The hold is run by King Silverfist- the clan leader of Silverfist clan. The hold has about 3000 dwarves in total, approximately. About a third are of the Silverfist clan and then others from a variety of smaller and larger clans. The hold's population would be around 97% dwarven with a few gnomes and humans within the hold. So there is almost a 100 non-dwarves in the city, most of those being gnomes then humans then halflings. There are bound to be a few other races present as well.

The Hold is relatively young, only 1000 years old. The mines below the hold are still filled with silver ore, iron ore and copper. Leaving plenty of work and riches for the community. Above the mines is the main city levels of the Hold with the hold being located inside a mountain, the mines at the bottom, the living areas above and the very top for the market area, that sprawls out into a top area above the mountain where most outsides conduct their business. As is normal for dwarven holds there are gates upon gates and walls upon walls and murderholes and traps and secret doorways and such to defend the hold. More and more defenses are slowly being built and improved upon, the miltia tirelessly patrol and keep the place safe. The community is strong and thriving under the current King but as is common the dwarves are quite used to living with a siege mentality of keeping their wealth safe and preparing to defend against any possible threats, real or not.

The current King is quite open minded and is trying to expand trade with those above ground, while he dosn't overly welcome too many visitors into the hold, plenty is done above ground and more and more dwarves are venturing out to try and bring wealth back to the Clan.

The two main income is from silver and iron wares crafted with much skill and dedication. There are tunnel ways underground and trade routes above ground, however the dwarves are always on guard for there are many bandits, orc, drow and other creatures and races that would love their share of the dwarven wealth as well.

Overall the dwarves are definitely a goodish lawfulish group- but members of all alignments can be found within the community, there is definitely crime and theft among the dwarven population but it would definitely be less common than among humans for examples.

Even for evil characters or unlawful characters a lot of them, but definitely not all of them, would still have their dwarven loyalty to the clan and the hold and their fellow dwarf. Considering the way dwarves are brought up, and how they often live underground surrounded by monsters with plenty of gold to be protected, its just the dwarven way. So even an evil dwarf would probably be more likely to be evil towards those outside of his clan and hold. He'd happily torture that human bandit or maybe even do some banditry of his own, but not normally against his own people. An unlawful character would not be so happy about following all the laws and traditions but would probably still see their way of doing things in the best interest of the hold. Of course there are selfish and greedy dwarves who mainly care about themselves over everything else, but they would at least generally try to appear to agree with general dwarven consensus... if they wish to be seen in good like by their fellow dwarf. In return for this loyalty to the hold and clan each individual dwarf can expect a fair bit of good will and help in return, this would indeed go for player characters as well.

Some of the notable organisations within the Silverfist Hold are...
The company of the seekers- a group of dwarven adventurers who seek out stories of buried treasure, unexplored ruins and dungeons, and then go and bring back what treasure they can.
This is kind of like an adventurers guild a share of treasure is given to the guild from its members to the company leaders who in turn give some King Silverfist. In return members can have access to the knowledge and training of the more experienced members- who will often provide maps and hints on places to look for treasure.

Silverfist Miltia- every able body dwarf is trained by the miltia at some point in their youth and normally will serve a few years throughout their life in the miltia for good pay and plenty of respect from their fellow clan members. Besides guard duty and gate duty miltia are sent out patrolling the nearby areas underground and sometimes problem solving groups are sent out to find and destroy/deal with problems.

Silverfist Scouts- part of the Militia that is used for longer distance exploration and patrols, for seek and destroy missions even for undercover surveillance of nearby settlements. They are the most often sent above ground, poor buggers! And have to mix with other races like elves and humans even! They can also be sent as messengers or off on adventures further from the hold.

Silverfist Merchants Company- responsible for trade with outsiders and other dwarven holds, often sends out caravans to exchange wares. They also have small holdings in other areas to represent the Clan's interests. Plenty of work for guards, but sometimes other missions may be required. Lots of travelling definitely involved here.

Order of the Bloodyfist- these dwarves seek out and destroy enemies of the hold. Where-ever they may be. They can work as bounty hunters tracking down criminals for the King, they can also work as monster slayers. Often they will decide somebody or something is a threat to the hold before their target even knows about the hold's existence! Not a big organisation but still some of the elder members are well know warriors of exception skill.

Blackshield Company- Oskar blackshield a retired adventurer has set up a small company of dwarven warriors and problem solvers who are willing to work for the highest bidder to help solve problems and provide services using good solid reliable dwarves. They often work with other races and have offices in the nearby settlements. Of course it is without question that the organisation would not work against their clan, and anybody with basic knowledge of dwarves would not bother to ask. Since there are so many organisations based around serving this interest of the clan, this group is mainly left serving foreign interests in nearby settlements or in the hold, or in helping individuals of Silverfist hold with plenty of coin to pursue their own agendas.

Silverfist Guild of Magery- Although the dwarves are not the biggest fans of magic the clan is not foolish enough to ignore its uses and advantages. As such there is a guild of mages within the hold. They take to their study and their work with the typical dwarven industry and also often head out seeking items, knowledge or individuals to further their study and aide with the hold wealthy and well being.

Inhabitants of Silverfist Hold
Kalin is a male dwarf, a martial arts specialist, who used to be apprentice to a stage fighter and has done some show fights himself, but he's now going to look for real treasures!
He's just over 4 feet tall, wears no armor, but a backpack hangs on his shoulders most of the time and his tunic and belt are hung with various weapons: kama, sling, shurikens.
He has brown eyes, black hair and of course a black beard.

Oskar Stonebrow
Oskar is a relatively young dwarf with. Long hair the color of polished granite and skin like kiln-fired clay.  His face and body bear scars from a scouting foray half a year ago; he barely survived an encounter with kobolds and their traps.  Since then, he has been working in his free time as an apprentice trapsmith.
The Stonebrow clan is known as the home of excellent and skilled miners.

Brock Glimmerling
People around the hold know Brock. Stories abound. When that passage of the Starlight Cavern collapsed, Brock took point on finding the way through the rubble. When the Diver family made threw a big party for Graecyn turning 121, Brock was the one who polished up all their old stoneware to give it that glowing luster.  And when those damn spider things showed up down in Blackrock Halls, he strapped up and threw in. He knows his way with arms and armor just like he knows how to use a damn hammer and chisel.

Brock is the guy who will drink with you, fight for you, and fix that crack in the wall for you. Yes, he’s an artist but he’s not all soft eyes and soft hands about it. Sure he’s got some odd obsessions. He’ll deep dive a cavern just get a look at some formations in a particular kind of light. He’ll stare off at some vein of quartz or silver like he’s seeing things that you don’t. The guy is an artist after all but he’ll come back to the real world quick enough.
His own art is less about painstaking exact replicas and more about giving you the idea of a thing. Hard angles, blunt shapes, all turned the right way so you get the notion of it. He’s got a very exactly done bear statue and then he’s got one that is all hard angles and blunt shapes. The first one looks more like a bear but that other one makes you feel like the bear is going to eat you up.
The man is easy to find. Glimmmering Creations is the family shop.

Bazrid is an odd Sorcerer, dressed in a chain shirt and shield he would fit in with any group of warriors but he brings competent magical support where ever he goes.

Roir Blackhammer
Roir is a thin dwarf by dwarf standards due to his time spent in libraries where food is not allowed. His tendency to say "Just one more chapter/page/book and then I'll go to sleep/eat/relieve." has caused him many hungry nights and cold meals. What he lacks in a prominent and a well-rounded belly, he makes up for in a high and mighty, hook-beak of a nose.
Almost 60 years of age, making him an adult by two decades, so not an old dwarf.
When at the mages guild, he usually wears soft fabric trousers, shirt and vest. But out travelling to the places he reads about in his books. He usually wears a travelers outfit. Soft and hard leather to stave of the wind, rain and cold. Along with a dark green cloak with a deep hood. His backpack is heavy and gods only knows what one would find there if some one went looking. Roir himself doesn't fully know. If Roir runs with the backpack, it will start to emit all kinds of sounds, from the clinging of glass to the swishing of liquids to the tap of metal on metal.
He also carries a satchel at all times. Even in the Silverfist Hold.
Roir plays the flute when contemplating, strategizing or in good company.
P.S. His name is pronounced Ro-ir with two syllables and much rolling of the Rrrrrr's.

Thorgal Blackhammer
Thorgal is a Handsome for a Dwarf his long black beard well kept and large brown eyes that seem to shine with a goodness of their own. He has the muscular body of a warrior or smith and his body shows the scars of both.

When clad in his adventuring gear the massive towershield with his families emblem is a thing that draws the eye and it looks like it has been used a lot. Thorgal looks like he doesn't move if he decides he takes a stand.