can find.  The fact she has given us even that is more than we deserve from one like her.  I venerate St. Veren and while I am not a follower of yours Aolani, when we get off this island I would make a small shrine to you in thanks."

Happenings in the night by 325694 Angus
"I suggest we rise and prepare to go now, one day is not a lot of time. I know we are all tired, but the alternative is the long sleep of eternity." he says to the others when she is done speaking.

Happenings in the night by 325827 Storm
"Thank you my queen! If I survive I shall ensure I carry news or thy name to the shores I go," Storm says.
He informs his friend that they need the half elf to guide them and they should leave immediately.

Happenings in the night by 325700 Odelia
Odelia, having just finished her watch and gone to sleep (and being a very heavy sleeper), is not awaken by Storm's encounter.

Happenings in the night by 325694 Angus
Angus awakens all of the sleepers to prepare to leave.

Happenings in the night by 325699 Telemachus
“There is moving with haste and moving without thinking Angus and Storm.  We just spent the day freeing ourselves, freezing in the rain and cold sea, struggled to get here, eaten little and had no or next to no sleep.  We need rest or else our bodies and minds are going to fail us when we try to leave.  Not to mention not all of us can see in the dark meaning we’d need torches to stumble around the island that would be a bright light to those goblins and orcs drawing them right to us.” remarked Telemachus as Angus and Storm looked like they were ready to get moving immediately.

”If you have ideas to counter those things I’m more than willing to listen and agree but I think we need some rest to face the tasks ahead and leave the island before the Lady destroys it.”

Happenings in the night by 325694 Angus
"Yes, quite right, I won't wake the others then, we should all get some sleep then." Angus goes back over and lays down next to Panatix where he was to try to sleep. "Make sure whoever has last watch wakes us at the first sign of dawn."

Happenings in the night by 325700 Odelia
Odelia makes a series of incongruent groans, and finally opts to fall back asleep after the matter seems to have been settled without her intervention. She will likely need a proper explanation of the situation in the morning.

Happenings in the night by 325699 Telemachus
"I will.  I sit it with Dak and I won't let everyone sleep in late..." remarked Telemachus, "...we need to sleep deep to rest but not so deep it's as the dead."

Happenings in the night by 325827 Storm
After his watch storm will sleep

Happenings in the night by 325684 DM (GM)
"I have stayed my hand for one night," she replied to Koga's plea.  "I will not stay it any longer."

She resumed her seat on the throne.  "Your offer is appreciated," she said to Telemachus.  "Thank you."  With that, the statue resumed its original pose and the blue light faded.

The status and the altar now were completely clean and whole as though no orcish depredations had taken place against these two marble items.

XP Line by 325684 DM (GM)
Just a line.

Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
To varying degrees, the group managed to get some more sleep during the remainder of the night.  Upon wakening, everyone woke feeling fully rested and healed ((all are at full hp)).

In addition, near the fire the group would find a round loaf of barley bread and a fairly large cheese.  The cheese itself was in a shape of a concave barrel, and if tasted would be found to be recognizable as goat cheese.

Morning by 325694 Angus
"The Lady has provided sustenance as well it seems, we need to be quick, we must be off the island today." Angus reminds everyone that was awake and tells everybody that was asleep.

Morning by 325714 Dak
"What's our plan?" Dak asked, tearing a chunk of bread from the loaf, making sure there was enough for everyone.  "Find one of the orc or goblin boats and take it over?"

He was glad he'd slept through the night's events.  It would have been harder to get back to sleep if he'd known the island was about to be scoured of life.

Morning by 325694 Angus
"Klei, didn't you say there was another boat on the island too? We also need to gather the items the Lady spoke of to help defend ourselves, we should eat quickly and pack up and head out. Take everything we can use, if we don't need it any more later, we can discard it."

Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm eats the cheese and bread and thanks the temple patron for her generosity. He will make an effort to pack his belongings before joking his friends.
He asks the half elf to bring the party to where the goddess said had treasure kept.

Morning by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga takes his share of the bread and cheese, but he's not prepared to gush with gratitude for the goddess. "Aye, she provided sustenance. And a death sentence," he reminds Angus. "As for a plan, I want to hear from Kiel. Hopefully he's got some idea where these useful items Aolani mentioned can be found. Or, even better, a boat."

Morning by 325827 Storm
"She could have just cleansed us along so I m grateful we are given a chance to survive. I supposed the food can at least keep us going much better than onions," Storm says solemnly.

Morning by 325694 Angus
"Or Rats! Klei, enlighten us on this boat and these wondrous items!" he say a little loud, but not yelling or anything.

"Panatix, thank you for allowing me to peruse the book with you, I understand most of it now, but there is one little thing I'm missing in order to use it. Were you thus enlightened too?

Morning by 325700 Odelia
After catching up to date and having her ration of the most welcomed breakfast, Odelia was ready to go.

"Are you positively sure that it wasn't a dream, right? The whole situation seems rather bizarre... but I guess we can't afford to take risks. Let's just hope we find whatever we need without encountering any orcs, goblins or other monsters in the way."

Morning by 325694 Angus
"Agreed, we are in no shape for fighting."

Morning by 325827 Storm
"Lead the way good Klei! To the treasured items and then the boat good sir," Storm says.

Morning by 325694 Angus
Angus gets in line near the middle with the crossbow and belaying pin.

Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm takes the van.

Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
The old man woke with the others, and took his share of bread and cheese.

"Aye, I know about some odd bits and pieces hereabouts.  The Sea King had many treasures from his years o' adventurin' afore settlin' down here.  The pirates run off with most of 'em, but they dinna recognize all of 'em.  nor would I," said Klei.  "But he give one to his Queen, what was this little stick o' wood what would throb in yer hand when it come near the Sea King's funny treasures.  I ne'er bothered with it, not all these years.  Not my place to be meddlin' with the treasures o' the family.  Nor you'ren, neither, it it weren't life-and-death.  I'll show you where it is.  If'n ye want me to."

He picked up a stick and poked at the embers of the fire, then started to make marks on the tiled floor, as though he were considering whether to draw a map or not.

Morning by 325827 Storm
"Yes please, we appreciate your help and we will als ensure you leave here with us," Storm says, grateful.

Re: Morning by 325897 Panatix
quote:"Panatix, thank you for allowing me to peruse the book with you, I understand most of it now, but there is one little thing I'm missing in order to use it. Were you thus enlightened too?

The gnome looks a little bleary eyed this morning and as he pulls some bread off the loaf and takes some cheese, he glances up to Angus. "I'm pretty sure it is a spell book but I get the most awful ache in the back of my head when I try to read it. Unfortunately, I didn't get any further with it. It appears you got more from it than I did, perhaps you should take possession of it."

Panatix holds out the rope bound book to Angus.

After eating, he feels a little better and more awake. He puts on his boots and cloak, wraps some of the bread and cheese in sailcloth for later, picks up the rest of his salvaged belongings and is ready to leave when the others are.

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Thank you Panatix for the book, walk with me on the trail, it will be safer in the middle and we can talk."

Re: Morning by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Please," Koga answers Kiel. "It sounds it will be the death of you if you cannot find your way off of this accursed island with us."

Re: Morning by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus had been busy during his watch pulling apart the travois and working on something that became evident by the time the others were ready to get going.  The crude frame pack made from wood and sailcloth was smaller and didn't give him the literal leverage the travois had but this was far more portable with rope straps and rope belt to stabilize the thing.  Clothed, armoured and ready after eating and packing any remaining food he spoke up to Klei, "Showing us the way would be the fastest to find the treasures and leave the island before Aolani does what she as said she will."

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
Angus, after he dressed and put on his shoes, packed up the sail cloth and the rope that he had as well as his make shift poncho in case of inclement weather, tying it up with short pieces of rope that he had. He stuck the belaying pin in his belt, and hung the boxes of quarrels at his hip. He put the spell book in the pack with the sail cloth to keep it out of the weather and as dry as possible and lastly he took up the crossbow. Then he waited near the middle of the group for Panatix to join him to discuss magic on the trail.

Re: Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"That will be fine," said Klei, tucking away his share of the food.  "Now, if'n ye all be ready?"

He moved toward the small door to the hallway that opened into the garden, waiting for the blockage of the door to be removed.

"I told ye, ye'd be safe here tonight."

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
"Yes we are safe now that we do not have much time left, can you let us know how long it takes to get to the various items on this island and then to the boat? I suggest we keep a distance from the island when it's destroyed," Strorm thinks.

Re: Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I kinna be sure of that, lad," replied Klei.  "Have to move careful an' avoid notice, so might be longer, but we have plenty o' time."

Re: Morning by 325714 Dak
Dak moved his bracing on the door out of the way so they could leave.  He was hefting the orc axe and ready to get moving.

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm asks klei to guide while he takes the front position.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
Moving out of the temple into the garden, Klei directed them to stop at the top of this hill.

The weather was overcast and perhaps a little warmer than the previous day--or at least the wind was not biting as it had.  There was a very light misting of rain, not quite a drizzle.

In the distance, they could see two peninsulas with several very long boats beached there.  Based on distance, it seemed that it was likely that each of these boats required twenty or more oarsmen.  On the leftward peninsula a large contingent of orcs could be seen--some of them were moving about on the boats, others seemed to be standing guard.  On the rightward peninsula, a large contingent of goblins could be seen, doing likewise.

Near the orcs' beach, there was a small squat building and more orcs could be seen there.  Near the goblins' beach, there was another building which looked like an old stable which appeared to have been commandeered by the goblins as a base.

In the center of this was a long low building shaped as an "H" and appeared to have been made from granite.  From the outside, at least, it appeared that this building had stood up to the elements better than the temple had.  Unlike the temple, the exterior windows all had solid-looking, probably rusty iron bars across them.  Even though this was no castle, there had been thoughts of defending the place.

At opposite ends of the manor, clusters of orcs and goblins could be seen.  At the entrance to the northeast wing, a cluster of orc guards stood by the entrance while a trickle of orc traffic went back and forth from the barracks they had chosen.  There was a larger group of goblins apparently on guard at the southeast wing's entrance, with another trickle of activity between the guards at the wing's entrance and the building Klei confirmed had once been the stables.

The terrain around the manor was rolling, with great patches of grasses and weeds and scrub growing all over.

Re: Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Ye see that," said Klei, pointing out another feature, something that looked like a ditch or break in the ground, starting a few hundred feet southwest of the manor and running almost to a window on the southwest wing.  "That's how I'd creep up on the thing, along that ridge.  We couldn't go in the door there, we'd be spotting in a second, but there's a window on that west wall near the south side where the bars are loose already.  I 'magine we can get in there."

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
Angus was sunken when he saw all of the activity and realized sneaking past ALL of them would be difficult. "No easy task getting in then it appears, virtually unarmed."

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm asks Klei if the magical items are in the building or if he could lead them to items that are not guarded first.

Re: Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"They be in the manor," replied Klei.  "We jus' need to get in an' not be so noticed."

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Lets take the cover provided and give it a try then. They don't see so well in full daylight so that will give us a tiny advantage. Lead the way down then."

Re: Morning by 325700 Odelia
Odelia nods along. There doesn't seem to be much of a choice here. Double checking that she had her dagger ready in case the need arose, she followed Klei onto the route he suggested.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei directed the group along some ways that were not a direct path to the beginning of the break in the ground, like a ditch.  But at last the group came to a place where one hill lay between them and the northwest corner of the manor, and the depression began just a short distance away.

From here, they would need to go single file, and after leaving the depression the first person would need to remove the iron bars from the window about five feet from the far end of the ditch.

((When your character is ready to go through, roll four d100 rolls.  Stop if any is 80 or higher.))

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Who is strongest? Storm? Dak? Wick? Telemachus? Someone else? It isn't me, I'm barely average." he whispers.

Re: Morning by 325700 Odelia
OOC: First roll:

15:48, Today: Odelia rolled 96 using 1d100.


Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Odelia!, I guess that is the end of that!" He hisses in a whisper.

Re: Morning by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus kept his head down and his ears open to keep watch for any incoming trouble.  Admittedly if they didn't have such a time crunch there would be no way he'd try to sneak into a mass of orcs and goblins like they were doing.

Re: Morning by 325714 Dak
"We'll see who's strongest when we reach the bars," Dak whispered, "but I think Storm is stronger than me."

He followed the others and attempted to crawl quietly along the ditch with the battle axe in one hand.

OOC: Dak rolled 79,73,52,57 using d100,d100,d100,d100.  Ditch hiding.

Re: Morning by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga clambered into the ditch, which easily accommodated his lithe elven frame.

Koga na'Kana rolled 16,65,41,6 using d100,d100,d100,d100.  ditch hiding

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm moves forward and tries to bend the bars.

OOC:!hughest roll 96. Copy and paste when I can.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
Storm began the trek through this depression while the rest of the group remained behind, trying to remain concealed behind the barrier of the hill and scrub growth.  Of course, to keep his head below the surface of the ground surrounding this depression, he had to keep himself hunched over.  Halfway across, he stumbled, but managed to right himself and continue on his way.  When he was three quarters of the way, he snagged his foot on a root and fell.

"," said one of the orcish voices.  An orc had left the group at the northwestern door, and started taking a casual stroll down the side.  ""

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm stifles an instinct to shout and bears with the sudden shock and pain. He will try to get up without making a sound.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
After some time, the orc strolled back toward the door.  ""

For a moment, it sounded like two orcs were going to fight when another voice said, ""

The orcs sounded far enough away--back at their door, and Storm got to his feet and continued his trek across the way.

Emerging at the far end of the trench, he only needed take a couple steps to reach the window that Klei had said had loose bars.  In the trench, Klei was starting his crossing.

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm watches for danger and decides to try to silently and carefully loosen the bars. He will use some cloth strips to muffle the sounds of beer he.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
Storm found that these bars were, as Klei had described, already considerably loosened, and it was with no real difficulty that he was able to remove them from in front of the window and lean the iron against the wall of the manor and then enter through the window itself.  Granted, the window was of such height that Panatix might have need of assistance, but that was a matter to be resolved later.

Klei himself finished crossing and made his way directly into the room.

Odelia began her journey across, and was somewhat near a quarter of the distance when she stepped onto a root which gave way with a rather distressing crack.

Re: Morning by 327578 Orc (NPC)
One of the orcs from the doorway came down the side of the building again, scanning over the terrain to the south, towards the depression where Odelia was.

"" he grumbled rather loudly.

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm whispers to Klei asking if there anything valuable here and to request him to bring hi to where th treasures are if it is safe.
He thinks of bring the items in so once his friends enter the room, everyone can be equipped immediately.

Re: Morning by 325700 Odelia
Odelia curses under her breath, and tries to find a hiding spot to avoid the orc's inspection.

Re: Morning by 325897 Panatix
10:46, Today: Panatix rolled 41, 17, 75, and 31 using 1d100.

Panatix dropped down into the ditch and began moving from bush to bush, using cover where he could find it, and following the others toward the building. When he gets to the window, he looks up to Klei, "Pardon, good sir," he whispers, "if you will tell me where they are to be found and describe the items to me, the Storm 'Giant' may lift me to the window and I will go inside to retrieve them."

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
08:05, Today: Angus rolled 1 using 1d100.
08:05, Today: Angus rolled 76 using 1d100.
08:05, Today: Angus rolled 18 using 1d100.
08:05, Today: Angus rolled 45 using 1d100.

When it was Angus' turn, he started off well, but stepped on a stick and he froze for a moment getting no reaction from the orc. He then proceeded the rest of the way.

Re: Morning by 325684 DM (GM)
While Odelia was crossing, the orc had come that way again, but it seemed that while he was professional enough to come to the side of the manor, he was incurious enough that she remained undetected, and he returned to the door he had been guarding, leaving the way safe to continue.

Odelia made it across safely the rest of the way, and into the chamber where Storm and Klei were.

"It's not so simple as that," Klei told Storm, "but I had my room right next to this one, so I'll just get my things."

He opened the door to the hallway, scanned quickly, and could be seen moving to the right once he left the room.

Once Odelia had finished her crossing, Dak and then Wick, then Angus, and Panatix successfully crossed with Panatix asking for some assistance through the window which was set so that the low part of the window was a good three feet from the ground, which provided considerable difficulty for someone who exceeded that height by a mere hand-span.

Once Panatix had been lifted into the room, Telemachus and finally Koga successfully made their way across without drawing any more orcish attention to the side of the manor.

They stood now in a room that was littered with the broken remains of cots and footlockers scattered about the floor and an open window leading back outside.

((Watch group 0 map for updates as the group explores the manor))

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm silendtly follows Klei.

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
Angus falls in line and silently follows Storm and Klei into the next room.

Re: Morning by 325714 Dak
Dak crept along, keeping an eye and an ear out for danger.

In the Manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
The hallway looked similar to the halls that had been for servants rather than public areas of the temple--dark, simple paneling on the walls, a few brackets where torches had once been kept spaced along the way, and a rough finished floor.

Klei was within the next room amidst a pile of furnishings which appeared to have been more than cursorily examined by the marauding bands of orcs and goblins.  Over the years, he had made this room his own--a bed, a chest of drawers, a table and a chair.  The table and chair had been overturned, all of the drawers were pulled out and the dishes he had used were broken, seeming to have been hurled about the room.

"They done took everything," said Klei.  The old man was crying.  "Made a wreck of all my things what I kept all these years."

Re: Morning by 325714 Dak
"Would there happen to be any clothes around here?" Dak whispered to Klei.  Pants and a shirt would be nice.  Running around half naked was beginning to chaff.

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"The items the Lady spoke of, where are they?" Angus whispered to Klei, "Sorry for your losses, but you still have your life. For now."

Re: Morning by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Right, clothes," said Klei, distracted by Dak's question.  "Mebbe they didn't destroy everythin' this way, it just be servant quarters here.  I'd look in these other rooms."

He stepped into the hall and gestured down the hall to the other rooms down the way, several doors on either side, leading to the door that led outside parallel to the door guarded by goblins.

Searching through these rooms would find rooms in some disarray, but there were several robes, tunics, and pants--faded blue-gray and a russet shade, styles well over a hundred years out of date, but still serviceable.

Considering Angus' question, Klei sniffled some more, and replied, "We should go up to the Lady's room, that funny stick what throbbed, it was well hid and they might not ha' found it."

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Thank you Klei, lead the way. Clothes for everyone now practically, maybe some of the Ladies clothes for Odelia. Any children ever? Something for Panatix then."

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
Storm comforts the half elf and says that he probably can recover his items and anyway the place will be destroyed. Perhaps he can go with them to mainland and set up another temple.

"Good you have your wits about you sir Klei. Let us get some clothes and then we go to the lady's room," Storm whispers.
He reminds his friends to be careful and to change into clothes. Odelia probably have to wait till she gets to the lady's room to get some female clothes he says.

After everyone has changed, he asks the half elf to lead them to the lady room.

Re: Morning by 325714 Dak
Ignoring Storm's repetition of what others had already said, Dak stripped off his makeshift clothing and pulled on a tunic and pair of pants.  He concluded by retying his rope belt with dagger as well as slinging the cloak around his shoulders.  Hefting the axe, he was feeling much less vulnerable.

Perhaps the bigger man was a little hard of hearing?

Re: Morning by 325827 Storm
"big man thinks she shouldn change here,"Storm says, conscious of her modesty

Re: Morning by 325700 Odelia
"With the orcs so close, any decency can wait. I'll grab some clothes and change when we aren't in danger, let's just be quick here"

Re: Morning by 325694 Angus
"Agreed, lead the way Klei! We must keep moving and get out of here."

Re: Morning by 325699 Telemachus
Unlike the others Telemachus was wearing a suit of armour and while he had strapped himself in a few times now he knew it would make them unbearably slow should he have to take it off, clothe himself better and then put the thing back on.  So he filtered quickly though the available clothing and tossed in at least one full set for himself to change into later, a second if he was lucky to be used either for repairs.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
The clothing had been for servants, and it was apparent that there had been some female servants back in the day, as well.

Once everyone had taken clothing, Klei had indicated that they should go up the hallway, though he said that the other rooms being by-passed were servant quarters.

At last, they reached the end of the hall and another closed door.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus listens at the door from his place in line unsuccessfully.

13:37, Today: Angus rolled 5 using 1d6. hear noise.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga surprised himself with the tenderness that he felt towards Klei as the old man took in the destruction of his room. Never mind that it would all be ruined tonight anyway, the elf could only imagine what these things must have meant to a man who had so little for so long. It reminded him of his own circumstances, the life he'd known so suddenly and cruelly ripped away from him.

No time to get emotional now, he reminded himself. He donned some better clothes and joined the others at the closed door, belaying pin at the ready.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"When ye open the door, ye be wantin' to stay to the left and go in the first door there," whispered Klei.  "That be where the Lady kept her rooms."

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix silently rummaged through the clothing and found some smaller items that he could cut down to size if necessary. Stowing the items in his makeshift bag, he ties it off and puts it back over his shoulder and head before following the others through the manor.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm follows Klei's directions and keeps to the left before taking the first door.
To prevent an ambush, he intends to ask his friends to be on either side of the door while he opens it silently.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia obliges to Storm's directions.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Leaving the first hallway, the next hallway had once been a finely decorated area, the walls hung with tapestries, most of which were in ruin and faded to no longer represent anything recognizable.  The flooring was a finer wood, and lamps had once occupied brackets spaced along the walls.

Like the hall in the servants' corridor, this hallway also had a turn which prevented the hall from being a straight path, and by staying close to the left wall, even the closed door where the orcs were known to be on guard could not be seen.

Opening the door Klei had recommended led to a room which had once been beautifully decorated with carpeted floors and ornate wall hangings.  The room had once been furnished with stuffed chairs and a small sofa, along with a few low tables.  The room now bore the scars of an orcish investigation--axe marks where the walls had been chopped in a search for secret hiding places, damage to the floor where the carpets had been pulled up and the floorboards chopped.

To the south, there was another door, which stood very slightly ajar.

((Upon entry, roll a d6))

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus still quietly padded to the rear of the group.  The three things he'd done were to take some of the leftover clothing and carefully tied them around his boots to dampen his footfalls.  It might mean little considering how many others were around but it might be the difference between a sharp heel step or a muffled one.  The second was to toss the hood up on his cloak and the third was to pack the flail and pull one of the daggers out instead.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Private line.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Moving into the room, Panatix is taken aback by the amount of damage done to a once beautiful apartment. He scans the room from where he stands and then, as the realization of the violence in this room hits home, he remembers to draw his dagger and does so before moving further.

01:13, Today: Panatix rolled 3 using 1d6.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm enters and searches the room being careful to maintain silence.

OOc: rolls a 4

XP line by 325684 DM (GM)
Monday morning xp line

XP line by 325698 Koga na'Kana
With a belaying pin in one hand and a dagger in the other, Koga takes a last look behind the group before following them into the ruined room. He holds up a hand for silence, not that anyone seems to need the reminder, and points towards the open door at the far side of the room, indicating for one closer than himself to investigate before they make themselves too comfortable.

Koga na'Kana rolled 4 using 1d6.

XP line by 325714 Dak
While the others crept into the room, Dak remained by the door to keep an eye on the hallway behind them.  If goblins and orcs were creeping about in the building, he'd prefer not to be surprised by them coming up behind them.

XP line by 325694 Angus
Angus kept his eyes open, as he surveyed the room, "where is the 'stick' Klei, and, is there anything else in here we can use? Not likely after the orcs got finished."

XP line by 325700 Odelia
"I'll keep an eye out here while you search the room"

Odelia will do as she said, only following the others when they are ready to continue onwards.

XP line by 325827 Storm
As per my actions beforr xp line. Searches carefully

XP line by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus raised one hand and pointed towards the ajar door before  bringing it up by his mouth and soundlessly flapping his fingers together as if ‘speaking’.  Then held up two fingers shook them in a maybe unsure and then put up three and shrugged his shoulders.  Whoever was in there was being quiet about it and he knew that in the minimum it didn’t sound like the orc or goblin languages he’d heard outside.

XP line by 325694 Angus
Angus quietly nodded his head to Telemachus letting him know he knew what he was saying, someone else was in here. He motioned for Storm to check the door and he raised his crossbow and began to draw a quarrel out of a box to load in it.

XP line by 325827 Storm
,getting the hint, Storm moves carefully and checks the door for noise or other unusual activity

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
As Storm drew closer to the door, he was able to discern what Telemachus had indicated--there were voices from the room beyond.  There was perhaps an inch of opening, and the door would push into the next room.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
His eyes narrowed further as he continued to listen.  Raising one hand flat up to eye level he shook his head negative and then lowered it to about Panatix’s height and waved his hand about being unsure.  Moving so he would be out of view of the door when it eventually was going to be opened he knew he might have a trick up his sleeve to surprise the goblins, if they were indeed that foe.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus makes a throat cutting motion to Storm and shrugs his shoulders, questioning if we should kill them as quietly as possible.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak remained just inside the open door to the hallway.  He wanted to secure their retreat and have warning if anyone approached.  As well, closing an old unused door like this would probably squeak like a new mainsail spar.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Realizing that some of the others are preparing for action, the gnome's eyes widen and he begins to slowly, quietly make his way to the left, and the east side of the room, in order to be out of the way.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm signals to his companion asking how many enemies are there and if they should Storm in and surprise them.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus nods yes to Storm.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
As the doors stood, the door to the hall that they had opened to enter the room remained open with Dak standing guard there, while the door to the next chamber stood slightly ajar.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to detect noise coming from behind the ajar door.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Like the others, Storm was able to hear a low murmur but no recognizable words.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Can Storm make out how many voices are there?

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
While it was definite that there was more than one, and that there was some degree of agitation, the voices were kept low and without opening the door, the number could not be determined.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm again signals to his friends that he will gesture 1 to 3 before charging in. He readies his sword. If everyone is agreeable, he will charge in.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia, who was keeping an eye on the corridor, comes into the room just in time to see Storm's motion, and mimics her input in the situation.

She extends her arm, with the palm open at Storm, and then points at him, then at her eye, and then at the door.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm gestures to Odelia to inspect the door, pointing his finger at her eye and then at the door

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia obliges, and gets close and as quietly as possible tries to have a look into the other room, opening the door more if absolutely necessary.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia turns around, and raises 6 fingers to the others, and makes a motion at the height of her torax, while mouthing a word that definitely doesn't look like "orc". She then steps back from the door and readies her dagger, clearly ready to kill if necessary.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga raises his eyebrows and gives an exaggerated exhale. Then he shrugs and readies his knife.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Eyes wide open, the gnome licks dry lips and switches the dagger from one hand to the other, wiping his sweaty palms on his cloak.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Still watching their backs, Dak missed Panatix's hand cloak and lip licking signals.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus shifted the dagger uncomfortably in his hands but nodded he was ready for whatever they chose to do...

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
The waiting became interminable for Telemachus so the man tilted his head down so the shadows cast their pall over his face and flicked the dagger around so the blade lay flat against his forearm.  Moving to the cracked door he strode right in hoping that the shock of the thing opening would startle and surprise those inside and give him time to quickly assess the situation...

In the manor by 327579 Goblin (NPC)
Inside the room, there were five goblins with spears clustered around a sixth goblin whose spear had been laid aside as he held in one hand a piece of wood about a foot long, which had been stained crimson.  This goblin also had a satchel with a strap cross-wise across his chest.

Looking around the room, there were the remains of a four-poster bed, a vanity with a once-plush seat and a now=broken glass mirror, the shards littering the room, and a torn folding screen which had once concealed a terra-cotta bathtub--while the colorful painting of fish, squids, rays, and other sea-life could be seen, the tub itself had been cracked into several large pieces.

((Goblins are surprised, so only a d20 roll is needed this round for anyone making an attack.))

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
 ranted Telemachus in a tongue that sounded curiously like what the Orcs outside had spoken.  It was an impressive diatribe of what might have passed for words after the initial burst of speaking but certainly sounded like an unending string of curses.  Certainly impressive enough to totally bewilder the goblins as he came into the room and cuffed one with the reverse grip he had on the small dagger.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm charges in, surprising the goblin and swings his sword at the nearest foe.

13:25, Today: Storm rolled 13 using 1d20.  Attack.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus moves in and takes aim with the crossbow and fires at a goblin!

06:25, Today: Angus rolled 10 using 1d20. to hit.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak is surprise by the commotion on the other side of the room and looks over to see what's going on.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga darts through the door behind Storm, thrusting his dagger into any goblin within reach, preferably one already injured by one of his colleagues.

Koga na'Kana rolled 18 using 1d20 ((18)
Koga na'Kana rolled 1 using 1d4.  Damage

Edit: Went with dagger because apparently Koga should have one. Not that it did any good, damage-wise ;-)

In the manor by Angus

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia follows suit, and adds to the efforts of the group by attacking the same goblin as Koga with her dagger. Truth be told, Odelia's attack went so wide that anyone watching would have a hard time judging who did Odelia miss, Koga or the goblin.

15:18, Today: Odelia rolled 3 using 1d20.  Dagger Attack.
15:19, Today: Odelia rolled 4 using 1d4.  Damage (grossly unnecesary).

Hitting AC 17 for 4 damage.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
From his position as rear guard by the doorway into the hall, Dak could see the fight break out as the door was rapidly opened by Telemachus who had started addressing the goblins within in a harsh tongue which made the goblins' eyes grow wide, just before Telemachus punctuated his address with a stab into the relatively unguarded gut of one of the goblins who had been clustered around the one holding the wooden stick.

Angus quickly fired off a bolt from the crossbow liberated from the wrecked ship, the bolt flying into the left arm of the goblin just behind--from the perspective of one entering the door--the goblin holding the stick.  Unfortunately, it seemed that the weapon was rather complicated, and it was going to take considerable time to get it ready to fire again.

Others jumped through the door, as Storm swung the sword liberated from the hands of the last surviving slaver and quite nearly cut one of the goblins in two, as Koga burst through to finish off the goblin that Telemachus had wounded, while Odelia rushed into the room with a wild stab which caught a great deal of air, but unfortunately not much else, leaving her with the option of continuing past the goblins to put the goblins in the middle of the party and an air of 'I meant to do that'.

 said the goblin who had been holding the stick, and he stuffed it into the satchel he wore.

((Two goblins down, four remaining--one of these is wounded.  Roll a d10 for initiative and a d20 for attack.  Damage: sword 2d4, dagger 1d4, belaying pin 1d4.  Currently in the inner room are Angus, Koga, Odelia, Storm, and Telemachus.  Dak in the doorway as rear guard, Klei, Panatix and Wick in the ruined sitting room and could enter for next round.))

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm attacks the goblin holding the stick and satchel ic within range. Else he attacks the most wounded one.

OOC: 7 initiative , 17 attack; 7 damage

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Though Koga can not understand the goblin, its words and the hasty stowing of the stick catch his attention. Suspecting that one he just stabbed is down for good, he moves to attack the one that just spoke.

08:25, Today: Koga na'Kana rolled 4 using 1d4.  Damage. Guess I'm an optimist.
08:25, Today: Koga na'Kana rolled 6 using 1d20.  Attack.
08:24, Today: Koga na'Kana rolled 1 using 1d10.  Initiative.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus drops the crossbow and pulls his dagger and attacks the closest goblin to him!

08:34, Today: Angus rolled 4 using 1d4. damage.
08:34, Today: Angus rolled 19 using 1d20. to hit.
08:33, Today: Angus rolled 6 using 1d10. initiative.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak, torn on whether to help or keep their exit secure, said to the gnome, "Let me know if they need help in there."

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
The surprise done Telemachus maneuvered himself with his bloody dagger into a position to not allow any of them to get away.  That of course meant that when he went to stab at the next goblin it was woefully off-target as he growled at the goblins,

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
After missing the goblin the first time, Odelia turns around and attempts another stab. She is not dying here.

13:51, Today: Odelia rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.
13:51, Today: Odelia rolled 15 using 1d20.  Dagger attack.
13:51, Today: Odelia rolled 4 using 1d4.  Dagger Damage.

Hitting AC 5 for 4 damage.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
The shock of action seems to have rooted Panatix to his spot by the wall but Dak's comment does the trick and snaps him out of it. Quickly he moves to the doorway into the inner room just as the goblin stuffs a stick into his bag and his eyes lock onto that goblin.

Keeping his eyes on the goblin, Panatix speaks over his shoulder at Dak. "So good, so far. I mean so far, so good," says Panatix, still a little nervous.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
In the first room, Dak maintained his guard at the door, just in case either reinforcements came up the hall or orcs came from the somewhat near entry, but at least at this juncture it seemed that no alarm had been drawn.  Wick, meanwhile, seemed to have the opinion that when one has nothing, anything might be of use, and he was looking amongst the debris for something that might have been overlooked.

Panatix reassured Dak that the fight seemed to be going well for the survivors in the next room.

Indeed, it seemed that it was going well.  While Koga failed to stab the goblin near him, he was equally gratified to evade the tip of that goblin's spear.

The bleeding goblin had what could best be described as an expression of grim determination, or perhaps it was desperation.  Perhaps it was blood loss that made his aim so poor, for his spear came nowhere near any in the group.

Knowing how slow the crossbow was, Angus had decided to go to something more certain, and he stabbed another of the goblins, which fell to the floor, while Angus' blade and hand were covered with the warm, black blood of the goblin.

The satchel-bearing goblin had snatched up his spear, and just managed to graze Storm with the tip ((-1 hp)).  A moment later, Storm's sword nearly cut that same goblin in half.

Telemachus, finding words not effective, found his blade equally unable to bring an end to the fight.

Odelia, recovering her posture, brought her dagger deep into the goblin that had, mere heartbeats ago, threatened Koga, and that threat now was ended, as the goblin fell to her blade.

((1 wounded goblin left standing, -1hp Storm, no other injuries))

In the manor by 327579 Goblin (NPC)
Finding himself alone in the room with many foes with deadly blades, the wounded goblin dropped his spear.

 he said, eyes darting about wildly.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Just as the goblin dropped his weapon, Angus lashed out with his dagger, which, covered with ichor, missed badly, he lowered his dagger to not further threaten the goblin. "You can speak to him Telemachus?" Angus asks. "Question him."

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga does not speak goblin, but he looks at the creature with stern eyes and holds a finger to his lips as his other hand presents the dagger menacingly. Once satisfied that his message has been received, he cracks open one of the doors leading out into the hallway and peeks out for any sign of attention drawn by the battle.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm shrugs off his injury and prepares to pommel the surviving goblin.

OOC: roll 3 attack sorry I didn't read the dm n players text.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
"No that was Orcish and I hoped it would cow them into surrendering.  Doesn't look like they knew it anymore than I know Kobold." replied Telemachus as he breathed heavily from not only the exertion but also the adrenaline coursing through his body.

"Let's tie him up and gag him for the moment.  No need to kill him just keep him out of the way for us to get what we need and leave." he set his pack down he pulled out two things: a short section of his rope and the improvised flail.  He locked the shackles around his feet and severed the rope with his dagger to use for binding his hands and gagging his mouth with some of the material from the remains of the bed to muffle any sounds they might make.

As he worked he also checked the injury the goblin had received and stanched it with a cut piece of the things clothing.  They might be enemies but only in battle, "Search the bodies for anything useful, recover that stick that I'm guessing is what we came for and let's get out of here fast..."

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Give the stick to Panatix, I think he can use it. Thanks for binding him Telemachus."

In the manor by 327579 Goblin (NPC)
The goblin was in little condition to resist Telemachus binding him up.  He did have a dagger in his belt, and had been attired as other goblins they had seen--a loincloth, soft ankle boots, and a cloak.

The only goblin who was at all different was the one who had the satchel.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Is the goblin with satchel still in the room?

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Goblin with satchel is still lying dead on the floor where he fell when Storm killed him.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm searches the goblin with the satchel

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
The goblin with the satchel, like the others, had a dagger.  What was different was the satchel--which contained the stained stick that the goblins had been arguing over, a sewing kit, a leather bound book, a marble, a bracelet of seed pearls--though at least half of those seemed to be missing, as it was at least half string, one asil, and a piece of flint on a string.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to see if he can use the stick, remembering the promise the lady gave that he will be able to use all items found as if he's skilled in them. He will also see if the book is useful.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
As the goblin prisoner is tied up, Panatix turns back to Dak and, speaking in a quiet voice, "All is well. They were Goblins. Do you speak Goblin? We have a prisoner."

The gnome keeps glancing back into the room, then back at Dak while awaiting his answer.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak shakes his head at Panatix in reply and returns his attention to the hallway.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Is that the stick Klei? If it is, we need to get on with finding what we're after and getting to the boat as quickly as possible." he says, "Let the goblin here to die, we can't take him with us unless he's willing to change his ways. Storm, if you can't use the stick, give it to Panatix, I think he can"

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
When Storm looked through the book, it seemed rather odd, as though the letters were both there and not there.

However, holding the stick was another matter altogether, and after a moment, he began to notice some sensations coming from the stick.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm passes the book to the mages or aspiring mages and informs the rest to follow the stick. He moves in the direction the stick leads, knowing that time is limited.

In the manor by Angus
Angus falls third in line and follows Storm but stops to check the spell book in his 'pack' first. He opens it and holds it so Panatix can see it too, checking it one more time for any clues. He also attempts to retrieve the crossbow bolt.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga confirms that the hallway is clear and then motions the others that it's safe to proceed.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
In reply to Angus (msg # 469):

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
As everyone begins to follow the Storm giant from the room, Panatix realizes the satchel is being left with the goblins and moves quickly to retrieve it before following the others. Slinging the bag over his shoulder and neck, he falls in line next to Angus and takes a glance at the book that he is holding out. Being an avid reader, the gnome will want to do more than glance at it but is afraid they are pressed for time.

He nods at Angus, "Thank you for sharing. I would like to look through it a little more when we have time to sit and read it."

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
If noone had picked them up, Odelia collects the weapons of the goblins, and follows the others.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Seeing everyone else leave, Dak follows, picking up the rear.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus looked like he was going to take the satchel with the remaining stuff in it until Panatix took care of that himself.  Taking one last good look around he glanced over to Odelia, "Mind if I take that spear?" he pointed to the one that the goblin with the satchel was wielding before she collected them up.  Checking the balance and looking to make sure the head wasn't loose he looked to bring up the rear like before.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Aye, that look like the stick," agreed Klei before taking his position in the line.  As they left the chamber, he pointed out the door that was almost directly across the hall from the one they had been in.  "This be Himself's rooms.  Up there be where the prince had his and sum o' Himself's scribe and majordomo."

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
As the group continued, the hall seemed quiet enough to suggest that their brief struggle had not alerted the orcs at the northwest door to the activity.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm contnues to follow the wand, walking where the pulse indicated.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Perhaps it will help you Panatix, the letters keep disappearing for me." Angus gives the book to Panatix.

XP Line by 325684 DM (GM)
((Will Storm lead into the rooms through the door more or less straight across, or head up the hallway?))

XP Line by 325827 Storm
Storm follows the guidance of the stick, taking care to be wary of ambushes or traps or noise.

XP Line by 325694 Angus
"Dak, Odelia? Who wants this crossbow, I'm no good with it, I'll take a goblin spear and remove the tip, make a good staff."

OOC = Who wants the heavy crossbow and bolts?

XP Line by 325727 Wick
Wick, glad to have picked up some clothes and having looked for some better fitting foot ware, continues to rummage around for anything else that might be valuable.  When the scuffle is over, he moves over to see if the goblins have anything of use, tools, weapons, money.  He wasn't so hungry at this point that he'd spend a lot of time drooling over goblin rations.

Manor by 325684 DM (GM)
The goblins had been carrying no rations, perhaps because they expected to have returned to the base they had built in the stables.  They seemed to have been traveling quite light--just the spears and daggers, and only one with a satchel.  Unfortunately, this room seemed to have been picked over too well for there to be anything remaining to scavenge.

Manor by 325727 Wick
Wick gathers up the spears and daggers, setting them off to the side for anyone to claim should they want them.  He also starts rummaging through the satchel to see what might be worth claiming.

Manor by 325684 DM (GM)
In reply to Wick (msg # 485):

Daggers were all that had not yet been scavenged by another party member.

Manor by 325714 Dak
Dak shook his head in response to Angus' inquiry about the crossbow.  He just wanted to find whatever the stick wanted them to find and get out without both sides crashing down on them.

Manor by 325827 Storm
Storm moves to the door directly opposite, trusting his instincts.
(Travel east)

Manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
The elf's eyes light up at the offer of the crossbow. "I believe I can put that to good use. Certainly will be a welcome step up for chucking a belaying pin at rats."

Manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus added quietly to Koga, "When we get to somewhere safer I can also let you have the other cases of bolts if you want them...they are in the bottom of my pack."

Manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Moving quickly across the hallway, the party filed through the double-doors and came to a room which had once been beautifully decorated with cloth hangings in between panels of fine wood, and furnished with fine sofas.  Like the rooms that had belonged to the queen, this room bore scars of axes cutting into walls and floorboards.  The sofas which had once been luxurious places for those nobles awaiting the Sea King's pleasure had been broken, the wood frames in pieces upon the floor and the stuffing pulled out.  There was a door in the wall to the north and a very plain door in the wall on the opposite wall.

Manor by 325714 Dak
Dak hung back by the double doors to watch the hallway for movement.

Manor by 325827 Storm
Storm follows the door to the north, detecting evil before the door is opened

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Angus:"Perhaps it will help you Panatix, the letters keep disappearing for me." Angus gives the book to Panatix.

The gnome's ears prick up at the comment and he whispers "Thanks," as he takes the book reverently from Angus, opening it for a few moments, before closing it again and following the others to the questionable safety of the next room. That one glance was enough, though, and his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm and new found knowledge.

Putting the book back into the satchel, where it had originally been, he notices some of the other items in the bag with the new light of this knowledge. When his hand comes back out of the bag, he is holding something small and white in his left hand. Once in the next room, Panatix quietly and discreetly puts himself in a position where the Storm "giant" is between him and any potential danger.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
This next chamber had borne perhaps the most savage attacks in search of the treasures that the Sea King might have had which had survived the sack of his island.  The walls and floors were both heavily marked where axes had chopped to create leverage to pry wall paneling and floorboards away.

There were the remains of a number of smashed wooden chairs, and a wooden desk which had been smashed into several pieces.

The wand in Storm's hand now was visibly throbbing with a distinct motion toward one of the larger pieces of desk.

An expression of solemn sorrow seemed to cover Klei's face.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm moves towards the desk. Before doing so, he asks the half elf for the reason of his sorrow

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus gives the crossbow and 2 boxes of quarrels to Koga.

Re: In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick looks about the room, trying to decide if there's any areas worth investigating.  The walls and floor shows signs of being beat to hell, as did the furniture.  He glances up to consider the ceiling.  "The way they tossed this place, not much left." he whispers to no one in particular.

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"These were th'rooms o' Himself," said Klei.  "An' look at what they done 'ere."

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm moes towards the desk indicated to search it.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"You find something Storm? Angus asks.

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga studies the old man. "You seem as upset by the destruction here as in your own chamber. You really cared for Himself that much?"

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Following the others, Odelia joins Storm, looking over his shoulder (or most likely under his armpit) to see if he found anything interesting. She feels like she is missing something, but she can't quite put a finger on what it is.

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus stayed at the rear listening and keeping an eye out for any other creatures.  If they couldn't see him he likely could fool any other Orcs walking through and make them move along or surprise them if necessary but their window of opportunity was closing quickly to get everything and get off the island.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus helps search the remains of the desk to facilitate matters for the party.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
storm says he will search based on the signals given by the stick. As a paladin he doesn't hoard treasure anyway

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"I never accused you of hoarding treasure, I was simply helping to search the desk for the item the stick indicated."

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Talk of hoarding turns Koga's head. "What's going on back there?"

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"I'm not sure, Storm seems to think I accused him of hoarding, I have not and would not do such a thing. None of us has anything."

Re: In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick shakes his head with annoyance.  "You guys can argue later, when we're not surrounded by an army of orcs."

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm clarifies that he does not and did not accuse Angus that he does not hoard treasure. He merely says he does not cos he can't.

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I done spent my life takin' care o' this manor," said Klei, "an' look what they done."

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Searching this larger piece of the broken desk revealed a tiny catch which, once pressed in and released, caused a hidden compartment to open up.

The compartment itself was quite small, but just large enough to contain two objects:  a small, opaque blue glass bottle which had been stoppered and sealed and a beautiful dagger with what seemed a preternaturally sharp blade, undimmed by the years without care.  The hilt of the dagger was made of a jet-black stone with a design that appeared to be drawn from inlaid gold in the shape of several waves.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
"Wow, that's beautiful. Are these items familiar to you Klei?"

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
"Let's keep moving," Dak whispered back to the others from where he watched by the door.  "We can figure out what everything does when we're safely out of here.

"Where does the stick want us to go next?"

The less time they spent in the building, the less chance they'd have of running into anymore orc and goblin patrols.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia shook her head, as if to get out of her stupor. "Dak is right, we have more important matters than a tour around the manor... Let's focus on getting out of here". While she meant what she said, it was hard to consider her sincere as her gaze didn't leave the dagger at any point.

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"I don' know them," replied Klei, with a firm negatory head shake, "but Himself, this be his study, an' if he'da had da chance, mebbe he coulda fought them pirates back in the day.  I think he kept things about to try'n be safe.  Pirates afore took most such."

"There be rooms that connect, we can go that way," he added.  "Go back an' through the small door."

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm gestures to his companions that these are the two items the wand/staff has guided him to. To a warrior like him, whether an object is a wand or staff means little. He whispers to his companions.
"I believe these are objects of power. I have no idea what they do but I can try to find out."

He touches the dagger and then the bottle, making a silent plea to the Lady to reveal the magics behind these objects to him that he may inform his peers.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Nothing particular struck Storm as far as hints regarding what utility the items might have, beyond guessing from the location in which they had been found and that these had some magical nature.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
"Hmmm... can i have the bottle for a second? I have an idea"

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm passes the bottle to Odelia and asks his friends who would like to keep the dagger as it could be a useful weapon.
He then sees where the stick leads him to next.

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix leans around Storm and whispers, "My grandfather kept a very sharp dagger and vial in his desk near his money box, similar to how this one was stored. He claimed the dagger was for protection against thieves and was an object of power; though I don't know, and that the vial contained a special drink. Maybe that was true but I always thought it was a little something he added to his morning coffee when he thought my grandmother wasn't watching."

Glancing over his shoulder at Dak he leans in and whispers again, "But, I think the Keymaster is right. We need to get out of here first. Then determine what these items can do, if anything."

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
"Yes agree . Just now the signal Stopped at the objects so I had to take and test first. Let's hope I get more signals now,"'storm whispers before using the stick to guide him to the next destination.
He is excited by the prospect of getting all the help they need to leave this island.

Re: In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick manages to get a glance at the dagger.  He wouldn't mind testing it's hilt himself but now wasn't the time.  He gathers up the best of the goblin spears and daggers, to the extent that he can carry them without giving up his mobility.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
"I'd like the dagger, if noone else wants it. I think i could manage with one."

Before anyone has time to stop her, Odelia uncorks the bottle, and takes a tiny sip out of it's contents, barely a droplet.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Can you tell what it is Odelia? That was dangerous you know. You should take the dagger to defend yourself."

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm passes the dagger to Odelia, telling her to use it well.
He holds the dagger by its blade, passing the dagger to his friend hilt first.

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Keeping watch Telemachus felt his stomach groan quietly and he frowned while shifting his head slightly so that his ears could pick up tiny differences in sound.  If Orcs did come in he wanted to know how many voices there were to help warn the others.  With a small shake of his head at catching Odelia sample the vial he added quietly, "If there is nothing else where let us move on.  The longer we linger the more likely an Orcish patrol will come through and find our handiwork in all the dead goblins."

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Agreed, let's move on quickly, where to Storm?" Angus asks the big fighter.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm activates his staff or wand and wills it to guide the party. He is aware of the time that is running out.
"Don't worry my friends, I can detect foul smell creatures now. We shall avoid or kill. I prefer to kill since they are evil. It will also allow us time to work together in combat," he whispers in his soothing voice.

With that, he raises the stick he wields and continues where it leads him, to greater glory in the service of good.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus falls back into line to follow Storm into the next area indicated by the 'stick'.

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Klei pointed through the window, and said, "We need to get ta tha' wing.  We can go through some o' th'rooms, an' stay from the halls.  Be safer."

With that, he started to guide Storm to go back through the room they had entered from the hall, and then through the next small door.

This next room had the moldy remains of a rug on the floor, and the debris from a number of smashed desks and ruined tables and chairs.  The tattered remnants of a tapestry hung just to one side of the door, as it appeared that one corner had come loose, but once the tapestry would have concealed that door from this side.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Seeing the ruined room, Storm wonders what sort of evil that cannot appreciate beauty. He asks klei about the room and then asks if his friends wants to search it.

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
"Just follow the stick," Dak whispered.  "We don't have time to search for anything they missed."

They needed to keep their focus on following the stick and getting out alive.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
"I'm not entirely sure, but I believe this may be a magic potion to increase one's strenght. Unless one of you thinks they can make use of it, I think Panatix should carry it in the satchel. It should be somewhat safer there"

Odelia then follows along, examining the recently adquired dagger from up close.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Seeing that there isno pulse in this room, Storm requests Klei to lead them on to the next place where they can find other items of power.

He will b cautious and spend a round to detect evil when he is at a doorway or corner.

"Better safe than sorry ya," he whispers to his friends.

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
"Sure, I'll hold the potion," the gnome remarks when Odelia mentions the satchel. He bends over and picks up a scrap of old cloth off the floor, "I can wrap it in this bit of cloth for extra padding, too."

He holds his hand up to take the potion from Odelia as they walk from the room.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Moving from this room, the group came into a large room.  The ceiling above had been damaged in the past, and rain had gotten into the place.  Now, mold growing here was almost choking, it was so thick.  The room had clearly been a library, with toppled bookshelves and thousands of volumes in a ruined pile of mold and rot.

On the far wall, there was a wooden plaque which had taken up the entire eastern wall.  It appeared to have been pulled away from the wall and then leaned against the wall, as though someone had been searching behind it.  The plaque showed a relief of a harpooner drawing back the weapon to attack a distant whale.

In the southern wall, there were double doors which presumably led to the hallway again, and here the chain of interconnected rooms ended.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia trusts Panatix with the potion, and follows the others into the next room. Once inside, she moves forward towards the wooden plaque, to check behind it for any signs that anything of value might have once been hidden behind it.

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga's eyes grow wide at the sight of so many books, and despite the rush, he takes a moment to inspect them, frowning in displeasure when they practically crumble at his touch, leaving an unpleasant residue on his hands. He wipes them on his pants, then looks to see what Odelia has found behind the painting. "Anything?" he says. "Seems like there could be a hidden door back here leading into the next room. Would be nice not to have to go back into the hallway."

The character sheet I inherited just says "Bonus to spot secret doors. (varies)" so... I'll try to do that.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus looks around at the library with a sad look in his eyes that so much knowledge is now gone forever. Barely holding back a tear it was so sad.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm follows the hum to the relief with the harpoonist. He inspects the area for hidden compartment and gestures to his companions, pointing at the picture and tracing the wall with his finger in the shape of a door and drawing a question mark sign.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus moves in to help move the relief out of the way for a closer inspection by Storm and Koga. "Someone get the other side and we'll move it.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to use his super strength to remove the relief, straining his muscles as he tests his new found strength

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak moved to the double doors to ensure they weren't surprised in their endeavor.  It wasn't like their troupe was entirely silent as they pushed through the wreckage and moved things around.

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus followed Dak and took up a position opposite him.  He left his ears for the hallway with them almost seeming to twitch at sounds like an animals would as his eyes searched the books, like Koga had, looking for any that appeared to have somehow survived the ages.  He could collect it right before leaving if he spotted anything.

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Entering the room with Angus and Odelia, Panatix has to react quickly to stifle a sneeze from the strong moldy/mildew smell. The smell of his cloak is none to pleasant but it is better than the air around him, he thinks. He holds up the end of the overly long right sleeve over his mouth and nose in a makeshift mask as he looks around at the ruined room. Meanwhile, his left hand is held close to his body and he's rolling something small around in his hand.

Re: In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick follows, bringing up the rear guard in case any of the orcs cross their trail.  As such, the dust and mold was more fully stirred up when he enters the room.  He covers his nose and mouth with his right hand, stifling a cough.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Odelia was able to get behind the relief before it was moved, although anyone significantly larger would not be able to do so.  However, behind the relief was just a wall, the plaster damaged by the relief having been torn away.  Bits of plaster could be seen on the back of the relief, and a few shreds of wood were still attached to the wall.

Moving the relief was possible, although the question would be where to.

Unfortunately, none of the books were salvagable.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm gingerly extracts the harpoon and examines it, seeing if he could get it to communicate its powers.
He then moves the relief to the floor careful not to damage it.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Taking the "harpoon" from the relief showed that there had been an attachment of a head of a harpoon, and the rest of the device had been painted as tromp l'oeil to appear as though wooden.  The paint was flaking quickly away from the side which had been showing when it was part of a relief, and the result now was that Storm held a slender-tipped javelin which appeared to have been made all of one piece of a golden-hued material.

No additional doors were found behind the relief.

However, the door handles of the double doors to the hallway began to rattle, as those guarding the door noted that the doors would open inward into the library.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"We appear to have company." Angus says to the others.

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak gripped the battle ax in both hands and took a step back from the doorway.  He didn't want to be struck if it were kicked open.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Making use of the mess around her and her small body, Odelia tried to hide behind the rubble. As she did so, she grabbed her new dagger firmly with both hands.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Hearing the rattle of the door knob, Storm stows the storm into his belt and the pin in his bag before drawing the broadsword and advancing the to the doorway ready to smite the evil.

"Pin makes my hair stands," he whispers to his companions

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus similarly shifted where he was standing so that if the doors were kicked open he wouldn't get thrown back, but he didn't move so far as to get completely out of the way.  Standing close to the edge of where they would terminate he planted the butt of the spear against the ground and pushed the side of his boot against it to form a stop.  There the door would halt and if it was a fight the Orcs wouldn't likely have the wherewithal or spacial perception to know that it was stopped by him instead of the wall and thus allowing him to flank them.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus held his staff in his hands ready to meet the interlopers. Knowing he had to read the spellbook he had, he KNEW he could understand it now, an epiphany told him so!

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Good find," Koga says as Storm takes the javelin from the wall. His elven ears perk up at the sounds coming from hallway. He hefts his new crossbow, loads it, and levels it at the door, fingers twitching with anticipating. "It's just like killing rats," he tells himself.

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix, standing near a pile of moldering books, turns and looks toward the closest window and his eyes light up with an idea. Quickly grabbing a book off the top of the pile, he runs to the nearest broken window while ripping a page out of the book and rolling it up. All the while mumbling something under his breath.

When he reaches the window, he puts the rolled up page to his mouth and shouts in as deep a voice as he can project, "Kishtraum! goblinuk aavavackaumn avhe ukavableuk!"

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
With that, one of the double doors flew open, while the other side stopped against Telemachus' planted spear.  In the opening of the doorway could be seen two goblins with spears, followed by four more goblins with spears, and, for those able to see toward the eastern hallways, two goblins with short bows.

((d10 and d20 from any attacking with weapons, d10 if using another attack))

 shouted one of the rear-most goblins.

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak took an awkward swing with the orc battle axe as the goblins poured in.  It was his first swing with the weapon and it felt strange in his hands.

OOC: Dak rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled 14-2=12 using 1d20.  Thaco 20, Battle ax Goblin!

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga was too antsy to choose a target strategically. As soon as the door burst open, he let fly at the first goblin to enter his sights. It proved a hasty shot from an unfamiliar weapon, the recoil of which jarred his shoulder, even though he'd expected it. He should have taken a practice shot earlier. Scowling at his lack of preparation, he loaded another bolt.

Koga na'Kana rolled 14 using 1d20+2.  Attack.
Koga na'Kana rolled 6 using 1d10+2.  Initiative (is there Dex bonus for this?).

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Seeing the goblins, Storm moves forward and swings his broadsword. Perhaps it is due to his excitement in smiting evil or his inexperience, his swing fails to connect.

With an inward groan, he recovers his footing and tries to defend himself

OOc: 09:00, Today: Storm rolled 9 using 1d20+1.  Attack -1 for non prof .
08:59, Today: Storm rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
In reply to Koga na'Kana (msg # 562):

OOC - there is no recoil. ;-P

Angus moves up and attacks with his new staff, striking a solid blow.

08:09, Today: Angus rolled 2 using 1d6. damage.
08:09, Today: Angus rolled 18 using 1d20. to hit.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Seeing as noone else was stepping away from the door, Odelia opted for a change of plans, and charged the goblins with her new dagger.

14:20, Today: Odelia rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.
14:20, Today: Odelia rolled 20 using 1d20.  Dagger Attack.

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Lacking the ability to flank the goblins as they had chosen not to run in Telemachus used the door as a giant shield as he stepped part of the way around it and thrust long in the hopes of catching one of the goblins with the sharp point...

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Standing by the window, Panatix looks back toward the doorway and realizes there's not much he can do unless he decides to go into the middle of the hairball with his dagger. Instead, he begins to maneuver so that he is facing the west door, still rolling the little white object in his left hand, but can still keep an eye on the action at the south doors.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
As Panatix worked to throw a little confusion in the mix by bringing the orcs and goblins into direct combat with each other, the doors had flung open revealing that the approaching foes were goblins rather than orcs.

These goblins were not particularly distracted, but pushed into the chamber, finding to their dismay that the people within were rather ready for their assault.

Angus, moving swiftly with his staff, brought his staff down upon the head of one of the second-rank goblins, dropping the goblin to the ground with the blow.

While Koga had not meant to particularly aim, his bolt struck home against one of the archer goblins in the rear, and perhaps to Koga's great surprise, dropped the goblin whose nocked and readied arrow flew crazily into the room, striking no one as the goblin fell.

The remaining goblin archer fired into the room, the arrow just grazing Koga ((-1hp))

The leading goblins into the room jabbed with their spears while Angus was just able to dodge out of the way, while the other one managed to hit Dak's thigh ((-2 hp)).

Not willing to let this insult go unchallenged, Dak swung his axe, felling the goblin as though a sapling tree.  Storm rushed to the front of the battle, but his swing went high.  Meanwhile, Odelia rushed into the fray, disemboweling the second lead goblin.

Setting his spear ready, Telemachus met the charge of another goblin, who heedlessly ran into harm's way to fall down dead.

The goblin archer said, ""

The last remaining goblin with a spear started running away, having been in the last rank and not yet into the room, back toward the direction from which the goblins had come.

((1 goblin archer in the hall, -1hp Koga, -2 hp Dak, and four dead goblin spearsmen and one dead goblin archer.))

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"We mus' hurry," said Klei, "afore they send more ... we are almost there."

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
"I think it's time to move on before they come back! Lead on Storm."

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
OOC: You missed Odelia's actions?

EDIT: Nevermind, apparently I can't read

A boost of confidence took over Odelia after her first attack succeeded, and didn't think twice before rushing to kill the last archer.

10:16, Today: Odelia rolled 11 using 1d20.  Dagger Attack.

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga swelled with pride as his bolt found a target - even if hadn't been his target, exactly - but he deflated just as quickly as he saw another goblin turn and run. "Stop him! He'll bring the whole damn hall down on us!" He fumbles for a moment with the crossbow, but realizing that he'll never get it loaded in time, he instead drops it and runs for the hallway, ready to throw his dagger at the retreating goblin if he can get a clear shot.

Koga na'Kana rolled 6 using 1d20. Attack.

Re: In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Odelia had kept the attention of the archer meaning he would engage the running one. Telemachus slipped from the door to see the retreating goblin and knew he had a forked path in front of himself and made his decision quickly.

He took in one breath and held it as he reached out to the wooden door frame and grasped it firmly.  With the other he rapped the end of the spear and uttered a single word that none could understand but the air rippled in front of his mouth as a glowing light raced from his lips and out to each hand before touching the wooden frame and the wooden spear.  It rapidly left his body and traveled into the floor and flashed forward to where the goblins feet were before flashing upwards and momentarily disappearing...

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Fearing the goblin fleeing to summon reinforcements, Stkrm chases after him and launches his attack with his broadsword hoping to impale him. As usual, he his blow goes wide as the impetus charge causes him to lose his momentum in attacking

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
As everyone attempts to stop the fleeing goblin, Angus stepss around the corner and remembers someting he read in the spell book from earlier. "cigam elissim" he says and a blue ball of light goes forth from his fingers and strikes the goblin in the back!

10:21, Today: Angus rolled 4 using 1d4+1. magic missile.

Re: In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
While the remaining goblin archer was still trying to fit an arrow into place, Odelia rushed forward, stabbing the chest of the archer, and the goblin fell to her blade.

The remaining goblin was rushing down the hallway, when Koga threw a dagger which bounced harmlessly off the wall.  Telemachus said something in a strange language and the goblin started to veer toward the wall as Storm, adrenaline surging, failed to make contact.  A moment later, and a sudden burst of blue from Angus' fingertips sparked across the hallway and the goblin fell against the wall and then to the floor, dead.

At Odelia's feet, there were two dead goblin archers with shortbows and two quivers, one with eleven arrows and one with ten, the eleventh being in the hands of the most recently killed archer.

Re: In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"This way, quick, quick," said Klei, and he rushed past the dead goblins and shut the door to the right before continuing around the bend to the left.

Re: In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus quickly followed Klei and the others for safety.

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia grabbed one of the bows slowly, examining it. There was a strange sense of familiarity to it, much more impactful than what she felt when holding the dagger. Tensing the string a few times, Odelia decided that she will stick to it for the time being. She also took hold of both quivers, making sure she didn't miss any of the 22 arrows.

Without losing time, she followed Klei right after.

Re: In the manor by 325714 Dak
Ignoring the pain in his thigh, Dak took the lead with his battle ax at the ready.  Goblin blood dripped from the blade and he felt a little unsettled about what he'd just done.  It was his life or theirs, but this wasn't anything like killing a fish.

Re: In the manor by 325897 Panatix
From his spot in the west end of the room, Panatix keeps any eye on the door there to make sure no goblins attempt to sneak around behind them. But after the initial burst of excitement, combat is effectively over and Klei exits the room calling the others after him.

Realizing he's being left behind, the gnome hurries after the others and makes a left out the southern doors to see Klei leading the group around a corner down the hallway.

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga retrieves a short bow from one of the goblins as well as the dagger he threw, then hurries to keep up with the others.

Re: In the manor by 325827 Storm
Blushing from his inability to strike despite his skill in combat, Storm mumbles something to the effect of ,"have to do better."

He then follows Klei, taking his place at the front of the party.

Re: In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga hurries to catch up to Odelia. "Have you got a spare quiver?"

Re: In the manor by 325700 Odelia
"Oh, you are good with one of these too? Here"

Odelia gives one of her quivers to Koga (has 11 arrows in it).

XP line by 325684 DM (GM)
Monday XP line

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Once everyone had followed Klei into the room that he had been leading them toward, they saw what looked like an office--the northern wall had several shelving units which seemed to have been affixed to the walls.

Around the room could be seen two broken desks, a number of remains of broken chairs, and trays on the shelving units which were filled with mold and a few errants scraps of paper.

"Here 'tis," said Klei, as he walked to the shelving unit closest to the outside wall.  He reached up, fumbling around above the line of his sight, and then a significant click could be heard.

"It be supposed to open," he said, sounding quite upset.  "It been many years since I gone down, but you push that button and it opens the way to the catacombs."

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix runs into the room just as a click is heard from the bookshelf where Klei is standing. Taking a quick look around at his surroundings, the gnome begins to pick up a few loose sheets of paper, choosing those with the least amount of mold, and stuffing them into the knapsack.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia walks closer to Klei. "Where is the entrance? Perhaps we can force it open"

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"There be a shaft, when the case swings out," said Klei, gesturing as though the case would have swung away from the wall like a door, "right under there."

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia takes a closer look, seeing if there is anything blocking the entrance, or if she can spot a way for the more bulkier members of the team to pry the door open.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak started pulling on bookcases with his free hand to see if any of them moved.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus pointed to the case Klei was speaking about and ran his eyes over the possibilities.  Layered into the bookcase, behind in the walls, counterweights, chains and levers and time itself working against the mechanism.  He tapped the end of the spear on the floor to a pattern before he thought he came to a conclusion, "Hold...over here...I think I understand the mechanism.  If we do this together it should open barring magic...I think."

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Entering behind Klei, Storm stood taking in the sights of the office. Having been raised on a farm, he has never encountered an office, not even when he was running errands for the Knights.

"I certainly hope someday when I have my own fief, I can afford a nice office like this," he mutters to no one in particular.

Then he moves to the shelf and attempts to see if he can use his strength to force the secret door open, believing perhaps the mechanism has been faulty due to years of non use.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus searches the room for good paper as Panatix was, waiting on the others to open the door. He searched the contents of the shelves and the desks and floor as quickly and thoroughly as he could, salvaging all that was usable.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
”Storm, over here and pull slowly.  Odelia and Koga over there on the shelf and when it starts to move stabilize it.  It’ll take a little longer to do but once we’re in we can shut it and they won’t know where we went to give us more time.” pointed out Telemachus to the others working on opening the passageway.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak stopped pulling on the bookcase and stood ready to follow Telemachus' direction.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia

Odelia followed Telemachus' orders to the best of her ability.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
“Dak counterbalance Storm on his end so when it starts coming free you can push to his pull and keep it steady...” pointed Telemachus to Dak.

In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick, being towards the back of the group, didn't get a chance to attack the goblins.  One the the claimed daggers was held in hand, but he couldn't get a clear shot with the press of everyone else and doing nothing was better than literally stabbing one of his companions in the back.

Still, he was there and ready to act, given the opportunity.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Slowly, carefully, the group worked together to remove the connection between case and wall which blocked their access to the shaft to the catacombs.  As the end came free, there was a small squeal of protest from the mechanism which was supposed to have opened the passageway.  Far less, though, that would have been the case if they had simply yanked it away.

In an alcove, just above the shaft into the darkness, they could see a heavily tarnished tinderbox and three candles.  The shaft itself appeared to be brick-lined, with metal rungs like staples on one side of the 2' x 2' opening.

There were a few scraps of paper that did not disintegrate from age at the touch of Angus and Panatix.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga breathes a sigh of relief at the sight of the shaft. "This is, right?" He looks to Klei for confirmation. "Our way out?"

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Yes, this be the way," agreed Klei.  "When we are all down, I will seal the shaft to be sure they cannot follow."

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm lends his strength to open the shaft, followin Telemanchu's instructions. Once the shaft is opemed, he will peer into it. He takes out one of his many torches and lits it, taking care to gesture to his friends to be careful.

With that, he descends into the passage way, sword in right hand and toech in his left.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Once Storm was out of sight, Klei peered down the shaft and then started his own descent.

"Hurry, hurry," urged Klei, as his head bobbed below the rim of the shaft.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
With haste Telemachus took the tinderbox and quickly lit the three candles to hand to three others as they entered the passageway urging them on like Klei was, "Come, come, hurry and here take a lit candle on your way down..."

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm takes one of the candles and leads the way. He is careful to to check with Klei.

"So do I just walk down slowly good sir? Please guide me as I walk. Thi is my first descend into a tunnel and I'm kina lost," Storm whispers. As it is his first foray into a tunnel, he is rather apprehensive. However, he trusts the power of his newfound sterngth and faith.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak kept an eye on their backs as he ushered the others down the tunnel before him.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Yes, just continue down until you reach the end," replied Klei, descending without taking a candle.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm takes the advice and walks along the path indicated by klei. He's impressed by his ability to see without a candle.
" you don't need a light klei?" He asks in a whisper.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix waves the candle off as he mounts the ladder to start down. He grins at Telemachus, "Thank you but I have no need for the candle. Perhaps someone else can make use of it."

With that, he scurries down the ladder as fast as he can without stepping on someone's hand or head.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Likewise, Odelia didn't need the candle, which she told Telemachus by waving her hand as she went through the passage.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus took a candle on his way down the shaft and tunnel. He was not embarrassed by not being able to see in the dark.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"I'm OK, thank you," Koga said in response to the offered candle. The cool, earthy air of the tunnel was a tremendous relief to Koga. They weren't off the island yet, but he felt muscles relax that he realized he'd been holding tense since Aolani's proclamation of the night before. Almost there, he told himself.

In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick collects a candle.  Even with his stints of late night watches and the like, Wick still needed a bit of light to see by.  He gives a nod of thanks to Klei for the candle and holds it carefully to avoid being burned by the tiny flame.  It wouldn't take much to snuff it out.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix waits, letting Odelia pass and takes up the place just in front of Angus but still a little to the side so they can talk.

In a hushed voice to minimize the echoes, "How do you feel, knowing you have power you didn't have yesterday?" He hesitates for a moment, then volunteers, "It's strange to me because this is not something I saw in my plans. Yesterday, I was content to become a merchant like my father before me and his father before him for more than ten generations; well, except for my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Caltix the Trickster. I believe he had power of this kind. But he was such a disappointment to the rest of the family that nobody wanted to be like him." He sighs heavily, "Now it seems I share his legacy and I'm not sure I can go home anytime soon."

He stares ahead for a moment and then smiles back at Angus, "But, I'll be blasted this power is exhilarating! I'm also not sure I do want to go home anytime soon. Now I just want to learn more."

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"I know what you mean, my blood boils with energy and my brain is racing. I had planned to take over the vineyard someday, I guess it will go to my brother now, or my sister and her husband when she gets old enough to marry. I'm from Vintner Island, we had a large winery and vineyard there. It has also been in my family for many generations."

He smiles back at Panatix, "Where are you from Panatix, we were all captured in different places."

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
"My family is from the northern coast of Calandia. My father has two ships and a large warehouse where he trades in dry goods and textiles. He also has a couple commissaries in nearby towns to sell to the public."

Panatix sighs again, "I had just started an apprenticeship with a family friend and his trade caravan. I was going to learn about trade fairs and bartering and had been with the caravan just short of two whole days when we were hit by the slavers. My family probably thinks I'm dead or will never be seen again. I will need to send a message to them when we get back to civilization; if we get back."

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"We'll get back, have faith Panatix, have faith. I had been working in the winery since I was ten, learning how to care for the grapes and other fruits, the trees and such. Learning how much yeast and sugar. I was getting a vast education and was due to take over in a few years the day to day operations of the winery so father could specialize in brandies. Then they came . . . ."

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
Above, only Telemachus and Dak had yet to make the descent when they heard the first sounds of  knocking -- rather forceful knocking, at that -- at the door and the high-pitched screeching cadence that seemed to accompany goblin speech.

Those who had already descended found that the shaft descended for sixty feet--the first half was brick-lined, while the remaining half was carved from bedrock.  At the bottom, they had come to a fairly large chamber, dank with rough stone walls and a damp, oppressive atmosphere. One side of the chamber had been partitioned into three storerooms, each piled high with crates and jars.  The best estimate was that each was about twice as deep as it was wide, and each separated by walls of red brick.

Near the shaft was a lever, which Klei remained beside after he had descended, watching for the rest of the group to make their way down.  Opposite the point of entry, there was a low shaft leading deeper into the catacombs with a tattered tapestry across the passage.  There was little other noise beside a dripping water, faint scurrying sounds, and the soft noises of their candles.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
With everyone else down Telemachus moved in and gestured to Dak to move in far enough for Klei to pull the lever.  He waited in case it was needed for him to help pull the case back onto place from the inside...

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Dak climbed down the rungs one handed with the battle ax in the other.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm sees the tapestry and activates his staff, trying to see if he can get ot to work. He mumbles a slen prayer to hte lady as he does so, his face impassive.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)
While Telemachus would be able to mostly move the case back into place, it would be imperfect due to the lack of leverage from the side of the shaft itself.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
With his head below where the case would swing closed he looked down and urged Klei, "I'm down far enough, if you can close it do so now!  I'm going to stay close to the top to make sure the mechanism shuts it completely."

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"No, no," said Klei, "come down.  You won't be able to after I seal it."

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
"I am in the shaft already heading down Klei!  Unless this entire shaft disappears when you pull that lever close it before the goblins see the opening.  They see the opening and it's all for naught! I'll drop the rest of the way if I have to..." urged Telemachus.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"It do not matter if they see it," said Klei, "it will be blocked."

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Rolling his eyes he climbed down as quickly as he could, "Storm could rip that cabinet open and I'm sure there are Orcs out there almost as strong and with two or more they could and follow us you daft man!  The lock is broken!"  Coming off the last rung he shook his head.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Storm is confused by all the conflicting instructions.
He whispered authoratively,"Please all! We need to work together not fight with each other! So far, Klei is the best man t help us out. Letus listen to him." Glaring at the his companions, he lifts his stick (the one that pulses with magical energy and waits for guidance on where to next.

Then as an afterthought, he whispers,"Fear not, I can detect presence of orcs or other evil." With that, he concentrates on detecting evil before willing his stick/staff/wand to work.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Klei was just having a senior moment, Telemachus was on the ladder below Klei and Klei told him to get on the ladder. It was nothing. Just getting old."

In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick adds his two billons to the byplay.  "Sounds like Klei's planning on sealing the whole shaft.  Might not be healthy up there when he pulls the lever."

Moving over to the storage rooms, he starts looking to see what might be of interest.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Klei pulled the lever by the shaft. From above, a tremendous crash resounded. A tremendous cloud of dust rushed out of the shaft, and a hail of medium to large rocks crashed to the bottom of the shaft.

Klei giggled with glee, and then turned to the group illuminated by the faint light of the candles.

"Well, we made it," he said. "Knew we would. Haven't been down here in a while. Remember the worst trip I ever had to make down here. Right after them first pirates left. I had to do right by my sovereign, don't you think? I couldn't leave him lying there, hacked up and stripped down. Had to prepare him right and fine for the afterworld."

"So I hauled his body down here. Hard work that was. Dressed it up in some clothes and goods that the pirates missed. Laid it in a crypt near his son. Hauled his queen's body down, laid it between her husband and her son. That was grisly work. I was sad. Never been so sad since."

Klei turned watery, wide eyes upon the group as he continued. "Himself had a ring, something he'd found adventuring. Made things happen, if you just wished for it. But they'd stabbed him in the back before he got a chance to do any wishing. I took it off him and prayed that they'd never decay, they'd always be in one piece when it was time for the dead to rise up for the afterlife. Knew I'd done right; it always seemed his eyes followed me after that."

With a cackle, Klei continued, "Year after year after that, he never decayed. He's in as good a shape now as he ever was, likely. Don't know for sure. Haven't been down here in a while. You need to get used to your quarters, you know. You're going to be down here a piece. You're not leaving, you know. No more so than me."

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"What does the mean? You've trapped us here to die you dotard fool?"

In the manor by 325827 Storm
"You don't mean we are all going to die here mr elf? Not after what we went through," Storm says. He activates the wand to guide him, controlling his urge to pommel the elf.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"We may as well search the area for anything of use." he says, "Then work on getting out and stealing a boat from the goblins who I think easier to overpower than the orcs."

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga was busy examining the cavern into which they'd descended and only half-listening to the old man, so he did not grasp the import of his words until he heard Storm and Angus react. The elf turned with alarm in his eyes, hoping that that there was some misunderstanding.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Y'see, I really couldn't let you wander off with the Sea King's treasures and pretties. Can't let you profane the tomb of his son. What kind o' servant would I be if I let that happen?" Klei's eyes were wide as he spoke. "I wanted to get down here and shut up that shaft when the orcs first got here, but they got me. You've done me a favor. Got me down here so that I could shut it off. Sorry to say you won't be leaving. You're not going to find the entrance to the tombs."

Klei cackled again.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
"Should we slay the traitor? We would have taken you with us fool!"

In the manor by 325827 Storm
"Your goddess has allowed us to find these objects of power to aid us in escaping and to tell of her splendor when we leave. By keeping us here are you not defying your goddess' express wishes?" Storm reasons with the deranged elf.

He takes out the stick of power and reminds the elf that the goddess has allowed him use of this stick. He requests the elf to lead them out.

OOC:! May I make a charisma check to convince Klei?

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
"Storm, may I have that torch to see?" asked Telemachus as his eyes searched the dimly lit area they were in.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia was as surprised as the others from the revelation, but being a quick thinker figured it was not the time to panic. Making use of her darkvision, she scouted the surroundings for the entrance to the tombs Klei claimed they wouldn't be able to find.

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus, using his candle, assists the searchers as well as he can with what little light he can provide, seething in anger at the treason.

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Going to die here, like me!" crowed Klei, and he laughed again.  Somehow, he had managed to hide a dagger in his ragged clothing, and he now brandished that dagger.  "That sounds like a good idea!"

With that, he took an unsteady swipe at Storm, laughing in a half-giggle, half-cackle all the while.

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus uttered a simple line that would snap Klei out of his maddened stupor or drive him over the edge but it's all they had to work with right now, "You wished for them not to decay but you didn't wish they couldn't burn...help us leave the island or they burn never to return."

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
"Ye won't find 'em," said Klei, laughing, as he stabbed out at Telemachus, grazing the youth.  ((-1hp))

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Without thinking about it too much, Dak tried to knock Klei in the head with the butt of his ax.

OOC: Dak rolled 10 using 1d20-6.  Club Klei, nonlethal nonproficient.

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Avoiding the deranged man's thrust with his characteristic nimbleness, Storm strikes out his palm, mimicking the aestic monks on the island he lived on.

"Heya!' he grunts, lshing out at the elf's temple to knock him out.

OOC:08:34, Today: Storm rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Punch Klei.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
As Klei begins attacking Storm and Telemachus, Panatix can't believe this turn of events. He begins to look around him as if an exit door is going to just be there for him to see. Fighting down the initial panic, he sees Odelia begin a methodical search of the walls and resolves to help as best he can.

Then he remembers something Klei said while in the temple and moves over to the tapestry to take a look behind it while the others deal with the crazed half-elf.

In the manor by 325684 DM (GM)

In the manor by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Klei's head rocked back with the blows from the butt of the ax and Storm's punch, but neither seemed to have the effect of stopping the man.  He still laughed, seeming to have lost his last marble with the accomplishment of his goal.

"I be the good and faithful servant," he said, and he stabbed out wildly toward Storm.  "We all die here."

In the manor by 325827 Storm
Despite his instincts to draw his blade to do the elf in, Storm remembers how the elf guided them here. Furthermore his new strength requires him to do good and shun evil.

Moving forward, he uses his big hand to make a chopping motion, aiming at the elf's neck.

OOC:'rolls 15 for attack

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Knowing that time is ticking, Panatix looks back into the main room at the group and calls out.

"Odelia! Wick!"

When he's pretty sure at least one of them has seen him, he moves his head in a "This way" gesture and looks back behind the tapestry.

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia doesn't waste time, and abandons her search to take on Panatix's lead. She is also aware of Klei's newfound hostility, but she is confident that Storm and Dak can handle the old man on their own.


Searching for secret passages on that area in particular (if it isn't obvious at first sight)

In the manor by 325694 Angus
Angus swings his staff, not holding back in his anger at the betrayal.

08:09, Today: Angus rolled 1 using 1d6. damage.
08:09, Today: Angus rolled 19 using 1d20. to hit.

In the manor by 325727 Wick
Trying to ignore their guide's departure from reality, Wick continues his search among the storerooms for something useful, that is until he hears Panatix's call.

Sidling past the combatants, Wick moves over by Panatix, "Yeah, what's up?"

He notes the attention to the tapestry.  He steps to the side, reaching out to shift the tapestry to get a look behind it.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
Panatix pushes the heavy tapestry back as best he can and says, "Look, a passageway. Last night, Klei mentioned something about the old Sea King buried his son down here in a small boat with weapons, armor and gold. He said that the boat was under the manor and that we could reach it from inside and take the boat out. This might be the way," he nods his head down the passage. "I'm not completely sure that this is the right way but it sort of fits the description he gave."

"After seeing how crazy the old half-elf is, I'm a little nervous about going this way without checking it out for surprises. I figure three pairs of eyes and ears are better than one. What do you think?"

In the manor by 325699 Telemachus
Clutching his side Telemachus tried to capitalize on Storm hammering at Klei with his fists.  Moving in close he sought to box him in and then take him down but the almost drunken moving that he was doing meant he had to weave away at the last moment to avoid being pin-cushioned by the bobbing dagger he had.

In the manor by 325714 Dak
Finding the old half-elf to be amazingly tough, Dak once again tried to jab with the butt of his ax.

OOC: Dak rolled 6 using 1d20-6.  Club Klei, nonlethal and nonproficient -6.

In the manor by 325727 Wick
Wick gives a nod, "Sounds like a plan."  He pulls out the staff he's been carrying around.   "It'd be nice to have something a little brighter to see by than a candle.  You want to scare us up some light?"

If nothing else, Wick figures waving the end of the staff ahead of him, and poking at the floors, will likely catch at least a few things.

In the manor by 325897 Panatix
At the mention of light, "I had not thought of that. Wait a minute," he says as he thinks about it for a moment. "No, that won't work. Did either of you see any torches or lamps and oil in all those crates and barrels back there?"

In the manor by 325700 Odelia
Odelia follows right behind Wick, assisting him on the way forward, since she can see in the dark.

In the manor by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"We don't have time for this," Koga says as he joins the fight against Klei, though he arms himself with his belaying pin rather than his dagger.

Koga na'Kana rolled 14 using 1d20.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
While several of the shipwreck survivors were hampered in their efforts to subdue Klei from a desire not to kill the old man, Koga decided to take more decisive action, and brought the belaying pin down upon Klei, who had suffered a bloody nose in the conflict.  The belaying pin struck with a solid thump, and Klei fell to the ground, motionless.

In the hallway, Panatix, Odelia and Wick started their explorations.  Beyond the tapestry, they were able to see another tapestry hanging across the hall about twenty feet away from the first one.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm thumps Koga on his back and says,"Good job!" He takes some sail cloth from his bag and binds klei. After that he addresses his companions,"This man deserves death for harming us. However he saved us too. Let's bring him along with us when we leave," Storm says.

After that he takes his stick and wills it to guide the party.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia carries on forward, trying not to make noise, and removes the tapestry at the other end of the passage carefully, trying to see what's on the other side.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In attempting to move the far tapestry, Odelia meets with resistance.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Stanching his wound Telemachus kicks away the dagger the madman had and then pulls out some of the rope that hadn't been used on the goblin.  Now it was being used to tie Klei's arms and legs up before checking to make sure he still is alive...and then gags the man if he is.  Looking up to the others he asked, "Storm are you okay?  Anyone else catch that dagger?"

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"Quick thinking Tele," Storm says. "DOnt have a rope with me but good job tying that guy up. His devotion to his lord mut have caused him this madnss, together with seeing the evil pillaging his lands and his goddess abandoning him."

Storm frther replies that he has no injury to worry about and thanks his friend for his cpncern. He then searches the half elf for any hidden items before moving off to assist Odelia.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"I'm fine," Dak said, kneeling down to actually see if the old man was still alive.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
In reply to Storm (msg # 666):

"No, leave him here, the 'unfaithful servant' the Lady said, let him die with the rest. He convicted himself and now must pay the price."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei was still alive, just unconscious, when he was checked for signs of life.  After a careful search, they made sure that he had no other concealed daggers or any other weapons.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
When she gets up to the second tapestry, Odelia brings out her dagger and crouches, inspecting the bottom of the tapestry.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"I think this path has some sort of trap. Look at this wire. Any of you have any experience or... new... powers?"

Odelia's own words seem to confuse her as she lets them out. She wasn't quite sure what was happening to her, but whatever it was it seemed to be happening to the others aswell. But she didn't need to understand it, as long as the new information and skills popping in her head were helpful to getting her out of here, she wasn't gonna question them.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing Odelia's predicament, Storm moves forward to assist her. If he encounters resistance, he will bring his stick to tap on the magic field.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Following Wick and Odelia down the corridor and keeping an eye on the lower walls and floor, Panatix is surprised when the second tapestry doesn't give way. While watching Odelia investigate the bottom of the tapestry, he hears Storm coming up behind them and quickly moves to one side so as to get out of the way.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus goes through the curtain into the hall, "A wire? Be wary! It could be a tripwire for a deadfall or some other trap. Anyone good at checking that kind of thing? Wick?"

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga's body relaxes when he hears that the man still breaths. He wouldn't have felt guilty if the man died - he'd brought it on himself - but still, he's glad it didn't come to that. "Tying him up is a good idea. He doesn't seem like he'd be much threat, but... he knows his way around these corridors. And he knew how to trigger one strategic cave-in. If there are any more built into these catacombs...."

He steps over to volunteer himself when he hears about a possible trap. "Allow me." His deft elven fingers explore the edges of the tapestry, moving slowly and gently, prepared to cease moving immediately at the slightest resistance.

I've got a +5% to Find Traps, which I guess is still more than anyone else has :-)
Koga na'Kana rolled 8 using 1d100.  Find Traps.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga's hands emerge shaking from behind the tapestry. "It's a trap, alright. Good find, Odelia. Looks like Klei here did indeed have another rockfall planned for us. I, uh... I'm not as confident as I'd like to be that I can disarm it." He laughs nervously. "I can do my best, if everyone else clears out from between the two tapestries. Or we could try to trigger it from a distance, though I'm afraid the cave-in might block the passage. I wonder...."

The elf kneels and teases gently at the bottom of the tapestry, trying to determine whether crawling underneath it while flat on the ground would risk triggering the trap.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"There is a way around it, Klei knew it, I'm sure you can solve it Koga!" Angus says trying to 'pump' him up a bit.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga returns to his feet with a frown on his face. "I don't think we're getting under it. Maybe there's another way around. Help me look, Odelia?"

Searching for secret doors. I'll take section 2 if Odelia can take section 3? Sounds like folks have already looked around section 1.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"On it"

Odelia scouts the area around section 3, trying to find an alternate way.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Would cutting the wire disable it? No one can trip it then." Angus asks the experts. "We need to get past this point."

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"It might. You want to go in there and try it?" the elf snaps at Angus. "I'm looking for a way a past this point. If we don't have any other option, then I'll try to disarm the trap. Believe me, I'm in as much of a hurry as you to get off of this island. If it were up to me, we wouldn't have wasted valuable time sleeping. But rushing through these catacombs when Klei - or someone - clearly has them booby trapped doesn't seem like a good idea to me."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I just asked, no offense to your abilities at all. I have no other ideas at all, I'm flummoxed with all of this. Klei stays here though, he does not go with us. If the goddess chooses to spare him, it is for her to decide."

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Sorry if I'm a little edge. Just spitballing here, but it might be my impending death," Koga says by way of apology as he continues to search for any other way out of the little chamber they're currently in.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Searching through the second section, Koga found many decayed bolts of cloth which might be still useful to wrap the wood from the crates in the first section to make better torches, but were not likely to be much use otherwise.  There were some hanging masses of mold which were probably once animal hides, but the level of decay was too great to determine details.

In the third section, however, Odelia felt a wire catch at her ankle as she entered, just before the top crates in the stack tumbled down, revealing that they had been filled with bricks.

((-3hp, Odelia))

When the dust settled, those coming to the third section would see that beyond the collapsing trap, the third chamber appeared empty.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I'll help any way I can, even if it's just staying out of your way."

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
With Kota taking the lead on the apparently trapped tapestry, Wick keeps out of his way.  As a resulr, he doesn’t see very well.  “Can we cut through the tapestry And step over the wire?”

Once he hears the crash of a crate full of bricks, Wick moves quickly to go check on Odell’s.  “Odell’s, you okay?”

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus follows Wick to check on Odelia.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
After a few expletives, Odelia gets up and dusts herself off.

"Yes, I'm ok. The room was trapped, but there doesn't seem to be much more of interest here. Any luck over there?"

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix, seeing some of the others struggling with the dark, begins to make torches by wrapping the cloth around the wood. First a layer of cloth wound tight to burn slower and then a layer wrapped looser to get the torch going.

"Wick. Here you go. I have a couple of torches for you. It was very short sighted of me to not see your need in the first place. Let's get some of these lit from a candle before we end up without any light."

Just then, there's a huge crash next to where he's working and Panatix runs around the crates to see what's going on.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus helps dust off Odelia and then moves back to where he was.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga jumps at the crash from the other section of the room and rushes to see whether Odelia was alright. Seeing that she's still breathing and has plenty of others attending to her, he returns to his search. In the end, however, he finds nothing, and it seems the other elf's search is similarly fruitless.

He clasps hand in hand behind his back and pulls to elicit a crack from his shoulders. Then he exhales sharply and says, "Alright. Looks like we have no choice. Everyone stay out of the area between the two tapestries. If anything goes wrong here, that's not where you want to be standing."

Koga approaches the trapped tapestry with a soft touch, moving it just slightly so that he can get a better view of the mechanism, if possible. He can feel sweat budding on his brow. His knees are tense, ready to leap through the tapestry at the first hint that he's triggered the rockfall. Maybe, just maybe, that would keep him from getting crushed.

Koga na'Kana rolled 41 using 1d100.  Remove Trap. If I understand correctly, I have to stand just inside the second tapestry in order to cut the wire or whatever would disable the trap, and that the rockfall would be mostly on top and behind me. So my hope is that I can try to jump forwards through the second tapestry if I do trigger the trap.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Anticipating trouble was almost assuredly his salvation, as Koga moved the far tapestry and at first there were a few pops, and then a rumble, as Koga jumped forward past where the second tapestry had been.  What appeared to have been a ceiling dropped with a rumble, and the hallway between the two tapestries nearly filled with bricks, timbers, and shattered clay.

After a moment, the area grew quiet again, except for a sound of dripping water from beyond the collapse. It looked like, should the pile of debris be climbed, there was a space between two and a half feet to three feet between the top of the debris and the ceiling. Once the great crash had settled, nothing else fell from the ceiling of the hallway.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"I'm OK!" Koga shouted even before catching his breath. Then he looked himself over to ensure that that was true. He counted ten fingers and decided that was a good start.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Is it worth coming over?" Dak called through the dust that now filled the air.  It wouldn't do any good for them to all clamber over into a dead end.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Do you have somewhere better to be?" the elf shouts back.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Approaching the gap, Storm surveyed the hole, trying to ascertain if the party can squeeze heir wah through the gap. He will survey the debris and if it is safe to do so, he will remove some stones to enlarge the gap to ample it easier for his friends to pass through.

After that, he will move through the gap.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Examination showed that the gap was sufficiently stable now for it to be safe to traverse.  Even without removing any debris, it would be possible for everyone in the group to crawl through, although it would be extremely difficult to move the unconscious Klei through the gap.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"I'll carry Klei and bring him across," storm says. With that, he slings the elf effortlessly over his shoulders and at the gap; he places the elf on the ground before crawling through. After that; he heaves the unconscious man over the gap. If his friends are willing to help, he will ask one of them to carry the elf over to him.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus had enough time to take one of the broken sections of wood from the crates and the fabric and turn it into an impromptu torch to see things far more clearly for his limited human sight.  As the others slowly began the shift over what Koga had created he made one slow pass through the three areas looking to ensure that the others hadn't missed something.  Once satisfied he moved over to the rubble and nodded his head that he would help deal with Klei to Storm.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Relieved to hear Koga's voice after the cave-in, Panatix makes for the gap as the dust is settling. Once through, he grins at the elf, "Thought you were supposed to be sneaky."

The gnome doesn't move very far away in the event there are other surprises but takes a look around from the other side of the tapestry.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
While waiting for the others to come across, Koga examines the section of the new chamber that is not full of crates. He's looking in particular for any suspicious joints in the wall or floor that could indicate a concealed door.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Before Telemachus and Storm started the tedious task of trying to squeeze Klei through the gap (if they let her), Odelia would cross the gap herself, and join Koga as they look around the room for any signs of a hidden passage.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I say leave him here for eternity with his beloved master." Angus says. "He hates us and would destroy us if he lives."

Angus then makes another torch for himself and then crawls through the gap of the deadfall.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Koga waited for the rest of the group to complete crossing the debris, he found that the third chamber contained a well, the bucket sitting on the floor beside the structure.  While the winch apparatus remained intact, the rope seemed to have fully rotted away.  Below could be heard the sound of moving water, but there was nothing else of note in this area.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm hears the words of Angus and replies,'I know he tried to kill us but he also saved us. We should try to keep hi alive as he is also affected by his years here. I hope you can spare him my friend.'

With that, he checks on the bonds binding the man and ensures they are tight. He then joins Koga to inspect the well. He will hold the stick that points to items of power and see if there is a reaction.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
With all of the light sources disappearing over the debris pile, Dak finally crawled over to join them.  He was not comfortable being underground, especially when bricks and ceilings kept trying to bury them alive.  He'd been more comfortable on the slave ship during the storm.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Will you bind him forever? Leave him here to live or die as the goddess wills."

Angus goes to the well and looks down. He shakes his head, "I hope we find another way down there than this."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"I'll free him when we are safe. My tenaets refuse to allow me to leave him to die. I am a paladin, a warrior of light and hope, not a murderer,' Storm says gently to Angus.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus bristles a bit, "I didn't say anything about murdering him, I said let him to the justice of the goddess, you put yourself above HER? She already condemned him! She said she'd spare us, with him along, perhaps she won't!"

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak wondered what a paladin was.  The big man just looked like the same bedraggled lug that crawled off the boat with everyone else.  Perhaps the stress of being trapped underground was affecting the big man more than himself.

At least his delusions were directed at saving people rather than killing everyone around him.  That was a positive.

Angus, on the other hand, seemed to be nearing his breaking point.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Klei was brought over the rubble, the unconscious man groaned, and blood began seeping anew from the injuries he had taken when being subdued.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus frowned as the wounds began bleeding again but he wasn't surprised what with the impacts he'd taken, "Easy now.  Judged or not the blows may have snapped him out of his break, at least temporarily, to help us get off the island.  If we leave him now we don't have the option of asking at all.  When we get to the boat to sail if he wants to stay we'll leave him.  Before then he may still be useful to us."  He paused for a moment to check the worst of the wounds and tighten the binds where needed.  He would certainly use mundane ways to keep him alive but it wasn't worth using what little magical healing he had.

In the catacombs by 326505 Klei (NPC)
Without coming to, Klei began to breathe in agonal gasps.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
After hearing the rushing water at the bottom of the well, Panatix is pretty certain he's not going down that way unless there's no other choice. He glances quickly at Angus and Storm as words are exchanged before quietly shaking his head as he turns away from the well. The gnome begins to slowly walk down the corridor to the south probing the floor much the same way Wick did earlier, using one of the unused torches he made on the other side of the cave-in.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Panatix moved to the southern hallway, he noted that this floor appeared to be of a laid stone which appeared a little buckled, with a distinct sag in the middle.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
In reply to Angus (msg # 717):

"Leaving him here bound is leaving him to die. That makes us a murderer sir mage. Besides, the goddess said he's unfaithful servant not condemned servant. I seem to recall she spoke to ME & not you, presumptuous pompous man," Storm says as politely as he can, controlling his righteous anger.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
In reply to Klei (msg # 721):

Storm tends to the bound elf and checks his vital signs and sees if he needs to heal or help the half elf.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Self-righteous hypocrite for you sir! But enough of that. Time to get out of here. Is there a way down anywhere or any other unusual signs of a way down."

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
While Storm and Angus bicker and Panatix explores the rest of the room, Odelia focuses on the well, ignoring the three of them. If looking inside isn't enough to tell how deep it goes, she grabs a pebble or piece of rubble and throws it in, trying to judge how far down it may go.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
In reply to Angus (msg # 726):

"You have no idea what I stand for. I will protect the weak as much as I would protect my friends for I am a paladin. We are sworn to do good and killing or leaving someone to die is not good. But you are right we haven gotten much time left. Let's go," saying that, Storm lifts the elf in one arm and moves to Odelia trying to see if he can help.he will listen to the pebbles dropped and see how deep the well is.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak shook his head at the exchange.  For as much as the big man claimed to be saving the old half elf, Klei would soon be dead by all of his indifferent man handling.

"If you're trying to keep him alive," Dak pointed out to the big man, "stop dragging him around like a rag doll."  For all his bluster about being good, he'd be the death of the old man.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Did you find something Panatix? What is it?" Angus asks Panatix when he sees him looking at the floor in a very deliberate fashion.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei's agonal gasps were coming at a more irregular and infrequent rate.

As the group had started into this series of chambers, they could see that the first section was filled with crates which were filled with dirt and rubbish.  To check the back wall would require moving these crates out of the way.

The second section was like the first, except for the addition of a number of rats watching from within the depths of the area.

In the third, Odelia dropped a small stone down the well to try to gauge the depth of the well.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"I believe the well may be a way out. It's not too deep to descend, and I hear running water, which may mean that there is an underground cove. We are looking for a vessel after all, aren't we?"

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"That sounds right to me. This passage may lead only to the tomb that Klei mentioned. Which may become our tomb as well, if we lose sight of our goal here, which is not to rob graves but to escape with our lives."

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus shook his head, "The way Klei spoke about grave goods wouldn't lead me to believe that the way to them is down a well.  Nor would it be the way to the vessel that would be waiting in the same spot.  If you want to be lowered down into the well I've got nigh on 45 feet of rope and I'm sure that it likely flows out into the ocean."

He moved his torch around as he carefully moved towards the first area with dirt, "The Lady said she would help lead us to things that would aid us and we have found little so far that meets what one would consider aid that a Goddess would consider worth helping us.  We are not here to rob graves but neither are we here to leave goods that will help us survive and have a Goddess nodding her head to it being okay to do.  The day is still far from being over and I will keep looking for longer before simply tossing myself into the ocean and praying."

XP Line by 325684 DM (GM)
Sorry for the delay.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing Klei near death, Storm is moved to pity. Placing his hands on the dyin elf, he wills his healing powers to heal the dying elf.

OOC: Use laying of hands.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
While Klei's breathing remained shallow, it evened to a steadier pace.  His eyes fluttered slightly, but he did not awaken.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Thinking out loud and mumbling to himself, "Hmmm. Buckled and sagging floor could mean a sink hole under the pavers. I need to be careful, but we need to know if we can go this way. Correction, I need to know that I don't have to go down that well."

He begins to edge a little closer to the sagging area of the floor and hears Angus say his name.

"Huh? What?" Stepping back from the sagging floor, Panatix looks around for Angus. "The floor looks unstable in this corridor, like a sinkhole is underneath it." Holding up the unlit torch in his hand, "I was just about to probe it with this torch to see if I could tell what kind of shape it's in. But, maybe someone with a longer implement should give it a try."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus walks over and uses his staff, "I'll try my staff, interesting find."

Angus goes around the edge, probing with his staff to see if the floor is solid, if it is a pit trap or a sink hole with all of this water down here. What do you think Panatix, push in the middle a bit harder?"

He tries his staff with most of his strength more toward the center to make sure it was solid but not so much that he'd fall in if it gave.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing his friends struggling,'Storm gently lays the elf down.

"Please look after him," he says to no one in particular, hoping that someone who is free can stand guard.

He then approaches Angus and Panatix and see if they need help. "Perhaps I can help with his," he says as he offers his hands to help Angus. Despite his misgivings about the wizard, he knows they've got to hang together or separately.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Panatix has found a depression in the floor over here, someone with skill should have a look too."

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga joins the others investigating the unsteady floor. "If only we had some object with the weight of a man that could be sent out there to test it," he says, eyeing Klei.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Not Klei, stones and wood from the deadfall will add weight to it." Angus says with a mischievous grin at Koga.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia pouts as she sees her plan quickly dismissed, and goes to check what all the fuzz is about.

"You said you had rope, right Telemachus? If you tie me to it and hold tight, I'm willing to check that out. Just make sure you don't let go if the floor gives in on me"

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
While the others huddled around to stare at the floor, Dak remained with the old man to ensure his champion hadn't finished him off.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
In reply to Odelia (msg # 744):

Angus will help hold the rope too.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Yes, hold on one second..." remarked Telemachus before he set down his torch in a safe spot and unslung his makeshift backpack.

Opening up the pack he pulled out the coil of rope and went over to Odelia, "Not going to let go but still be careful," he remarked quietly before he looped the rope around her waist and knotted it tight.  Stepping back he handed portions of the additional rope to anyone that wanted to help hold the rope in case it gave way and she fell in.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Just to make sure, Odelia examined the knot to be sure Telemachus knew what he was doing.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus took hold too.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
As the crowd starts to gather around the floor depression, Panatix quietly moves out of the way.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"This is ridiculous," Koga says to Odelia as he takes hold of the rope as well. "There's no reason for you to take this risk. It ought to be the old man out there. He's certainly put us in enough danger."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Rocks or such from the deadfall would be as effective too."

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia answers Koga.

"Perhaps, but i'd rather not have him help us. And with this method, you can lower me down the hole and tell you if it is a dead end or not."

Once everyone is in position, Odelia would start right atop the damaged ground and would jump on it if it doesn't seem like it would break just from her weight.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"Perhaps I can throw a rock and see if there is any effect on the depression?" Storm asks. He will ready a heavy rock of around ten pounds, ready to lob it.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Just let her get on with it," Dak said as some of the others felt compelled to contradict the waifish girl.  "One plan's as good as another."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei remained unmoving, but he seemed to be breathing steadily enough, perhaps not in immediate danger of death after Storm had expended his efforts in bringing the old man back from the brink of death.

While Storm stood ready to lob a rock at the floor, Odelia was also ready to try walking out on the sagging floor--though perhaps not if Storm was going to be throwing rocks where she was intending to step.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"Go ahead Storm. Try it. I can always go afterwards"

If Storm's attempt succeeds, Odelia would then descend down the hole with the other's assistance. If he fails, she will return to her orginal plan of trying to make her weight break the floor.

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick was finding the bickering grating on his nerves, but he keeps this thought unsaid.  The old man has proven himself not a friend, but Wick was happy to leave him behind when they leave...  if they leave.  He too expected to find items here, though nothing as valuable as their freedom.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm nods at Odelia, thanking her. He has the naggy suspicion that some members of the party may not be too keen on helping others or making suggestion. However, as a paladin, Storm has to lead and take charge of situations as he is trained to do.

He then heaves a rock and throws it.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The rock landed on the walkway with a significant thump, but did not cause a visible change in the floor.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"Well, guess I'm up"

After the failed attempt, Odelia moves on top of the weak part of the floor, and tries to break it by stomping and jumping, making sure that the others hold the rope tight.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The floor collapsed rather abruptly under Odelia, and she began to plummet down, striking a very tiny ledge about twenty feet below the floor surface as more of the stones continued to rain down.  The rope itself held.


Those above could see that two somewhat narrow ledges--perhaps as much as two feet wide--remained on either side of the hallway.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
While watching the discussion go on in the hallway, Panatix shakes his head and then stops, staring into space for a moment.

Then looking back at Wick, he motions for the man to follow him back toward the room with the well. "Klei mentioned an entrance to the tombs but he didn't say it would be easy to find. My great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Caltix the Trixster, an illusionist and adventurer of some reputation, wrote in his journals that there are some doors hidden from all but the most determined. This area wasn't searched very well before I inadvertently dragged us down that rabbit hole. Perhaps we should search here while they explore the hallway."

Nodding toward the back wall where the crates were stacked, "You seem to have a knack for these kinds of things and I might need some help moving some of the heavier crates," he says with a grin. "Maybe between your strength and skill and my hardheadedness, we might find what we are looking for. And, if not in here, the entrance must be further down the hallway."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm asks Odelia if she is fine and proceeds to pull the rope up together with Angus and other Noel here or the party. Once she's hauled out, he will check if she if injured.

Unfortunately, in his humanity in saving Klei, he is unable to cure Odelia until the next day.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"I'm fine! Pull me up"

Once she is up, Odelia shares with the others what they could tell if they peeked down the hole.

"This is definitely not the right way. It seems to fall directly to the sea... which means that this room we are in is probably at the edge of a cliff. And there was no boat that I could see, in case you were wondering."

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Odelia!" Koga cries when the floor crumbles. Her report that she is unharmed does little to assuage his anger, especially when he learns that Storm has wasted his healing on the treacherous old man. After pulling her up, he joins Panatix in searching for hidden doors back near the rockfall.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I suggest we all look, there has to be a way out." He joins Koga and Panatix in searching for a secret door.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Maybe someone with a light should take a look across the way," Dak suggested, motioning toward the walkways bypassing the fallen floor.

"I suspect we'll find the bodies there, but we should check it out."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Over there is probably the way to go, otherwise, why trap it? But we need to be both quick and thorough. Mainly quick if we have to take a boat from orcs or goblins!"

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
After ensuring that Odelia is fine, Storm will enter area 2 to earch. Seeing some rats, he thought it might mean that there is some hole or exit nearby. He is however, inclined to slay these disease carriers.

OOC: Draws sword and kills rats if hey threaten party.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus helps search area 2 with Storm.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix is busy trying to move crates away from the wall in Area 1 so that he can give the wall the once or twice over.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Storm and Angus entered the middle section, five rats emerged from amongst the crates to attack.  These rats were far larger than the ones that had been found in the temple--maybe two feet long without including the tail.

((Roll d10 initiative, d20 for attack with weapon))

In the first section, several of the companions were striving to move crates out of the way and examine the far wall.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Swinging his sword with some skill, Storm attacks the rats. He strikes at the vitals of the lead rat and growls at them for effect.

OOC: rolls 5,13

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"There's something back here!" Koga declares excitedly, then hears the commotion. Sensing that something is wrong, he unslings his bow as he runs towards the noise, and sure enough, there are the others engaged with a pack of giant rats.

Koga na'Kana rolled 5 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Koga na'Kana rolled 3 using 1d20+2.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus swing his staff, but in his hurry, the big fat rat runs under it to get at him!

08:33, Today: Angus rolled 10 using 1d20. to hit.
08:33, Today: Angus rolled 3 using 1d10. initiative.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Taken by surprise, Dak scrambled to his feet, battle ax in both hands to defend the unconscious old man.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus has been quietly trying to ponder the long dead ‘Sea King’ and Klei’s loyalty to him for answers to where the goods were kept.  The commotion stirred him from his reverie of coiling the rope up again.  Taking up the spear he kept to the back and only stuck out at the rats if they came past the others or flanked them meaning he could flank the flankers...

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Moving the crates is slow business for the gnome but as Panatix slowly shifts one crate from side to side to "walk" it away from the wall, Koga makes his announcement. His excitement is short lived, though, when he hears the fight begin in the next section of the room. Following the elf around the crates, Panatix digs in his satchel while he runs.

When he gets around the boxes and crates, he's shocked to see rats almost as big as himself. Recovering quickly, he stamps one foot and says "Chromatyczna kula, daj mi światło!"

Then he says, "Everyone cover your eyes!" as he winds up and throws a small white object into the midst of the rats.

10:32, Today: Panatix rolled 7 using 1d20+2.  To hit rat - thrown missile.
10:28, Today: Panatix rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In the first section, Wick had been helping to assist with moving crates out of the way for inspection of the back wall.

In the second section, as the rats met those entering their section, two of them tried to attack Storm, though neither was able to make contact.  Koga came at the outcry, but found that he was barely able to control the arrow which careened wildly into the section, striking nothing but an old crate.  Storm, on the other hand, brought down his sword to sever the head from one of the rats which had just attacked him.

Panatix came over and threw his small object which burst into a small orb of light just above the rats.

Another rat managed to bite Storm, and then another rat bit Storm, while Angus tried to strike another rat with his staff, succeeding only in keeping the rat from making contact with anyone else while not actually striking the rat.

Dak stood ready to defend the unconscious man who had betrayed them, while Odelia worked to get things back together after her descent below the floor.  Telemachus stood ready, but none of the rats passed the others, and with the number of crates did not give much more opportunity for entering the fray.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus looks at the huge rats and proclaims "Cigam Elissim" and a blue ball flies from his fingers and arcs and hits the rat that just bit Storm!

09:53, Today: Angus rolled 3 using 1d4+1. magic missile.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Sorry!" Koga said as the arrow flew wildly into the fray. Undeterred, he nocked another. Surely, if he could catch normal-sized rats with a weapon as crude as a belaying pin, he could hit these massive things with one designed for the purpose.

Koga na'Kana rolled 20 using 1d20+3.  Attack.
Koga na'Kana rolled 8 using 1d8.  Damage.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Hearing the commotion, Odelia moved to take a look, and found the battle unfolded.

OOC: Joining next round. Rolled Initiative anyway.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak remained ready to splatter any rats that made it past the front line.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Ignoring the bites, Storm attacks another rat. His weapon flashes in the air like okenwielded by a master. The sword strikes home.

Ooc: rolls 20 attack, 10 damage

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix draws his dagger and steps back out of the way, prepared to defend himself or anybody that might need a hand.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"They are defending their lair, perhaps their young..." added Telemachus knowing that they were likely too far engaged to want to stop the attack on either side.  As before he kept to one side in case they decided to retreat past him or one of the rats made it past them for him to stab with the spear.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The illuminated rats seemed to be in a bit of a frenzy, and their agitation seemed directed at Storm in particular.  Three of the four still living rats each managed to take a sizable bite out of the young paladin, although the fourth closed its teeth on air as Storm stepped back in preparation for his mighty swing.

Aiming more carefully, Koga shot one of the teeming rats, while Angus' arcane missile stuck down another.  With another mighty swing, Storm decapitated another of the rats that had bit him.  Others stood by in case the rats left the section, but now there was but one rat remaining, and while it did not seem ready to retreat it also did not seem intent on leaving the crates in the center section.

((-6hp Storm))

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick had agreed and moved back to the storage area with Panatix, helping to move the crates and such around, but spending as much time studying the area as actually doing any of the grunt work.  He has a long history of taking the time of trying to find out easier ways of getting stuff done.

However, when the rats attack, he goes to join the fray.  Pulling up a bit short, he grabs up one of his knives and prepares to cast...

10:58, Today: Wick rolled 1 using 1d10.  Initiative.
10:59, Today: Wick rolled 14 using 1d20+2.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga's excitement at killing the giant rat dissipated when he saw the bite that the remaining one took out of Storm. The stakes were real, here. They could be killed as rats as easily as by a goddess's curse, especially if more of the things awaited them in the catacombs ahead. He fired another wild shot.

Koga na'Kana rolled 6 using 1d20+3.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus takes a two handed swing at the last rat but hits the wall and drops his staff! Stinger!

15:18, Today: Angus rolled 6 using 1d10. initiative.
15:18, Today: Angus rolled 1 using 1d20. to hit.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Seeing her companions fail one after the other, Odelia took a shot herself at the final rat.

16:26, Today: Odelia rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Arrow Shot.
16:28, Today: Odelia rolled 1 using 1d6.  Damage.

(Double damage from Specialization)

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
While Panatix's orb of light winked out, its absence did nothing to prevent the flurry of activity from the companions--a dagger from Wick, an arrow from Odelia, and a tap from the staff of Angus, all of which combined to slay the final giant rat.

XP line by 325684 DM (GM)
The line

XP line by 325827 Storm
Stom wipes his weapon, sheathin it.

After that, he searches the area to look for anything salvageable. As he searches, he curls his nose, slighly repulsed by the stench of the rats. However, having lived on a farm before, he is used to the heavy smell of animals ad is able to tolerate the stench.

He then takes out his stick, activates it and sees if it directs him to any treasure.

XP line by 325699 Telemachus
Seeing the state of Storm after the battle Telemachus walked up to the man, "You did well.  Let me see if I can ensure that you remain to continue doing well..."

Rapping the butt of the spear on the stone he intoned  as he grasped the mans shoulder.  When his intonation finished a fain aura emerged from Telemachus and then flowed from his body and into Storms.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

Like the first section, the crates in the middle section were filled with dirt, bricks, and rubbish.  There was, perhaps a little more rubbish, but no further rats appeared ready to attack.

For the moment, the wand was offering no guidance.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"Thank you my friend," Storm says gratefully to the healer. He then walk overto the crates, sticking his broadsword into the crates to look for items or other useful objects.

"Wonder what these crates usedto hold,' he mumbles to his friends. Then h walks over to Section 3.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus visibly relaxes when the rats are all dead, like a coiled spring being unstrung. He begins to poke and prod with his staff at the walls, at the floor, at the crates, everywhere there could be an answer to their current problem of finding a way out of here.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
After the last rat is dead, Odelia moves forward to recover her arrow, and while she is at it takes a look around for any rats they may have missed among the crates.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Anyone find ANYTHING anywhere to give us a clue out of this? Panatix? Storm? Odelia, Wick? Telemachus? Koga? Dak? I have managed to find nothing."

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
With the rats seemingly dead Telemachus picks up his torch again and moves carefully into the mess of crates to figure out what they were protecting.  Beyond that he looked for other clues that might have been missed in the fight.  He shook his head to Angus, "Nothing yet."

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick shrugs.  "There's a stone in the wall over there, looks a little out of place to me.  I'm thinking it might be a catch release or something, but I figured I'd like to have some backup in case things don't go so well."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Where?" Angus asks coming over to look for himself. "It might open this place up and let us out of this grave we're in. What are your thoughts Storm?" Angus asks the paladin.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix relaxes and puts his dagger back into the satchel before replying to Angus with a shoulder shrug. "I haven't seen anything yet."

Since this room seems covered, Panatix makes his way back to the pit and looks down the corridor as far as he can see, then looks at the lip of the pit on either side of the corridor.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In the first section, along the back wall, Wick was able to point out to the others a small  stone which seemed to have a smoother texture than the other stones of the wall.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus knew that some rats liked to collect shiny things and if  this had been a nest for any length of time it was possible they had filched something from the grave goods to bring there.  From useless to highly useful he used the spear tip to search the next and make sure they hadn't taken a needed key or other such thing.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"There's something over here as well," Koga says, pointing to the first section where he'd been searching. "We just have to move these crates."

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak stayed with Klei and kept an eye on the gnome in case he needed any help in the next room.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing that his friend has found the spot, Storm ambles over trying to see what he can do to help. He whispers," well done my friend." Saying that, he tries to see if any of the stones are loose or can be pushed

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Great find Wick, manipulate the stone to see what happens Storm, did you find something too Koga? What is it?"

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

When Storm moved in to try pushing and prodding, the smooth stone seemed to depress slightly, and a door opened into a hallway of roughly-hewn stone.  While not exactly foul, the air seemed a little more dank.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"We have a secret door! Light, bring light!" Angus urges. "Your stick Storm, what does it say?"

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing the door open, Storm is elated.?howecer the smell of the stale still air discomfited him and he pinches his nose momentarily.
Letting the air circulate, he advises his companions not to enter first to let the stale air dissipate

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Good idea, we have to breath the air, let it be reasonably 'fresh' air." Angus replied to Storm.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Not trusting the place, Odelia makes her way to the entrance after checking the boxes, but doesn't go through it until the rest are ready to move.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I would say we should spike it open, but where are we going to go if not through. Klei has us in a death trap, the crazy old fool."

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"I'll wait for you here with Klei," Dak said.  "He shouldn't be moved more than necessary.

"Send someone back if you find something."

As much as the others may dislike the old man, he was still the only reason they had a chance of getting off the island alive.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus takes a torch from whoever will let him and he steps through the door into the new room/hall. "Coming?"

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
"Yeah, I'll come with you."  Wick falls in next to Angus, the candle back in hand.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus prods the floor and everything around him as he goes with his staff. He searches as best he can with the light available from the torch and candle. "Keep your eyes open Wick, thank you for helping."

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Are you sure?" The elf raises an eye skeptically at Dak but doesn't argue with him. He joins the others proceeding through the hidden passage. "Shall I go first? Keep an eye out for further traps?"

Edit: Whoops, confused Wick and Dak.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The tunnel was wide enough that two could easily walk across.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia will stay with Dak, but making sure to keep watch over the passage the others were going through, in case they needed asistance. She also had her bow ready in case the goblins and orcs found a way down, or more rats decided to show themselves.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Leaving off examination of the pathway beyond the collapsed floor, Panatix joined those exploring what seemed to be a more promising way.

"He said we'd never find it," said Panatix, "and this way was pretty hidden."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm will volunteer to lead the advance into the tunnel. He will draw his sword and wand as he enters the tunnel.
Taking a deep breath, heenters the tunnel and mouths a silent prayer as he has a slight apprehension of enclosed areas.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

It took little time for the lights taken by those into the tunnel to disappear from view.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Sensing the humming, Storm signals for his companions to pause while he analyzes the direction of the hum before continuing.
He is excited as the wand finally works.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus as well stayed with Odelia and Dak providing a little extra muscle if it was needed.  Waiting patiently he watched the way they had come more carefully than where they were going to go...

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus lets Storm take the lead after he comes in and follows behind the defacto leader of the group.

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick moves along the darkened passageway, resisting the urge to rush forward.  Like Angus, he has his staff out and prods anything that strikes him as suspicious, though he's more interested in detecting traps and trying to sort them out instead of just triggering them.  Another cave-in could be a little inconvenient.

XP line by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
While the tunnel was quite long, neither Angus nor Wick discovered anything untoward in their examination of the walls of the passage that had been found.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm walks towards the wall with the three niches. He follows the guidance of the wand and as he approaches the niches, he notices that one is empty and two contain bodies.

He pauses and remembers that these should be the bodies that the half elf spoke of. Standing before the bodies, he tucks his wand in his clothes and bows before the bodies to perform a ritual of honoring the dead and respecting them. Turning around, he says,"these are the nobles. Come my friends let us pay our respect to them first before we proceed."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Storm approached, something quite unexpected happened--the individuals upon the stone slabs sat up.  One was a male, wearing what looked like dull scale armor, a golden coronet, and finely made blue garments.  His flesh was generally pallid, although a number of bruises could be seen, along with some cuts which were now lines of brown.  In his hand was a mace.  He started to swing his mace at Storm, but stumbled, as though not quite used to walking.

The woman was also pallid in appearance, although she had long, beautiful blonde hair and wore a lovely gown of green which was marred by a very large bloodstain in the middle of the chest.  Wordlessly she approached Storm, apparently intent on squeezing the life out of him.

((-3hp Storm))

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"Damn! Stupid me! Should have detect evil. Storm takes his sword and raises the sand pointing it at the two cadavers, hoping the sand will give some guidance

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
"Respects?" Koga scoffs, even before the dead rise to attack Storm. "For what do I owe them resp - oh hell!" Hastily he draws his bow and fires at the one in the scale armor.

Koga na'Kana rolled 23 using 1d20+3.  Attack.
Koga na'Kana rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus drops his staff and swings the burning torch at the queen as she 'embraces' Storm!

06:03, Today: Angus rolled 6 using 1d6. damage.
06:03, Today: Angus rolled 10 using 1d20. to hit.  MISSED

06:05, Today: Angus rolled 8 using 1d10. initiative.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Taking a look at the situation, Panatix decided to start back to get those who had stayed back with Klei.

"Need help this way," he called back to his friends, not wanting to delay by the length of time it would take to get all the way back.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
If Odelia can hear Panatix, she will move towards the tunnel detecting the tension in his voice, bow always ready. "Fall back!"

OOC: How wide is the tunnel? And do tell if you need my init already.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
((Tunnel is about 9-10 feet wide.  There is no problem hearing Panatix for anyone in the "rear guard" group.))

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Maybe they just need some help moving rocks," Dak said to Odelia as he joined her next to the opening.  "I think there'd be more screaming if they were in real trouble."

He carried a javelin in one hand and his axe in the other.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Or maybe not.  Let's split the difference then..." remarked Telemachus.  He slipped by Dak and Odelia next to the wall and kept to the one side in case she fired the bow she had.  Shifting his grip on his spear and how he held the torch the man took off running cause he'd seen that it took their torches a fair amount of time to disappear and they were clearly beyond that by some.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Hearing Odelia's call, "We can't fall back! We're engaged already!"

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In the large chamber, the king got to his feet in time to take an arrow to one leg from Koga.  Perhaps it was the arrow that disrupted his motion, but at least the mace still swung wide of Storm.  The queen, perhaps distracted by Angus' swipe with a torch, unloosened her grip on Storm, and seemed too hesitant to decide which of the living she should attack and grasped at the air without harming anyone.

Deciding to run toward trouble, Telemachus made his way to the end of the tunnel to see the fight in progress.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Cursing under her breath, Odelia pressed forward. If they weren't taking the battle to her, they left her with no choice but to move into the tunnels herself. Her new instincts told her that firing in closed spaces such as these was a bad idea...

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
The light having left with Telemachus, Dak took both weapons in one hand felt his way along after the girl at a cautious pace. The old man would be fine for a short while on his own.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
When the queen releases her grip on him, Storm immediately jumps backwards to avoid her grapple. Disgusted, he admonishes the undead in the name of the blue lady.

Feeling the strong pull of the wand towards the king, Storm has an inspiration. Storm uses his wand to touch the king.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Hearing the sound of running feet coming down the corridor, Panatix is satisfied that help is on the way. He draws his dagger and hurries around behind the queen where he uses his size to his advantage and attempts to stick and move.

12:48, Today: Panatix rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.
12:49, Today: Panatix rolled 10 using 1d20.  To hit.
12:54, Today: Panatix rolled 1 using 1d4.  Damage?

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
At the suggestion that Wick pay respects, his immediate thought is that they had other things to worry about.  Maybe there was something philosophical in having them come to the attack in response to his lack of respect.

He'd rather attack from the rear, but being as he was already on the front lines, he didn't waste time thinking about it.  Letting his staff fall, he pulls out his dagger and lunges forward, aiming at the one that looked like she might once have been a queen.

OOC:  09:58, Today: Wick rolled 9 using 1d20.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus frowned and moved to aid Storm since he wasn't sure if simply trying to touch this 'king' with the wand was going to do much of anything.  Awkwardly wielding the spear he had he did his best to make sure that mace didn't contact either of them.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus swings the torch at the queen again, but misses so badly he almost hits Wick! "Sorry about that!"

11:20, Today: Angus rolled 1 using 1d20. to hit.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga, hands shaking, stagers several steps back from the approaching undead and fires off a wild shot.

OOC: On phone but rolled 1.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In the tunnel, Dak continued to feel his way along the walls, finding that the stone was relatively smooth with a few rough gouges from the tools that had once carved the tunnel through the bedrock.

In the large chamber, it seemed things were not going very well at the moment.  Seeing Storm somewhat beleaguered, Telemachus sprang from the tunnel with his spear, hoping to interpose between Storm and the king's mace.  Unfortunately, his action was not enough to bring a halt to the undead king.

Wick moved in with a dagger but the mass of golden hair foiled his efforts at stabbing the dead queen.  Angus swung his torch wildly at the queen, his action such that not only did he nearly singe Wick, but the torch itself flew from his fingers to land, flame sputtering, on the floor.  A moment later, Koga's arrow came across the room, hitting the back wall of the queen's niche, and ricocheting from there to the side walls, the arrow shaft splintering as the pieces fell to the floor.

Panatix moved in to attack the queen, but he missed as she doggedly came at Storm again, once more grasping him, as the wand suddenly snapped.  The king swung, but his blow came to the air between Storm and Telemachus.

Just then, Odelia emerged from the tunnel into the large room.  In the tunnel, Dak could feel that the stone of the floor and wall were sound enough that he might safely quicken his pace despite the fact that he could see nothing.

((-3hp Storm))

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak doubled his pace as he found the floor smooth and the wall steady beneath his hand.  He just hoped there wasn't a step anywhere along the way.  Either up or down would be disastrous.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Still shaking, Koga turned his bow on the undead queen, though to little end.

Koga na'Kana rolled 12 using 1d20+3.  Attack.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Moving in a little closer on the queen, Panatix tries to stab her in the back while she has a grip on Storm.

10:22, Today: Panatix rolled 6 using 1d10.  Initiative.
10:23, Today: Panatix rolled 11 using 1d20.  To hit.
10:24, Today: Panatix rolled 2 using 1d4.  Damage?

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus pulls his belaying pin and swings hard at the queen again!

07:48, Today: Angus rolled 2 using 1d6. damage.
07:48, Today: Angus rolled 14 using 1d20.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Hurt, Storm attacks with his broadsword praying to the blue lady to save him. He is oozing blood and badly hurt. However, he valiantly attacks

Ooc: rolls 10'attafk 11'damage

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Can someone heal Storm? He is badly hurt!" Angus shouts out to the others!

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Now with the enemy within sight, Odelia aims carefully at the head of the undead woman, and lets loose her arrow.

11:51, Today: Odelia rolled 17 using 1d20.  Arrow Shot.
(-4 from called shot, +2 from point blank range/+1 from short range, +2 from DEX)

11:52, Today: Odelia rolled 3 using 1d6.  Damage.
(Double if point blank range)

11:55, Today: Odelia rolled 10 using 1d10.  Initiative.

(The shot would go before initiative because Odelia had an arrow prepared beforehand)

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus made the adjustment needed to avoid the mace and struck out with his spear again at the king and again the tip glanced off the creatures armour...

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
In the tunnel, Dak had just rounded a sharp corner, and could now see light at the end of the tunnel as well as hearing the sounds of combat ahead.  There was perhaps another 25 feet for him to traverse before emerging into the chamber ahead.

Angus, seeing the plight of Storm, swung his belaying pin, not worried about retrieving the dropped torch just then, tapping the queen's arm, but without causing her attack to  cease.  Others in the area closer to the queen made attempts which still failed to do more than catch her hair or the fabric of her gown, none of which did anything to dissuade her from her attack on Storm.

Odelia had cleared the tunnel, and with a skill to rival that of the legendary Cailean of Ekialde, fired an arrow into the head of the queen who was mid-attack on Storm, dropping the royal lady.

Telemachus made another attempt to stop the king, who still carried Koga's first arrow in his thigh.  The king himself now seemed to take notice of Telemachus, but the swing of his mace did little more than ruffle the clothing Telemachus now wore.

While the queen had been restored to death, the king was ready to continue his fight against those who had come into the chamber.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
 storm attacks  the king

OOC: misses

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
With Storm still in the fight Telemachus continued to circle so as to give the most possible chances for others to strike at the kings unprotected rear.  With his focus more on not being hit, not to mention not really knowing how to use the spear correctly, the tip glanced again and again off the armour he wore.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
As the undead lady falls to the floor with an arrow sprouting from her head, Panatix turns his attention to the man. Slipping in behind the man, the gnome attempts to stab him in the back.

04:42, Today: Panatix rolled 15 using 1d20+2.  To hit.
04:39, Today: Panatix rolled 2 using 1d4.  Damage?

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Seeing the Queen fall, Angus attempts to hit the king.

08:18, Today: Angus rolled 9 using 1d10. initiative.

08:17, Today: Angus rolled 6 using 1d6. damage.
08:17, Today: Angus rolled 12 using 1d20. to hit.

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
If the attacks of her companions weren't enough, Odelia will continue with her assault, aiming at the king's head this time.

Shooting only if the ones with lower init didn't kill the king.

09:59, Today: Odelia rolled 19 using 1d20.  Arrow Shot.
09:59, Today: Odelia rolled 1 using 1d6.  Damage.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
While Telemachus and Angus were only able to glance blows off the armor of the king, and Storm's position precluded him from landing a successful blow, Panatix managed to slip behind the king and sink a dagger in.  A moment later, Odelia's arrow entered the king's face and the  dead sovereign collapsed in renewed death.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus checks on Storm, trying to staunch his bleeding wounds if he has any. If not, "Storm needs healed if a priest among you can help."

After he gets aid, Angus retrieves his torch and staff and stows the belaying pin back in his belt. Then he retrieves the mace and armor from the king for Storm or another fighter and casts detect magic on everything concentrating on the king and queen and their goods. Knowing they'd be needed in the future.

Angus will then assist with the renewed effort to find a way out of here.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Holy..." exclaimed Telemachus as he had only caught the arrow doing the same thing to the Queen through his peripheral sight.  Turning his head he added with a small smile, "I don't think I will ever need reminding to not piss you off Odelia"

Telemachus shook his head, "I've already used all I had on Storm earlier when he was almost as bad."

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia smirks at Telemachus' remark, but doesn't add anything as she goes to see if her arrows were still usable. While she is at it, she makes sure the undead are dead for good, since it would be a pain for them if they didn't stay down.

"It seems like you got the right way here. Make sure Klei stays asleep while we pass down here. We don't want him to see the corpses and freak out."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The king's armor had been a very high quality scale mail, which appeared to have been purposefully dulled to reduce reflection in combat.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
The scale mail and the mace are both magical. Storm? Do you wish to upgrade to the armor? Anyone else use the mace?"

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
((Sizewise, the armor would require considerable re-working to fit Storm.  The king had been half-elven, and 5'5"))

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Hmmmmm. the king was shorter, another fighter type want to try it out?"

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm says a quick prayer to the dead and searches for anything worth taking the wand to detect any humming. He searches the queen

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The wand, having been broken, no longer gives any signals.  The queen had nothing of note, only the gown that she had been wearing.  The king had had a golden coronet on his head, but otherwise it looked as though his armor and mace were all that were of value.

Looking about, they could see another area which looked like it had once been a niche like those where the king and queen had been, although this one had been bricked up.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Arriving to find everything well in hand, Dak waited to see if they'd actually discovered a way out.  There was still the last chamber in the other direction to explore if this one fell through.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm takes the mace and practices using it. Having been trained in its use, he attempts to wield the mace and to see its efficiency I. His hands.

After that he joins the wand together and asks the blue lady to for her divine favor in repairing it

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Exhaling now more easily that the fight is done Telemachus takes the pack he’s cobbled together and sets it down.  Moving over to the scaled armour he begins folding it as best he could so he could either tie it off to the back of his pack or put it in after off-loading the rope from inside to hang on the outside.  When it’s done he carefully placed the crown in the pack as well and seals it up for transport.

ooc: can’t wear the armour but need to keep things moving by packing up to go.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
As the king falls, Panatix steps back and though a bit shaken is a little proud that he acquitted himself well in this combat. Looking around to see what needs doing, he nods in agreement with Telemachus while looking at Odelia. Not trusting a shaky voice, though, he breathes a quiet sigh of relief and notices the bricked up niche in the area from where the two undead monarchs emerged. Panatix walks over to the bricked up area and runs his hand over the bricks before using the dagger to poke at the mortar for loose areas.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I wonder if the child is in the niche, but time is of the essence now, we need to find an exit soon."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The bricked up area had a bronze plaque on the end facing into the large chamber.  This plaque had an engraving which read "Here lies Prince Aukani/brought down by illness/in the twentieth year of Nikolao's Reign".

Now that the monarchs had been restored to death, it might also be noted that there were words scratched into the stone slabs upon which they had been.  The one which had been the king's resting place read "Nikolao/Sea King/Tamed isle/laid low by pirates".  The one which had been the queen's resting place read "Queen Leana/rests by Sea King/laid low by pirates".

Further examination of the chamber showed that while some of the floor had been made smooth, some was still roughly hewn.  The walls, too, were roughly hewn, although there was a remarkably smooth section of wall opposite where the party had entered the chamber.  Near this area, on the wall opposite the plaque, there was a wooden lever.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"I'd hold off on the lever for a moment.  Before the old man went totally mad he mentioned the boat, grave goods and a way out.  Pulling something obvious should be done after we do all the other searching first." remarked Telemachus.

He gestured to the two corpses, "Besides we can take them with us and give them a burial at sea in recompense for using thier goods to help us live."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"Lets search the prince and the king and Queen resting place for loot. They may be buried under the bodies,"'Stormmsays.

Although he is hurt badly, he still has some decency to remove the bodies genrly aside before searching the biers for some secret compartment.

Hearing Telemanchus' words l, Storm gladly agrees. He says;"'yes a sea burial is befitting of these kings and queens of the sea."

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The bricked up wall with the plaque did not reveal obvious weaknesses, although perhaps some strong blows might open a way in the wall.

The stone slabs upon which the two monarchs had been resting did not reveal any secret compartments.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm tries to join the broken wand with his prayer

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
The wand remained broken and inert.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus stayed relatively quiet through this endeavor, not having too much to say. Burial at sea seemed appropriate for a sea king and his queen.

"We could let them simply rest in peace too."

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Satisfied in his mind that there doesn't appear to be a secret panel or doorway in the bricked area, Panatix leaves it relatively untouched before doing too much damage. He then stands, walks back to the corridor entrance and makes a slow scan as far as the turn on both sides of the corridor to see if there is anything they might have missed.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Pull the lever?" Angus asks the others. "It might be our way out or a quick death."

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Looking around he added, "Klei said we'd never find them or the way out...and a lever is a little too obvious for even his deranged mind to discount in exiting so it likely isn't the way out and just another trap but like I said...let's leave that one for last after we've exhausted our searches, the bricked area and the way beyond the pitfall.  If we have nothing left to loose then we can pull it..."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Klei said we'd never find where they rested, we have. Klei is a fool without doubt."

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"I'll help search that next section if someone with a torch wants to head back with me," Dak proposed.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus took his torch and led the way for Dak.

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick reclaims his torch and staff and moves over towards the lever, looking for anything that looks suspicious or that might indicate what it's for.  "I could rig up a rope, try to pull the lever from the tunnel or something."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Why? Die now, die later. What's the difference? We either get out, or we die."

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
"I don't know about you, but I'd much rather die later. Several years later, if possible. I'd rather be too careful than not careful enough. But yes, if we don't get out of here we are dead. So we can only keep going."

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"That's what I said, thank you. Once there is nothing else, we'll pull the lever."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm steps forward offering to pull the lever

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Go ahead Storm, let's see what happens."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Telling his friends to stand back, Storm pulls the lever

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Since Angus seemed to have had second thoughts about leading the way back, Dak took the torch from the indecisive man and went himself.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus follows Dak.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Dak, followed by Angus, started the trek down the long tunnel, Storm pulled the lever.

The wall section which had appeared smooth began to develop a series of cracks, like crazing on a glazed vase.  Then, with a sudden crash, the wall dissolved into a number of smaller stones which fell outward down a ramp.

A sudden chill wind and rain, much like the weather had been when they first left the ship of their captivity, came into the room.  Where there had once been a wall, there was now a broad opening.  Beyond, there was the sea, and a darkening sky which suggested there might be only a few hours remaining before nightfall.

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
"I guess this is the exit! Shall we search the area for more items or move on? I thought Klei buried the king and queen with their goods? I suggest we wake him up and ask him?" Storm says, hoping to find more items to aid their survival l.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Assuming everyone else died in the grinding rock noises behind them, Dak continued his mission.  They needed to exhaust all of their options before their time ran out.  Everyone following in a line wasn't the fastest way to cover the ground they needed to.

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
"Angus! Keymaster! A portal has opened to the outside! This way!"

Without waiting to see what effect his call had on their two companions, Panatix walks over to the new doorway and looks through it to see what he can see. He will be very excited to see a seaworthy boat.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Outside is the sea, but no boat to be seen.

In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Let's grab Klei and get out of here," Dak said to Angus upon hearing the gnome's exclamation of success.

"We'll save the old man whether he likes it or not.  Whatever his motives, we wouldn't have made it this far without him."

In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix is visibly disappointed when there is no boat or goods to be seen anywhere outside. Then and idea hits him and he moves back over to the bricked up area to inspect it closer.

Speaking to nobody in particular, "Klei mentioned grave goods yet there is nothing in the open with the king and queen of the island. However, the grave goods should be buried with them in order for them to be of use in the afterlife. I think we should check in here."

The gnome uses his dagger and begins to dig at the mortar between the bricks. Not being strong enough to break a hole in the bricked up wall, he will attempt to remove enough mortar in order to remove bricks.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus sighed when Storm simply pulled the lever.  It worked out in the way was clear to the sea but it was a decision he made that could have had dire consequences and as such he moved over to where Panatix was working the mortar and he lended the tip of the spear and its haft as additional leverage to work out stones, "When we work some out don't rush in the off case the son is in there and animated the same way, eh?  Easier to thrust this in and poke him till he stops moving...again...if that's the case."

In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Seeing his intelligent friend move to prise the mortar off, Storm moves in to help as well.'he takes his dagger out and begins using his strength and natural dexterity to help.

Before that he will try to wake the half elf up to ask him

In the catacombs by 325727 Wick
Wick, seeing the wall now opened, moves in that direction to see what there was to see.  If there wasn't a ship, or at least a boat, available, then they'd have to get wet.  Or maybe stay in the crypt and hope to avoid whatever befalls the rest of the island.  Or swimming, there was always that option, though most of what they salvaged would need to be left behind.

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus isn't nice or polite to Klei, but doesn't TRY to harm him. He waits behind the others as they dig out the grave of the child. He breaths in the sea air deeply!

In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Eager to catch some salty but fresh air, Odelia opts for following Wick in his search for a way out.

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
After some effort, a few bricks are removed, and it was dark inside the bricked up area.  Dak and Angus had not yet returned.

In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga gasped at the sight of the sea, his heart leaping at the prospect of getting off this accursed island. It sank just as fast, however, when he saw that there was no ship.

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Collecting up his torch that he'd laid down for the digging he brought it closer so that the light would permeate the darkness and hopefully give them some inkling of an idea if they should keep working...

In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I can feel and smell the sea, we need to hurry Dak!"

In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Bingo!" chuckled Telemachus with a level of unreserved giddiness in his exclamation.

A grin split his face as he added, "I don't know about you all but I rather want to take this wall down cause there is a single masted boat on the other side of this!  Now either the grave goods are in the boat or somewhere else but close at hand..."

Re: In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Telemachus:"When we work some out don't rush in the off case the son is in there and animated the same way, eh?  Easier to thrust this in and poke him till he stops moving...again...if that's the case."

Panatix glances up at Telemachus and grins. "Don't worry about me. I'm not overly brave," he says under his breath.

As the bricked up niche entrance begins to get crowded, Panatix removes a brick that's about two feet from the floor and moves back out of the way to set it down and wait for the hole to be opened wider.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus and Dak approach the party with Klei, light visible in the short distance. "Gold? Or Body?" Angus asks in a loud voice.

Re: In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Neither...yet.  But I've got a single mast boat behind here." and he grinned to Angus, "Was there anything past the pitfall did you check?"

Looking down to Panatix he nodded, "Just be careful..."

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"I haven't been out there yet, Dak and I went back for Klei."

Re: In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Let's set him down again," Dak said to Angus as he lowered the old man gently.

"We didn't get a chance to check beyond the floor trap before Panatix called us back," he explained to the others, "but if the boat's here, we'll be all set."

Though the others seemed intent on looting the crypt, the young fisherman just wanted to get out alive to see his family again.

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
Klei had been a relative dead-weight on the trip back through the tunnel, and was either unconscious or perhaps feigning sleep.

While the others worked at opening the sealed crypt, there was now a wide enough space that one of the smaller in the group might be able to squeeze through.  It also seemed that the wall could also be brought down by hitting it with something stronger than bricks, and perhaps such a tactic could widen the way more quickly.

Re: In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"Take a look with the torch Panatix.  If all looks clear we'll have Storm here use that magical mace on the remains of this wall..." remarked Telemachus as he offered the torch he had in hand to him.

"Just remember, first trouble if any, get out of there."

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

Re: In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix looks into the hole and then at the torch. "Let me get through the hole first, then hand the torch through."

Once through, he takes the torch and, holding it as high as possible for anyone looking through the hole to see, he eases up to the side of the boat and carefully looks over the side. A whispered, "Wow!" is all anybody might hear as he looks up and down the length of the boat a couple of times.

It seems almost irreverent to speak out loud within the burial chamber so Panatix quickly walks back to the entrance and, speaking in hushed tones, says, "C'mon inside. There is a body wrapped in burial cloths in the boat but it is not moving like the others. And it's surrounded by armor, weapons, chests and food. More importantly, the boat is large enough to accommodate all of us. Let me move back before you try to open the hole larger and I will keep an eye on the boat to make sure the body doesn't stand up on us."

As they prepare to open the hole wider, Panatix moves back over toward the boat and takes a closer look around but he's careful not to touch anything around the body.

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)

Re: In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
As they are getting ready to open the hole more, Panatix trots back over to the others and informs them, in hushed tones, "You'll need to open the entrance all the way up. The boat definitely has to come back out this way."

He quickly moves out of the way again and back to the boat. Trying to decide if he would be safe to board the boat and look it over, he holds the edge like he wants to vault over the side.

At the last second, he stops and puts his foot down on the floor adopting a respectful attitude. Then he bows to the prince and quietly asks, "Permission to come aboard, your highness?"

If there is no response after a few seconds, he will take that as an affirmative answer and will climb aboard to have a closer look.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus gives them more light to open the hole by standing directly behind them with the torch.

Re: In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Hearing that his friend has found the boat with burial goods and body, Storm rushes over. His instincts tells him that the dead is probably a member of the sea king royalty. He approaches the body and uses his detect evil skill to see if there is any dark or undead magic coming from the body.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus does his best to help remove brick and block from the wall, moving the block far back the tunnel so they would have room to get the boat out of the niche and not block their very ability to release it from it's prison.

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
No evil emanated from the dead form on the boat.  As the slow work of prying brick-by-brick expanded the opening, those in the group could see the boat, which looked similar to the ship that had taken them from their homes, but at a considerably smaller scale.

The dead man, almost certainly the prince named on the plaque that had adorned the wall which was now being dismantled, did not move or respond to Panatix's request for permission to board.  He lay upon the forward hatch, surrounded by a number of silver plates, golden goblets, silver knives and forks, a set of armor, a sword, a dagger, and three small chests.

Near the wheel was a rolled up, well-preserved sail.  Also present on board were eight oars, all of which appeared to be sound.

((Go to Group 0 map to see an 'exploded' view of the boat.))

Re: In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm uses his mace to break the wall down

Re: In the catacombs by 325698 Koga na'Kana
Koga stares at the boat and accompanying treasure in disbelief. "It almost seems too good to be true. All this gold. And why brick up a ship with a dead prince? Klei knew the boy was buried here. Did he not know about the ship? Or why wouldn't he want us to find it?" The yearning in the elf's voice strained against his suspicion.

Re: In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Does it look like there's a way to get the boat into the water?" Dak called through the hole as he tossed bricks clear of the opening as they fell.  It looked a little too big for them to manhandle around.

Re: In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus walked around the boat and nodded as he went, "Yes this will work indeed."

When Dak asked his question he smiled, "Aye, I'll need everyone's help though.  There is some extra wood at the back.  Grab it and bring it to the front.  We'll tie rope onto the aft of the boat, lift the front up slightly to slide under the rounded wood and push slightly.  Keep adding the wood under the ship and it'll roll quite nicely out to sea.  Rope at aft is for getting on board after she's in the water...she'll want to go with the current once she's in so most of us should be in her before she starts down that slope.  Maybe just myself or Storm if he can swim."

Re: In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Panatix breathes a quiet sigh of relief as the prince truly appears dead. He looks around at all the items within reach but resists the urge to touch anything before it's time.

Watching Telemachus walk around the boat, Panatix responds to his call for rope by slipping the coil he has been carrying from off his shoulder. "I have about 20 feet of rope to use. This is as good a time as any," he says as he offers up the rope.

Then he jumps down from the boat and begins to attempt to drag one of the pieces of wood forward to the front of the ship.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus helps Panatix move logs under the keel of the boat. He understood the principle for getting it to the water, the question now was could they actually do it.

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
At last the wall was opened sufficiently that the boat would be able to pass through.  It quickly became apparent that while the use of the wood would be an effective way to get the boat to the opening, it would require the cooperation of nearly everyone to achieve the goal quickly.

Outside, the sky was growing darker, and there was an increase in the fall of rain.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Lets hurry and put our backs to it!" Angus said to the others and began to work on getting the boat out. Straining with all his might with the others to work together to lift, move, and roll and turn together to move the boat out of the niche into the tunnel so they could push it quickly to the sea. The Goddess promised to spare them, if they were on the water.

Re: In the catacombs by 325700 Odelia
Odelia comes back and joins the group's efforts aswell. She was as eager to get away from the island as the others.

12:57, Today: Odelia rolled 7 using 1d20.  Strenght Check.

Strenght check, in case it's needed

Re: In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak helped push the boat as well, keeping in mind he'd need time to get Klei into the boat before it hit the water.

"Maybe we should return the prince to his parents," he suggested, his mind on who should be leaving with them and who should stay.  The Goddess was going to make a fine shrine for them when the island sank.

"Is there a line on the boat in case it gets away from us?" Dak asked as he suddenly pictured them all watching as the boat sailed away without them.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus ties his rope to the stern of the boat, realizing Dak was right. "Lay the boy with his mother?" Angus asks as well.

Re: In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
"A good plan...she is going to sink this entire island so laying the three back is a suitable grave.  We should also secure the goods on the boat for rough seas so they aren't lost during our flight." remarked Telemachus.

Re: In the catacombs by 325897 Panatix
Telemachus:"A good plan...she is going to sink this entire island so laying the three back is a suitable grave.  We should also secure the goods on the boat for rough seas so they aren't lost during our flight." remarked Telemachus.

Afraid that he was in the way on the ground, Panatix took this as his cue and clambered back onto the boat to secure the grave goods inside the hatches and, if needed, to direct the removal of the prince's body from the boat.

As the boat continued to move toward the exit, Panatix also stowed and secured the oars so that they wouldn't lose any of them in the event the boat made a rough landing into the water.

Re: In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Storm moves forward to lend this strength to aid his friends. Knowing that this is the final obstacle to escape,'he grunts as he lends his enermous strength against the load, pushing with his might.

He will coordinate the pushing by giving time signals

Re: In the catacombs by 325684 DM (GM)
As Panatix, whose weight made little difference to those moving the boat, worked to stow away the goods and ensure the oars were secured, the wood helped move the ship across the room to the opening.

The prince's body was still aboard the ship as they neared getting the boat to the opening to the sea.  Klei, still bound and not moving, was on the floor of the great chamber.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
"Catch your breath a second, pass the prince down, we'll put him with his parents to keep them together. Then down the slope."

Angus takes the body from Panatix and lays it in the arms of his mother. Then back to the boat!

Re: In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
Dak breaks off pushing in order to get Klei onto the boat.  He knew the others would just as soon leave him behind, but he couldn't leave the old man behind.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Angus helps Dak, he doesn't like Klei, but Dak is his friend.

Re: In the catacombs by 325714 Dak
"Thanks," Dak said, acknowledging Angus' help with the old half elf as they lifted him into the boat.

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
After the prince is off the boat and Klei is on it, Angus throws his shoulder back to the boat and awaits Storm's signal to push.

Re: In the catacombs by 325827 Storm
Once everyone is safely onboard, Storm does a final sweep and check to ensure everyone and thing is on the boat before he gives fhe signal to push the boat out.

"Ready all? Let's go! One,'two three push!" He says

Re: In the catacombs by 325699 Telemachus
Telemachus gave his pack to Panatix after having stripped himself of his armour.  It was great for combat but if he was tossed overboard he would sink like a stone.  It too was folded and added to it so that it was more than heavy and would not move likely anywhere once Panatix secured it below deck.  He only kept his keys, in the bottom of his tightly laced boots, and the daggers beyond his simple clothing and tied his rope to trail off the aft of the boat to help gain purchase once in the water. Like Storm he positioned himself at the rear and on the count heaved with all his might to take it the rest of the way and leave this now cursed island...

Re: In the catacombs by 325694 Angus
Once the boat hits the water, Angus quickly boards the boat! Barely getting wet! He reaches out a helping hand to help anyone else that needed it to get aboard!
